My theory is that Rep. Wilson was so stunned at the blatant falsehood hidden in President Obama’s opening remarks that he didn’t recover his voice until much later. I mean…you know how slow these southerners are, right? Wif their drawl, an’ all? And a southern Republican? Why….boy howdy, Jackson, that there is some slow!!!

It looks like he has been drinking some, as well. He’s got that Boehner look, if y’know what I mean.

Plus maybe a little added testosterone.

However, the opening basis of everything else that the president said was as lying a lie as anything Al Franken ever limned out in his textbook on how to become a senator, Lies (And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them).

What was that lie, you ask?

Continued after the fold.

Here it is, in all of its big lie glory.

OBAMA: Put simply, our health care problem is our deficit problem. Nothing else even comes close.


Nothing else.


Very simply, that is a massive lie.

It is a political lie, of course, but then what’s new? That’s what politicians do. They lie. If they do not lie, they do not get elected. (I learned that from Al Franken’s book. So did he, I gather.)

So…if that statement is a lie, what is the truth?

The truth is that our military budget (Including the real “silent majority”, the massive, never ever on the books amount that is disappeared into the gaping black hole maw of the intelligence community) combined with our so-called “”justice system” budget combined with the untold mass of corporate theft, is our “deficit problem.”

And indeed, nothing does come close.

Just sayin’…


Ain’t no “change” possible as long as it’s political (read “lying”) business as usual.

And there ain’t no change possible as long as the media…including the so-called “alternate” media, which got its back scratched by a post-speech conference call/bloggish press conference, according to Booman (“…pretty much a press conference for bloggers.”) doesn’t call out the basic lies from which all the other falsehoods arise.

Just sayin’.

It’s business as usual in DeeCeeLand.

Business as usual.

Lying to the American public because…because it’s necessary?


Because it’s easier than telling the truth?

So they think.

Because they can?

Bet on it.

Personally, I refuse to swallow the lies. After I heard that whopper, I pretty much turned off the TV and went back to work.

Real work.

The work of telling the truth, on whatever level that act is still possible in this failed system.

Lies multiply in a geometric progression, you know. One lie breeds two, two lies breed four, four breed eight, and pretty soon the truth gets lost in the muddle and you have lying liars standing up and shouting down other lying liars as liars.

In a lying system, the people who are popularly considered to be  “liars” are those who trying to tell the truth.

In public.

The media makes sure of that.

A speech to Congress? That doesn’t lie?

I got yer truthiness, right here!!!

He laid it right out in their faces, did Mr. Galloway. For all the good it did him or us. Were there any network shows pre-empted when he stood up in public and told the truth to our august (lying) Senators for all to hear. Any long, hot air pundit sessions afterwards?

HELL no!!!

Just the silence of the jams. Jamming the airwaves with bullshit heaped on bullshit while the real shit goes uncovered by the major media.

OBAMA: Put simply, our health care problem is our deficit problem. Nothing else even comes close.



Whaddayou, kiddin’ me or what!!!

And so it goes, this system.

Circling the drain and down the toilet.

To paraphrase the Everly Brothers:

Bye bye love
Bye bye truthiness, hello lyingness
I think I´m-a gonna cry-y
Bye bye life, bye bye simple truth , hello emptiness
I feel like I could di-ie
Bye bye my love goodby-eye

Buh-BYE!, truthiness!!!

The only real solution possible?





But NOOOOOOooooooo…

Not in the United States of Omertica.

Business as usual.

As you were, bloggers.

Back to the real news.

Pundit #1-Well, Chet,. I thnk that tonight the healthcare debate turned a corner.

Pundit #2-Oh, I quite agree, David. I quite agree. What do you think, token conservative?

Pundit #3-Humph harrumph humpty hump-hump-fucking-hump harrumph!!

Host-Thank you all for your views. And now back to our regular programming, brought to you by Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, the American Insurance Industry and Your Friendly Local Sherriff. Back to you, Bozo!!!

Wake the fuck up.