No, Josh, you have it exactly right. If you want to make people furious, make them buy something they can’t afford and make the budget deficit astronomically worse at the same time. That’s the brilliant plan. But, hopefully, we’re headed for reconciliation where something better can pass.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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phone calls during the Medicare legislative battle in 1964. Ted Kennedy had been injured in an airplane accident and was unable to vote. Johnson was involved in a conversation about something called a “live pair” – when a senator from one party whose position on an issue was known could not vote a senator from the other party whose position was known to be opposite would agree not to vote either.
Times have changed.
There actually were statesmen and gentlemen then, in both parties.
Now one party is full of corrupt cowards and the other is full of corrupt hypocritical religious fanatics.
No wonder Bernie Sanders prefers to remain as an independent.
As for Lieberman, a whore has no allegiance.
My apologies to sex workers for defaming them by comparing them to Lieberman.
the dems did this for that million year old guy from carolina.
What guy is that?
blanked his name for some reason.
I think Jesus would want the public option.
Mister Blue Meme, who hasn’t been blogging much lately, chimed in today with details of the 1974 Nixon plan that he recently looked up after Ted Kennedy’s death. This was the compromise that Kennedy walked away from in 1974 and he forever regretted because he held out for pure single-payer.
If you look at the plan (which Mister Blue Meme lays out in this post) you may notice that it is a better deal overall than anything we’re talking about now. It covers everyone for everything from birth to death and isn’t financially burdensome, although there are premiums for employers and individuals who can afford to pay. It’s not a whole lot different from some of the things we’re talking about now, but it makes assurances that we can’t claim today’s proposals can.
I was shocked to read these words coming from Richard Nixon, of all people. The blog post is really worth the read.
Nixon was somewhat of a liberal Republican. He wouldn’t fit in very well in today’s party, even if they did build on his strategy.
I had a friend argue that mandated car insurance works just fine.
Though I think the car insurance companies are also ripping us off, that isn’t the argument I went with. My counter argument was this: poor people can choose not to own a car. They can walk or ride a bike. They can carpool. Or they can even take the bus or train or subway; in other words the inexpensive, taxpayer subsidized public option.
seriously, when does someone throw max baucus under the bus?
with rahm emmanuel duct taped to him.