Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln and Rep. Mike Ross are doing the bidding of the insurance industry to block the public health insurance option. But a majority of all Arkansans, and 80% of Arkansas Democrats, support a public option. Lincoln and Ross are out of touch with their constituents, and out of touch with the Democratic Party.

Firedoglake is collecting ducats to air an ad calling out Lincoln and Ross in Arkansas, where 60% of Arkansas Democrats statewide and nearly 100% of Democrats in Mike Ross’s district will see it over and over again for two weeks on prime time network TV.

We need you to stand with Arkansas Democrats and help put this ad on the air – can you chip in $25, $50, or even $100?
Let Blanche Lincoln and Mike Ross know that they need to stand with Arkansas Democrats on the public option — or we’ll find someone who will.

Blue America has another ad in the can, ready to go, asking Blanche Lincoln to follow her constituents’ wishes. After discussing the new polling showing that she is under fifty percent and that her constituents strongly approve of the public plan, Amato writes:

“The major reason we first targeted Lincoln back in July was that she’s running for reelection in 2010, while many of the ConservaDems on the Senate Finance Committee did not have to face their voters.”

It’s amazing that she’s under the 50% threshold now. We’ll be running another wave of TV ads coming up, and I wanted to thank all our readers for making this possible.

You can still donate to Blue America’s Health Care for Choice Act Blue page so we can keep fighting for the public option.