There are elements of the British press who are more irresponsible and unreliable than anything we get here in the United States. But, assuming it is true that Saudi Arabia is ready to green-light an Israeli air-attack on Iran, I have a suggestion. Let’s insist that the Saudis do it. We sold the Saudis their Air Force. We train their pilots and mechanics. Why should Israel have to do it? Everyone will be very angry with Israel if they bomb Iran. Even the Saudis will pretend to be mad. I don’t see that as good for anyone.

If the Saudis are so worried about Iran getting a nuclear bomb that they are willing to let the Israelis use their air space to attack Iran, then I think they should just man-up and do the attacking themselves. We could just end this charade right now. The truth is, the Saudis might be quite content to see the USA and Israel remove a concern while simultaneously infuriating the whole Islamic world. They’d be the first ones howling about US-Zionist aggression.

But the story is bullshit, so never mind.