Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: Random Whatcha got?
Website of the Week: Would You Support the Regulation of Photoshopping? Members of the British Parliament call for bans and disclosure on digital image alteration in ads.
AndiF Random States of Leaving
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Not wholly there
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Cutting out
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Beyond leaving
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olivia’s randomly bugged
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Next Week’s Theme: Purple
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Previous Friday Foto Flogs
This was actually from the other day and for you locals, you might’ve already seen this if you picked up yesterday’s Philadelphia Citypaper as it was the CP Photostream pick this week.
It was another potentially gorgeous morning this morning, of which I grabbed a few shots. I won’t know how they came out until I get them off the camera but I will have some other pics to go up a little later but considering it’s only 7:30AM, I thought I’d start off with this.
Can’t wait to see everyone’s Random pictures today!
That’s outstanding. And congrats on the well-deserved exposure it’s getting..
I love this picture. It’s so gorgeous and I can’t wait to see how this morning’s pics came out too.
Wow, gorgeous.
and covers the morning, let’s take a look West and see what the evenings have been looking like:
And this is Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary in Overbrook, PA.
I’ve been riding by this for years and at night when it’s all lit up, it looks really pretty. I was nearby this week after dropping Elliott off at his new school and decided to walk around the area and take some shots. The original came out nice too, but tonemapping it gave me this, which I like much better.
Wow, that looks surreal. Very nice.
Amazing shots. Just amazing.
The seminary shot looks like a still from a dream. Wonderful!
Thank you. I guess that’s kind of the imagery I’m going for with the tonemapping/HDR/HDR-ish shots I’ve attempted.
I guess I’m heading in the right direction with it then!
Absolutely! Your visual instincts are quite finely honed.
Fantastic shot.
I just love that it showcases your city also.
In my sunsets, there is really nothing to compare.
I think I might have to get up early to get LA in the sunrise, but it will take a bit of work to get such a beautiful shot.
I`m glad you got “Pick of the Week”, but I`d definitely call it “Pick of the Year”.
I also just realized it`s a sunrise, & not a sunset.
Just fabulous.
This and the next few shots are from the Healthcare for America Now rally on the 22nd in Center City. Several from this set will also most likely be showing up on the HCAN site later today.
Several of you should know this guy!
There was an enormous show of support from commuters during the march of the masses to the Cigna offices with lots of horn honking, hand shaking, thumbs-ups, etc.
This next set is from the health care “rally” that occurred outside the PA Convention Center on the 15th when Obama was in town speaking praises over Snarlin’ Arlen.
Ed Rendell
The first picture I took when I got to the rally, this guy thought I was with the media. Wish I could say I was!
And of course, Counter-protesters
That’s it for now.
Nice set!
Looks like a great turn-out.
There was better turn out for 22nd rally.
“Stop affordable health care for all!!!”
Great portrait of the man in the electric blue jacket.
Yes! That portrait & the one following are my favorite shots in the set. So much vitality!
Great people shots!
Some random recent shots.
Nothing random about the fineness of that set. I especially like the two butterflies.
Look at the big neck on that…is it an egret? I see those a lot when I’m down in Jersey, like I’ll be later this evening.
The orange plummage on that bird (2nd to last) is particularly striking, like a Halloween bird.
Yep, striking creature in white is an egret.
Wilderness is right, it’s a great white egret. The orange one is a tropical finch of some sort, even has his mask on.
Naturally, a beautiful set! Love this series of colors — the sequence plays to the eye like a song.
Those are beautiful shots … I love the butterflies, their patterns are so intricate and colourful.
Random pics from the artSpark festival last weekend. Some of these chalk drawings were really good.

some amazing 3d sidewalk art. If you haven’t seen this stuff before, it’ll blow your mind.
Yeah, I love those! These were just ordinary people buying a space in the street for charity.
Wow, those are really cool. And I’m impressed with the effort people made knowing how temporary they would be.
On that count, I’m reminded of Buddhist monks & their incredibly intricate & beautiful sand paintings.
Once they’re done, they’re gone with the wind.
Love the kid in overalls!
Wow. Those are wonderful. I like the first pic where you can see the images he’s using as guides.
concrete pebble w/ leaf
Dada, your ‘slash’ photo reminds me of the very best articulations of Zen consciousness — deceptively simple doorways to the infinite.
Yum … I can’t decide between the delicious textures or the scrumptious angles. I guess I’ll just have to have both.
Dadaist, as usual.
The colour and contrast in slash is eye-catching while the content remains abstract to my eye. Love the dichotomy.
Andi! Love your b/w shot. The perfect way to showcase the leaves’ intricate patterning.
Miss O, your second bee shot is my favorite. A simple, classic composition, with a lovely pallette.
Every hair on that little bee is clearly defined, which adds just the right touch of complex texture. Real nice!
Thanks WW. We’ve hit that time of year (summer’s over, fall isn’t really here) when there’s not much to take pictures of so having those leaves with an empty sky behind them was nice gift.
One of Mrs. ID’s. Too bad the decline in the used baby market forced them to close several years ago.
Lol. I love unintentional surrealism.
Mrs. ID has enjoyed that capture for years;-)
How much are used babies going for these days?
Sad to say, they found the market here inhospitable and moved elsewhere, so… no idea:(
I wonder if they’ve found new life with the Cash For Clunkers program?
Great shot, Mrs. ID!
LOL, funny. Nice catch Mrs ID. 🙂
Lol – and don’t forget the “cash for clunkers” deals mentioned by wilderness wench above;-)
It’s still raining.

if you are not reading the dog blog.
Baby wombats.
Cute feet. 🙂
You mean the feet with those great big CLAWS? Imogen says they sound like elephants running around her friend’s house.
Immature Eastern Spinebill.

