Month: September 2009

If They want a Race War, Well …

You’ve all seen the video of that poor white child who got punched by a black thugster on a school bus while other black thugsters laughed at him. If you haven’t I’m sure Glenn Beck and FOX News will be happy...

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There is no racism in America

I am sick and tired of people saying America discriminates against Blacks. It’s absolutely not true. Why, the ancestors of most Blacks in America were given free passage from Africa to America, for chrissakes. I’ll...

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Oh, So You Noticed the Racism?

I find it sad yet still amusing to see how the bigfoot Washington press corp tries to pussyfoot around the stunning outbreak of virulent open racism in our country. ‘Do you think maybe that these teabag people might harbor...

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The Morality of Health Care Reform, Pt. 2

“We are determined to make every American citizen the subject of his country’s interest and concern; and we will never regard any faithful law-abiding group within our borders as superfluous. The test of our progress...

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