Mark Halperin has a list of 13 things Obama must do before the end of the year. How many of them involve doing what the Republicans want him to do or involve getting Republicans to approve of what he is doing?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Not so much “what Republicans want,” but rather, involve real possible outcomes.
Halperin (and presumably much of the villiage) persist in viewing the world through the lens of “getting along with reasonable conservatives.” Who, praytell, are they thinking of? Ben Nelson? Because, really, the Republican party is no longer a good faith partner in government. Halperin seems willfully blind to this.
He’s such a tool. I still don’t get why the rethugs are even relevent or that anyone still even talks about them.
Guess theyre expecting a big come back in 2010 so the village people have to be nice to them in case they get back in power.
What’s really funny is that guys like Halperin try so hard to kiss up to the Cons .. and the Cons hate their guts .. and always will .. it’s a wonder I never hear about the Cons busting Halperin because his dad used to be a big deal in the ACLU(though Marky Mark’s dad has gone off the rails as Greenwald demonstrated)
And while Obama is doing all of these things, what will Halperin be doing?
biting him in the back of the knees.
not in the ankles?
“7. Show Iran who is boss.”
Completely unspoofable. What can you ever say?
unspoofable – good term. where even to start with the 13 whatevers? he knows what’s going to happen in NJ and VA gov races?
At 13, that’s shorter by half than the list of “Obama must…” threads started in a typical day at
You couldn’t pay me to take the job. Too many people who don’t know what the hell they’re talking about giving me ultimata.