The word racism has recently reached the unspeakable, unprintable status similar to the “N” word, and in the future may simply be referred to as the “R” word. This fact has been brought into sharp clarity by the voices in the mainstream media (MSM) as they attempt to report on the widespread (but in the minority) group of public school administrators refusing to broadcast the President’s national “back to school” message. (I shall refer to these local school administrators and principals who refuse to show the President’s speech as “refuse-nicks”.) Since three Presidents broadcast similar back to school messages, namely Kennedy, Reagan and H.W. Bush, without controversy or boycotts; the situation engenders a simple but embarrassing question, “What is it about this President that is creating such a plethora of boycotts of his speech in some states around the nation?” It is obvious to even the most casual observer that there is only one thing different about our current President and that is the color of his skin. There is no alternate interpretation of this situation. It is a situation uniquely created by American racists. More about the media’s steadfast refusal to report this as racism follows below.
We have all heard the old expression, “If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck.” Webster’s definition of racism unquestionably describes the reason for the causal tension between yesterday’s  Presidential national back to school message broadcast, and the attitudes of the public school refuse-nicks standing in the schoolhouse door to prevent their children from seeing and hearing this articulate black President as he delivers his message of encouragement. Never-the-less columnists, commentators, and talk show hosts in the MSM while condemning the actions of the bigoted refuse-nicks as silly, stupid, capricious, and over the top, still struggle to provide their viewers with some sort of rational reason as to what would cause these parents and administrators to so adamantly oppose the broadcast of the President’s speech to the nation’s schoolchildren. The direct quotations from these refuse-nicks have proven to be logically unintelligent, such as “It’s a waste of taxpayer’s money to have our schoolchildren sit through a speech by the President!” The other argument frequently reported is, “The President has a hidden agenda which will be used to indoctrinate our children.” These statements were still being expressed even after the entire text of the speech was published online at the White House web site.

Racism is a learned phobia and American racism has its legalized institutional roots in the American enslavement of African natives. This makes the legal codification of American racism specifically pertaining to Americans Negroes older than the American Constitution. Every American racist is Negrophobic and like many other mental illness conditions, recognition of the manifest behavior leads to conscious recognition of the disease. However, like many other mental conditions, the treatment steps can be painfully uncomfortable. Therefore, MSM’s reluctance to use the “R” word may be grounded in their own personal Negrophobic sensitivities. So the media mavens desperately struggle to find the right “code” words that will sufficiently address the situation, but at a much lower racial sensitivity level.

Many decades ago W.E. DuBois declared, “Racism is the white man’s problem”. The reaction of some school boards and administrators to the scheduled address to the nation’s school children underscores DuBois’ words in flaming gold. The Negrophobic reaction to the idea of a brown intelligent articulate President speaking from the stature of the highest governing office is more than these racist citizens can tolerate. All reason has been completely discarded as they sacrifice their own respect for the office of President of the United States simply to mollify their hatred of the color of his skin. In the blindness of their bigotry they fail to realize the psychological damage and confusion they are inflicting on those students in their charge.  

It is my sincere hope that the names and locations of these schools administered by these “refuse-nicks” has been recorded and preserved for prosperity. This demographic data is important for historical tracking of the future waning tide of American racism. The election of Barack Obama has given the nation an opportunity for a serious start of the long overdue eradication of the slavery engendered scourge of American racism. However, the question remains will the American media ever become courageous enough to open a meaningful public discussion of racism that is so critical for America’s 21st century.