Did Arny’s party have a financial, water and energy crisis in California? Were the town hall agitators on health care having a fun break? Due to copyright by CBS, some YouTube videos were deleted. Some extracurricular activity by an energy lobbyist, at least there is no paper trail.

Recorded sex comments cost Calif. lawmaker his job

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP/CBS) – Mike Duvall’s second term as a member of the California Assembly was progressing pretty much like his first – in relative obscurity, with few notable legislative accomplishments.

The Orange County Republican is now a YouTube hit after his racy comments about his sexual conquests were caught on an open microphone in a Capitol hearing room. He resigned Wednesday.

Duvall, 54, lives in Yorba Linda with his wife when he is not in Sacramento, and has two adult children.

He made the comments about the affairs to Assemblyman Jeff Miller during a break in a committee meeting inside the Capitol on July 8, apparently unaware that the microphone at the desk was on.

“I’m getting into spanking her,” Duvall is heard saying on the videotape, which was made as a matter of routine by a legislative office.

Miller asks if she likes it too. Duvall responds: “She goes, ‘I know you like spanking me.’ I said, ‘Yeah, that’s ’cause you’re such a bad girl.'”

Duvall also describes the woman’s “eye-patch underwear” and the age difference between himself and his mistress, identified in some media reports as a lobbyist for an energy company. He tells Miller, a fellow Republican from Corona, that the woman’s birthday was two days earlier.

Duvall said he joked with the woman that she was getting old after turning 36 and told her, “I am going to have to trade you in.”

The lawmaker then brags about an affair he is having with another woman.

“Oh, she is hot!”

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."