I’m having my annual old (and we do mean “old”) college friends get together this weekend so I’m pretty eager to get to Friday. We’re renting a place out here in Brown County but I figure people will come by the house which leads to the only bad part — lots of cleaning up to do in the next two days.
Back when I still had the yurt that plan was to just roll up the sides on a windy day and let nature do the vacuuming and dusting. That, or use a leaf blower.
We recently upgraded to super-duper vacuum cleaner. This brand normally goes for over a thousand dollars, but I found one in a pawn shop, that need some work, and picked it up for three hundred. It make quite the difference. That, and I bought a used air compressor at a garage sale, which is great for blowing the bunny fluff out the computer and the keyboard.
My sweeper does a fair job but I’m way too lazy to try to keep up with the dog hair. And there is somewhat less hair being shed now that it’s getting colder.
All bunny fluff around here stay outside, along with all the bunnies. 🙂
We’re just heading into “coat blowing” weather (where each dog will fill a Hefty bag with hair over a several week moult). I’ll be interested to see if Lily finally parts with her puppy bouffant hairdo. Luna’s only just got her full-coat back after the pregnancy and it will be kinda sad to see her lose it. She’s less formidable looking without all that hair (which, along with keeping them warm, is the point of the fluffy, stand-up coat).
I love my dogs, but I wouldn’t mind not being trapped in the house with them for hours on end while it rains (and hails) outside. September was the wettest on record and we’re forecast to get twenty days of rain this month.
I guess the drought is trying to be very emphatic about being over.
The dogs, horrified at the thought of being trapped inside while the chipmunks are free, are sending you moderation-in-all-things-including-rain vibes.
I appreciate the pack’s vibes. Luna and Lily have been very restless (well, Lily mostly) at being cooped up – even sans chipmunks. Today’s starting out only partially cloudy, so there’s a chance of dryish weather. I might even be able to get some laundry done.
At least the weekend is supposed to be dry. Woohoo.
Luna snarls at Lily if she tries to take her food. But when Luna’s almost done Lily will lay on her belly with her head just short of Luna’s bowl and nonchalantly snarfle up the kibbles that got pushed over the edge. It seems to be a compromise they’ve struck.
We have 2 that won’t share with each other, but they won’t bother the shih tzu if she tries to mooch out of their bowls. I guess they figure she’s too small to eat much anyway.
Actually, I think it’s the “I’m the baby – gotta love me” factor. Lily is extremely good at diffusing anger or deflecting discipline by playing that card. If she’s done something wrong she immediately launches into the “but I’m so cute” routine. She’s one of those dogs who is always pushing the boundaries. It’s going to take a lot of work to keep her from become a brat.
The weather forecast for the next two days means I’m about to join keres in cooped-up dog world, with the bonus that I’ll lose my satellite connection too. Oh boy, crazy dogs and dial-up, can’t hardly wait (and looking at the radar I won’t have to for long).
I’m sorry, at least your weather isn’t coming from Antarctica like ours is. We’ve got a frost predicted for tomorrow night. I was so enjoying those two days of Spring we had.
Is that chipmunks I hear rejoicing in the distance?
If we get the max rain they’re predicting, we’ll be getting 5 inches between now and Friday night. The minimum is 2 1/2 inches. Neither amount is exactly cheery. But I sure won’t object to a huge forecast failure.
Olivia will be along at a normal morning hour to put up the diary.
Until then, you can think over what you’d like to post on the theme Differences.Between photos, within photos. Differences of any kind, including content, equipment, setting, or even your mood.
Good Morning all!!! Hope everyone is doing well. Things are looking up in my life. Still taking it one day at a time but having a roof over my head is a definite start. I now have internet at home again thanks to wi-fi and will hopefully be more active here, with my own blogging and with my design work.
Great to see you coming up for a bite of air here in the pond.
Got any new t-shirt designs? Although I suppose my I Survived the Bush Regime, So Far T is not exactly out of date, yet, as the “so far” part has not come to a conclusion, imo.
