Matthew Continetti of the Weekly Standard demonstrates how to kill health-care reform in five-easy steps.
Step One: Get a small minority of people to throw a very loud hissy fit and then claim that they speak for the ‘silent majority.’ Avoid self-awareness of irony.
Congress returns this week, and here’s hoping that its members, Democrats in particular, learned a little something from this summer’s town hall meetings. The lesson to be drawn from these occasionally raucous events is that America is on the verge of–or already knee-deep in–one of those moments that periodically roil the country and rearrange our preconceived notions about public life. And not a moment too soon.
Popular outbursts serve as a check on, and corrective to, our elites’ behavior. The people know things the elites forget or don’t want to remember. The political class is supposed to serve the people, not the other way around. As Gerald Ford said after assuming the presidency on August 9, 1974, “Here the people rule.”
Step Two: Conflate unpopular Bush policies and popular Obama policies and falsely claim that politicians face no accountability and are just serving elite opinion. Have no shame.
For a while now, the message from Washington has been that we know what’s good for the public, whether the public likes it or not. One after another, both parties have attempted to foist a series of grand reforms on a skeptical populace–in areas ranging from Social Security and immigration to energy and health care. Politicians have made decisions affecting millions of lives without accountability and oversight. The upshot has been more government, more debt, and–coming soon to a 1040 form near you–more taxes. No wonder the public is anxious.
Step Three: Use the staggering debt run up by the preceding Republican president (mainly to fund tax-cuts for the have-mores) to argue against any spending for a new energy policy or health care reform. Claim you are on the side of ‘the people.’
It should hardly come as a surprise that the public views American elites with suspicion and disdain. Ordinary Americans have a point when they assign blame for the current mess to Wall Street CEOs, federal regulators, corrupt politicians, and gullible reporters. When Americans look at the economic landscape, they see dismal growth, high unemployment, and large deficits. But when they listen to the president and Congress, they hear that “stimulus”–borrowing ever more from tomorrow to spend today–will work like some kind of magic cure.
They hear that this perilous moment is the time to build a “new foundation” with even more expenditures and taxes through “cap-and-trade” and Obamacare. It’s as if spending and debt are no problem; as if it’s fine that the federal government–which failed in its fundamental duties to build guardrails for the financial system–owns large chunks of that system; as if the political, financial, and think-tank elites have proven themselves worthy of the public’s trust.
Step Four: Lie about the health care bill by saying the exact opposite of the truth. Be as dishonest as possible.
The worry that Obamacare will result in fewer personal choices and more government fiat is legitimate. That’s what Obamacare is set up to do. The debate is not merely a matter of which inputs will produce–voilà!–the desired outcomes, as the Obamacrats think. It’s about freedom and responsibility. It’s about a family’s ability to control its fate, an individual’s ability to shape his nation’s future.
Step Five: Claim your side is honest, virtuous, and wise. Claim that you are being unfairly maligned as misguided yokels. Seize the mantel of populism.
Rather than examine the reasoning and emotions behind the public expressions of concern, however, the president and his allies in Congress and the media have dismissed the opposition as crazy, misinformed, cynical, and artificial. To the contrary: In 1985, Irving Kristol wrote that the public activism of the Reagan era “is no kind of blind rebellion against good constitutional government. It is rather an effort to bring our governing elites to their senses.” That’s a fair description, it seems to us, of the public activism on display at town hall meetings across the country over the last month.
As for the elites, especially the liberal elite: They remain deaf, dumb, and blind.
They’ve succeeded in whittling down Obama’s support and raising skepticism about health reform. They’ve done a fantastic job of spooking the media. But the whole thing is a charade. A dishonest charade.
But, wait! That’s all just 1 Easy Step — LYING!
yup. When you serve a small group of extremely wealthy businesspeople, it is necessary to lie constantly in order to have power in a representative government.
Exactly. And it’s cheap and easy
Good Morning
We spoke last night on the Big Orange about my trying out this blog.
I have a question – do you think their strategy will be effective?
maybe. maybe partially. I think it is still up in the air.
All they did was awaken the Democratic base. Desperate tactics by a minority party. Raise hell like you have a majority. Republicans will be losing elections for a hundred years. You can only fool some of the people all of the time. No self-respecting literate person will spout their BS. They are doomed because unfortunately for them its a democracy. In a democracy when your policies benefit a chosen few it catches up to you.
you are neglecting to mention the role played by the sellout corporate democrats like baucus and Conrad, the blue dogs, Rahm Emmanuel who empowered them, and the president staying “above the fray” and sending out mixed messages.
it’s not all the republicans’ fault, and if the president had showed a modicum of leadership and visibility, maybe this wouldn’t have worked so well.
“the republicans are a bunch of meanies” is, to my mind, and ineffective explanation when they represent such a tiny swatch of the country and are a minority in DC. The real problem here has been the democrats.
The exact same methodology applies to the endless diaries and comments on prog blogs.
Entirely the work of GOP astro-turfing?
The authoritarian left is stirring up just as much shit.
It might not lead to a resolution of deep seated racial and daddy issues, but it feels soooo good….
I agree – one of the reasons I switched blogs. Obama is getting it from all sides. I believe the Netroots’ intentions are good, but I think they may end up sabotaging HCR.
That’s right!