Beautiful shot.
These are all great, keres!
That’s wonderful. I’ve never had a favorite water drop before but I love the one on the far right with the little red curl in it.
Hudson River sunset
That’s beautiful. We’re going to need another picture when the leaves turn.
Thanks. Fortunately, it will be easy to get back to the same spot.
Beautiful shot, b2! Truly love the shapes of these gentle hills & the texture of the water.
Love the rolling hills. Beautiful, b2.
Last Saturday afternoon – a lovely day the track

The crowd gathered at the starting gate, in front of the internationally famous Hobnob Corner Restaurant

Racing machines were on display
A tribute to van Gogh

A Highlander’s castle (with dragon)

One of the drivers seemed vaguely familiar

Finally – they’re off!

Down the stretch

The winner on the inside!

Additional race coverage with slide show and interviews
The afternoon raises about $5,000 for food and Christmas gifts for kids in families having financial hard times.
That appears to be an “out house” race (here they’re called dunnies). Fabulous.
What fun. Thanks for posting those pics. I just love the van gogh.
Fantastic! A good time was obviously had by all.
LOL! Those are fantastic. Lot of work and effort went into their machines and costumes. And, great to see a full view of the Hobnob. 🙂
By some sort of popular demand, it’s Birth Of A Gazebo!
Nice use of negative space.
Thank you, keres.
If there’s anything in the world I know something about, it’s negative space.
Thanks for the gazebo show — I really liked it. Can’t wait to see the rest of the process.
Let’s hope for just a little bit more warm weather, so the process can be completed this year.
Glad you enjoyed my little presentation.
Love that photo!
Love to see the gazebo progress … great work ww.
Thank you, Miss O!
I`m a little late tonight since I`ve been trying to set up the place for a four month old grandson who will be here for a week.
But “random” is really my forte, so here we go.
I also try & title my images to make them a little more interesting.


















Another great cabinet of curiosities — or maybe it’s Fibber McGee’s closet. 😉
My favorites — the cricket (katydid?) on the ruler and one bird in hand being equal to the two in the bush.
Thank god for “random” posts.
My archives are filled with random imaginings I`ve shot over the years.
And Thank You & Olivia for providing the venue.
Another wondrous set, KH!
As always, my favorites of your photos are the simpler ones. Probably because you capture such incredible detail within each form, that an overall complexity just blows my fragile mind.
I doubt your “fragility” for some reason, although I would never doubt your softness of soul.
Thank you.
Fantastic stuff. Long jump is my favourite this week. Love the perspective.
I hope you recognized my reference to you, though I don`t believe for a second that Olive Oyle represents you.
I should have a “metric” measure to represent our common way of the “Olympiad`s feat though.
Great FFF, thank you.
I do have a 4/1/2 month old baby here for a week, so I cannot respond /comment to all the wonderful submissions to your essay.
I was a little (unsettled ?) at first, but I`m flowing with it.
All`s cool or, to quote you, “Kewl”
Wonderful collection. How did you set up that interesting photo of the Mercedes?
This is probably a better shot of the “Glass Drifter”, another set-up shot.
The Benz, is about 6 inches long, & like a Lalique Crystal piece.
I shot it on the railing of my deck, & created the white road edge line & the yellow lane delineator lines.
I also put a bunch of ‘Coke’, thrown out just before the bust.
This was originally posted in the 2006 PhotFair, along with my story of it.
There`s a hole in daddy`s arm , that`s where the money goes. If it`s not a needle in his arm, it`s a straw that`s up his nose.Thank heavens I had no children for the 15 yrs. I made my payments to a dealer. The car I paid him for was an illusion as is the “Gullwing” conjured up here. Those days are almost thirty years past, but the horrors of heroin which insidiously entraps you in it`s beguiling veil of hazy warmth are , I fear, about to return with a vengeance from multiple fronts. I will presume a number of soldiers in combat areas have already succumbed to it`s false escape. Others will be shipping or transporting small, but ultimately insignificant amounts, back here. Finally we will get the bulk shipments brought in under color of authority, to finance clandestine operations or lavish lifestyles, which will devastate the youth of western cultures. The cost of these wars will eventually not be accounted for in dollars, but in the lost lives of soldiers who fought them & the new addicts who will also be fighting, a war within, to their deaths. Pray I`m wrong.PS The hole in my other arm is the beach house in Malibu. Unfortunately I couldn`t find a glass house, although I could have made one of cards, I guess.

Thanks for your kind reply to my comment above.
As for h, the situation’s never changed, it’s always been the same, in terms of damage done. I think the MSM decides pays attention for a while, then it forgets.