I actually turned the heat on for a little bit this morning, just to take the chill off. And I’m usually thinking it’s hot when other folks are reaching for the sweaters.
Fall is here. Cider roasted chicken for dinner tonight – it’s soaking in the brine as we speak.
We had our first patches of light frost last night. Its a good thing we decided to spend a good part of the day yesterday moving the winter house jungle indoors.
We’re still having to occasionally cover plants against frosts – it’s not fair. I want Spring and I want it now, gosh darnit!
Although, on the definite plus side, our fairy-wrens have already hatched out their first brood. They flit all around the house in their frantic feeding schedule. The fledglings are too cute with their stubby tails.
Hi refinish – great to have you back! A thousand miles to the north, I am longing to see 55 degrees again soon, with freeze warnings every night for a week.
Hang in there, it’s only weather and we are survivors.
Thank you!!! We are supposed to be back in the 80’s later this week and I am looking forward to that. LOL I have ;earned very quickly that my body hates cool and cold weather. LOL
Wish I had all the ingredients to make this on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Streusel Coffee Cake
* Topping:
* 1/2 cup brown sugar
* 1/4 cup sifted all-purpose flour (sift before measuring)
* 1/4 cup butter, room temperature
* 1 teaspoon cinnamon
* .
* Cake:
* 1 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour (sift before measuring)
* 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1 egg, beaten
* 3/4 cup sugar
* 1/3 cup melted butter
* 1/2 cup milk
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Topping. In small mixing bowl, combine topping ingredients. Blend with fork until crumbly. Set aside.
Sift 1 1/2 cups sifted flour with baking powder and salt into a bowl. In a medium bowl, beat together beaten egg and 3/4 cup sugar and 1/3 cup melted butter. Add milk and vanilla. Stir in flour mixture and mix well.
Pour batter into a greased and floured 8-inch square or 9-inch layer-cake pan. Sprinkle topping crumb mixture evenly over batter. Bake at 375° for 25 to 30 minutes, or until cake tests done. Partially cool in pan on wire rack. Cut coffee cake into squares while still warm.
Glad you had a good time with your friends! We had a rare lunch out and stroll about town with Mrs. ID’s sis and her husband yesterday. The calzones at Calzone Jones were absolutely yummy!
Good morning, everyone!
Hope all are enjoying a day off (?).
Nice, but cool day here in NYC. I’m off to spend some time with young asklet (not so young anymore, 15 in a month).
Yep. 42 South here. When those Antarctic breezes start blowing the other way we’ll warm up (relatively speaking) in no time. The weekend after next is the Hobart Show (county fair), which usually signals the official end of frosts and the start of the planting season.
I lived a lot of years along Lake Erie, and I do not miss the snow and cold even a little bit. I certainly think the winters here are easy, but the locals don’t. 🙂
Something simple and easy to please a hungry people.
1 pound lean ground beef
1 cup diced onion
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 (16-ounce) cans kidney, pinto or black beans, drained and rinsed
2 1/2 cups Salsa – Thick & Chunky
1 (4-ounce) can Diced Green Chiles
2 teaspoons chili powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1. Cook and drain the ground beef, onion and garlic in large skillet until beef is browned.
2. Add the beans, salsa, chilies, chili powder and cumin. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low; cover. Cook, stirring frequently, for 20 to 25 minutes.
3. Garnish as desired before serving.
I would suggest grated cheese as a topping for this and maybe some sour cream and guacamole. Serve with tortilla chips or Frito’s and you have a hit on your hands.
I guess I am in a nesting mood as I keep finding recipes to share. LOL Hope everyone is doing well.
Glad it went over well. I am starting to have fun finding recipes again. Not doing much involved cooking as I am still trying to get my kitchen set up but I love cooking and recipes. LOL Who know maybe I will start a weekend diary about cooking. I have been watching a lo9t of the cooking shows on PBS lately. They beat watching soap operas by a long shot.
So glad we’re halfway through the week.
Not for me, I’m off Friday.
Our office is closing Monday. Needless to say, I’m looking forward to it!
I’m jealous of you both! (Of course, I’m off every Friday, but still…)
Am I silly for looking forward to the Thanksgiving weekend?
