It’s that time of the month again when all the bills come due. I need your assistance to be able stick it out through the fall and cover the effort to get a real health reform bill passed with a public option. It’s only with your generous donations that I’ve been able to continue blogging without advertising revenue. If you value independent media and you like spending time in the Frog Pond, please make a donation to help keep this place alive.
You can use this thread to discuss what your plans are for Labor Day weekend and the rest of the fall. I’m cleaning out a room for a certain little BooMan who should be arriving sometime around the new year.
Plan to celebrate my grown kids birthday on Sunday, otherwise it will be quiet.
I’ve been coming over to Booman more often lately, but this is the first time I have commented. I have gotten so tired of the negativism, anti-Obama noise at DK. It seems much calmer over here.
People don’t want to accept reality about our political system. Our side engages in a lot of magical thinking, too.
are thirsting for leadership. Obama has provided none. His weak attempts at triangulation are embarrassing to all who elected him. His conduct of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan mirrors Bush’s exactly. Now we’ll get a health care bill the insurance companies will be thrilled with.
Obama’s “change” has been replaced with bullshit and you continue to excuse him.
I hope there are Democrats making plans to go to Iowa soon. This guy is a chump.
odd how the wingnut and “progressive” critiques merge.
how the Bush and Obama policies merge.
Holder appoints a special prosecutor and revives civil rights department
US demands end to petro-subsidies
US invests billions in Green energy
DOL announces major enforcement plan for labor rights
Ledbetter act signed
taxes on poor cut, taxes on rich increased
Yep. All the same stuff.
escalation in Afghanistan, imprisonment without charges, insurance capitulation.
Your list is all easy stuff. When he has to stand up to Republicans on the big choices he quails at the prospect.
You forgot to mention the make-believe withdrawal from Iraq which is, as I predicted, really a reconfiguration of the occupation.
it is indeed…the more things change:
and joe conason had a very good piece in this vein at salon today: Healthcare didn’t have to go this way.
read it and weep, wonder,or hope. whatever works for ya.
Brash ideas and insolence
But you will never get away
With the things you say today
But you can cry… if you want
Don’t you feel ashamed at all the bitterness you feel inside
Does your ego save your face “I had a go – I really tried”
Now you know your leaders lied
Does it stop you acting snide
Or are you still a boy that cried
Tears now surely long since dried.
Cry… if you want
I so sick of “progressives” who think politics should be about reassuring them.
who aren’t progressives.
I love when men get the nesting instinct.
you should see this room. It’s a big job.
Me too. It means I don’t have to dust. 😉
A “little Booman”, what is this, explain more please.
How are you Booman, I don’t want to make assumptions about who mom might be, so fill me in.
LOL! We know you just want to smell the baby’s head. 🙂
Well, you know, not until AFTER they clean him off.
Oh, thank goodness for that. 🙂
What are you up to this weekend? Still enjoying the cooler weather?
Sigh. I don’t know what I’m up to this weekend. No good, I’m sure.
It seems like an anticlimactic Labor day weekend this year. I’m actually happy to just hang out at home.
I love it
Ok, that’s what I thought but didn’t want to jump in there till I was sure.
Well congratulations to both of you, that’s wonderful news. So early spring eh.
Jan. 3rd.
That’s great, I am so happy for you both….are you ready Booman, for this????? LOL 🙂
I know it will be wonderful!!!!! Just be prepared for little or no sleep, unless you luck out, which I did a two times out of 5.
O. MY. GAWD! Congratulations! My first thought was, Martin is getting another dog. har. This is so much better!!! I am thrilled for both of you!
Congrats!! Does “little Booman” mean you’re expecting a boy?
Wow…that is really fantastic news! Congratulations!
wonderful news! best wishes to you both!
I mean all three!!!
Cool! I’m very happy for you both!
Congratulations to the both of you!
So, it’s official now?
I guess so…
well, I think I’ll head over and see brendan’s band. Time for some Dill Pickles.
I’ve noticed several junk diaries lately, mostly ads for jewelry and health products. What’s the story there? Are some advertisers too cheap to buy ads or is this a new trollish tactic to shove controversial diaries off the front page?
The blog has been targetted by SEO spammers. Bootrib has a high Google page rank, so links from here are worth a lot. Basically they’re parasitising you in order to improve the ranking of their own affiliate/commercial sites. I’m willing to bet you’ve had hundreds of new signups in the last few days-all with spam links in their bios.
It’s for Boo to make a decision on this, but everyone can help by giving any comments with spammy links in them a zero or one rating. If the comment is hidden, Google can’t see it. And it stops them overwhelming the blog with their crap.
It isn’t going to stop this week or this month, unfortunately. Once it’s started, it has pretty much started 🙁
I’m willing to bet you’ve had hundreds of new signups in the last few days-
I think you are right. Recently, the highest user IDs were around 8,700-800 – now I have seen IDs over 9,300 [like yours ;)]. 500 or so new users in a couple of weeks make no sense.
I sorta delurked when I saw you had a problem 😉
I’ve seen it before. These bastards descend like a swarm of locusts and they don’t care what they trash.
If Boo wants to know any more, he can get in touch via my profile email.
yep, they did sign up about 500.
I’m betting on 12:01 the 1st. Then you can get all that free first-2010 baby stuff, and post the newspaper articles (and photos) here. Celebrate, celebrate!
I am filled with admiration for anyone who can anticipate keeping a room clear for 4 months. I’ll spend my weekend undoing a clutter-fest.
Congratulations!!! (But I did have notice in advance.)
That’s pretty exciting news, a little Cabin Boo.
Or a BooCabin ManGirl or was that GirlBoo CabinMan?
We had this
argument…err…discussion in the car yesterday.I think I know the situation. It didn’t go down too well when I suggested our first-born should be named with the name my previous girlfriend and I had thought about… We ended up making a list of options and struck an amicable agreement in the end. The name for the second one was a whole ‘nother story because by then we had to negotiate with daughter one as well…
I think it should be CBtB (CabinBoy the Baby)…or I guess CBtB could also stand for CabinBoo the Baby.
Oh, I like this option.
like this a lot
Congratulations, BooMan & Cabin Girl. That is exciting news!
Congrats from SoDak!!
Wish I could send you more, but I sent what I could.
I threw a few coins in the cup. Thanks for all you do.
You will find that this is the best thing you ever did.
Congratulations and best wishes for you all.
BooMan, you’ll find that being responsible for the well being of your first baby will change your outlook on everything. It narrows it all down to what’s really important. Like, how to program a virgin mind into supporting certain sports teams :o)
Especially important in Eagles country!
Who? hahaha
There’s a meltdown in that team’s near future.
Just make sure you swath the newborn in protective blue blankets, sweaters, footie pajamas, hats, diapers, face paint, and enlist the magical powers of trinkets, and amulets :o) The forces of darkness are everywhere! lol!
One more thing, because I know you’ll appreciate what this means to a fan.
My baby brother recently sent me a belated birthday gift. He’s a freak Cowboys fan but foremost he’s a football fan. I figured he might send me a superbowl season dvd or something small like that. I get this package a few weeks ago and reach inside and feel a jersey. That’s cool, I’m thinking. I can always use another to add to the collection. Yeah but…I pull the thing out and….
it’s the real deal, complete with the certificate of authenticity. Nice, huh? :o)
Pretty awesome.
Just in case you aren’t aware of it, all things Giants can be learned at Big Blue View. They even have diaries.
How I spent my Labor Day-