Caught this over at Daily Kos. The video is like ten minutes long, but it’s well worth watching. It’s Al Franken discussing health insurance reform with a group of Minnesotans at the State Fair.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
One of the big misconceptions about Al Franken is that he isn’t serious. But he knows policy. He knows it really well for someone who has never before had to know it.
I think the misconception is that he’s “just an entertainer”. Entertainers can be wonks too, if that’s where their passion lay. If Franken continues to take leadership roles in policy discussions, and visibly steps to the fore, for his constituents, he’ll be a Senator for a long as he wants to be, and probably be a damn good one, too.
Feingold and Franken–the Old Northwest Progressive wrecking crew…. wish they were mine…
Outstanding. Gotta admit I didn’t expect Franken to be anything special. But all of a sudden he’s the go-to guy for how to talk real policy in a way real people can relate to and doesn’t come off as CYA bullshit. I hope longer association with the Dems doesn’t cause him to come down with their signature communication disease.
My only frustration in this video is that he didn’t pursue why the windbagger woman shook her head No when he assumed everybody would want to end exclusion for preexisting conditions.
And that the nest of pompous vacuity called the US Senate has rules that will prevent him from being majority leader right now.
And violates every rule of the Krugman Progressive Faction by being smart, trying to build coalitions, and not making idiot tactical stands.
This is why the wingnuts feared him so. He’s fucking smart and can actually explain things to people. If we had half a dozen more like him, Democrats would actually be able to pass their agenda.
Another Wellstone? Dare we hope? Stay off of small aircraft Al.
Sen. Franken is going to be a great asset for Minnesota and the rest of the country. He was calm, controlled and respectful of those don’t agree on all issues–and found place they could agree upon.