If health care reform fails it will be the fault of …… wait for it……….
the DFH’s!
Nobody could have foreseen THAT!
I’d agree to the extent that too many lefties are crying doom before we know what’s coming. By doing so we weaken ourselves and our credibility when it comes to fighting for real proposals.
That said, I don’t see how you can argue that Obama and the congressional Dems have not made such a reaction inevitable. There are a couple of House bills that Obama could have latched onto and shown that he really is about changing the system. Instead he stayed out of the real debate and contented himself with vague and contradictory pronouncements.
Those who were most excited about his election expected more — more difference, more change, more leadership. The corporate patsies got control of the discussion because they walked into a political emptiness. And yeah, that’s the Dems’ fault.
your sig sums it up nicely.
does anyone truly believe that without the opposition from the progressive/liberal blogosphere that the public option, weak tea that it is, would even still be on the table?
if, and it’s a big if, it becomes law, all the DFH’s are going to deserve a hell of a lot of credit.
“opposition” should be “activism”
The stakes are high. Shawn Doherty of the Madison Capital Times conducted an interview published yesterday with former health care public relations exec Wendell Potter
Profits? They got ’em, don’t want to lose ’em!
Are we well and truly screwed? Maybe.
So what happens now?
Stay tuned and keep all those letters, e-mails, faxes and phone calls going out to our representatives in congress.
potter was on bill moyers journal back in july. a very good program with one of the deans of investigative and probing journalism.
transcript and video HERE.
highly recommended.
Moyers is one of the few programs I miss by being TV free. Thanks for the linkage.
id, it’s the only way l can watch it, having been tv free for nearly 13 yrs and counting…it’s a regular stop on the tubz here.
you should bookmark it, and get back in the groove, eh.
Good advice.
The episodes are actually free via itunes, IIRC.
I’m still a believer:
Inspiration is not so easily abandoned – Obama has not forgotten his mother’s deathbed battles. Think I’ll try to wait and see what comes.
I’m old and sick and not as smart as I used to be so, please, correct me if I’m wrong. I just finished reading War on Error’s rec’ed diary at the Big Orange and it seems this make’em or break’em public option fight is over a system that doesn’t take effect until 2013?! Is this correct?
that’s what I understand.
So Americans get no relief, no help at all until AFTER the next presidential election? Obama and Democrats get no benefit from grateful voters with lower insurance bills? Well, except possibly from the ones who get hired to duplicate all the administrative tasks currently provided by Medicare… This is beyond stooopid!
Hence this is why they should put in the trigger option.
surely you jest. do you understand the implications of a trigger mechanism?
you think 2013’s too far out time wise? the trigger, as now structured, would push it completely out of the ballpark for another 20 years.
Thanks for the link. Triggers look pretty arbitrary from here. I don’t like it.
so far – though Howard Dean is out there pointing out that doesn’t make any sense- and it so doesn’t make any sense. 1. so many people will die and or go bankrupt in 4 years; 2. we won’t reap the benefits of passing something that helps ppl for 2012
Here’s a 6th way to lose health care reform.
6. Get elected President and then fail to deliver on your campaign promises which include getting out of Iraq and closing Guantanamo. President Obama’s reckless decision to escalate the U.S. war in Afghanistan has totally alienated me, and I voted for him in the Georgia primary and in the general election. I have been a proponent of universal national health insurance since 1972 and an advocate for a single-payer, government administered program since 1994. However, health care is not my top priority nor should it be the top priority of progressives IMO. Our top priority should be peace. As long as President Obama continues to wage wars for U.S. hegemony in the Middle East and South Asia, I will not support him or his programs. Americans do not deserve good health care if we are a nation of warmongers. There will be no progress on the domestic front including the economy, the environment, education, and health care if Obama’s liberal base allows this president to continue the failed policies of the Bush administration. This is my deep and strongly held belief.
If Obama is seen to be defeated by the insurancecos and their zombies he sure as hell won’t have the clout to contend with the military and its zombies. Health care, compared to changing the course of a war that he inherited, is the easy fight.
If Obama is seen to be defeated by the insurancecos it won’t be viewed as a defeat, it will be perceived, rightly or wrongly, as vindication, by a very large portion of the liberals, independents, etal, who voted for change, that he’s just another narcissistic, self serving politico who never intended to enact any meaningful reform to begin with. the fallout from the failure to enact one of the cornerstones of his campaign will be devastating to his presidency.
frankly, l’m weary of the constant protestations from those who keep saying, he’s playing a three dimensional chess game, while all us DFH’s are playing checkers….bullshit. show me goddamn it, make it happen.
as for his effectiveness, or interest in, contending with the MI complex…or being an agent of change, this may well disabuse you of any notion you may harbor that it’s a priority.
l’m increasingly concerned that obama is not what he pretended to be. not dissimilar to dubya…the compassionate conservative…all hat, no cattle.
You’re leaving out the most important element and the hallmark of the Democratic Party: lack of resistance. The White House continues to insist on compromise instead of standing up and punching these lying crapsacks square in the mouth.
The drug companies don’t want reform. It’s easier to bribe doctors with free trips to Hawaii and get them to write the most costly prescriptions available. There is so much wrong with our current health care system that many of these drug companies should be criminally investigated. It’s time for everyone to have adequate health care and health insurance that does not crush the wallet.