From Chuck Schumer:
“One of the strongest arguments against a public option has been that the Republicans will never go for it,” Mr. Schumer said. “Well, the Baucus bill doesn’t have a public option, and they’re still not for it in any way, with the possible exception of Olympia Snowe,” a moderate Republican senator from Maine, who has not ruled out supporting the overhaul that Mr. Obama is seeking.
been that the Republicans will never go for it,” Mr. Schumer said. “
Who the fuck cares???
God DAMN I’m sick of everyone worrying about what the rethugs think??? ONE republican runs the whole show?
I guess we REALLY didn’t win last November.
LOL! My sentiments exactly.
I’m proud of my senator, Charles Schumer. I’m glad he’s fighting for a public option. The New York Times article gave the impression that the liberals have the wind at their back. That’s a good thing. This is–like sausage making–an ugly process to witness. But I am increasingly hopeful.
When has passing legislation to help out the average American ever been easy? When have the republicans ever abandoned their rich bosses to assist the rank and file? Based on the history of the past hundred years, why would any democrat expect any aid from any republican on any bill that would uplift the downtrodden of this nation?
Face it, folks, the republicans just suck!