Wow, that’s right! It’ll be here an a few very short weeks.
Ours too. I added Friday to make it 4 days.
Great idea!
I’m having my annual old (and we do mean “old”) college friends get together this weekend so I’m pretty eager to get to Friday. We’re renting a place out here in Brown County but I figure people will come by the house which leads to the only bad part — lots of cleaning up to do in the next two days.
Time to Swiffer and get out those sticky tape rollers, eh? 🙂
There isn’t enough sticky tape in the universe to pick up all the dog hair in this house.
Back when I still had the yurt that plan was to just roll up the sides on a windy day and let nature do the vacuuming and dusting. That, or use a leaf blower.
We recently upgraded to super-duper vacuum cleaner. This brand normally goes for over a thousand dollars, but I found one in a pawn shop, that need some work, and picked it up for three hundred. It make quite the difference. That, and I bought a used air compressor at a garage sale, which is great for blowing the bunny fluff out the computer and the keyboard.
My sweeper does a fair job but I’m way too lazy to try to keep up with the dog hair. And there is somewhat less hair being shed now that it’s getting colder.
All bunny fluff around here stay outside, along with all the bunnies. 🙂
We’re just heading into “coat blowing” weather (where each dog will fill a Hefty bag with hair over a several week moult). I’ll be interested to see if Lily finally parts with her puppy bouffant hairdo. Luna’s only just got her full-coat back after the pregnancy and it will be kinda sad to see her lose it. She’s less formidable looking without all that hair (which, along with keeping them warm, is the point of the fluffy, stand-up coat).
I don’t envy you the shedding of those coats but I’ll be interested to see how Lilly/Lily’s coat changes.
I love my dogs, but I wouldn’t mind not being trapped in the house with them for hours on end while it rains (and hails) outside. September was the wettest on record and we’re forecast to get twenty days of rain this month.
From drought to deluge.
Ugh. I hate the smell of wet muddy dog…we had so much rain earlier in the summer, I can totally sympathize with you on that score.
I guess the drought is trying to be very emphatic about being over.
The dogs, horrified at the thought of being trapped inside while the chipmunks are free, are sending you moderation-in-all-things-including-rain vibes.
I appreciate the pack’s vibes. Luna and Lily have been very restless (well, Lily mostly) at being cooped up – even sans chipmunks. Today’s starting out only partially cloudy, so there’s a chance of dryish weather. I might even be able to get some laundry done.
At least the weekend is supposed to be dry. Woohoo.
I hope you are continuing to have a nice dry Thursday and that Lilly/Lily gets to romp all over the place.
Yep, so far so good. I’ve got a load of laundry going and the clouds are thinning.
Lily is currently pilfering kibble from her mother, which should be a fine start to any dog’s day.
Excellent news on the no-rain. Now around here, dog food pilfering is considered grounds for divorce … of one’s nose from one’s face.
Luna snarls at Lily if she tries to take her food. But when Luna’s almost done Lily will lay on her belly with her head just short of Luna’s bowl and nonchalantly snarfle up the kibbles that got pushed over the edge. It seems to be a compromise they’ve struck.
I guess that the difference between relatives and an randomly put-together pack.
We have 2 that won’t share with each other, but they won’t bother the shih tzu if she tries to mooch out of their bowls. I guess they figure she’s too small to eat much anyway.
(uh, that was me, CG, but I’m too lazy to delete and login and recomment…)
Imogen and I have that problem as well.
If he notices and gets annoyed, I’m taking a page out of Lily’s book, rolling over and showing him my belly and trying to look cute..
Lily models “the look”.
He did get annoyed, and apparently the “look” wasn’t enough to win him over. 😉
Funny – Mrs. ID could always win me over that way;-)
Little dogs have been bred to look like puppies – big eyes, shortened faces – it’s called neoteny.
Actually, I think it’s the “I’m the baby – gotta love me” factor. Lily is extremely good at diffusing anger or deflecting discipline by playing that card. If she’s done something wrong she immediately launches into the “but I’m so cute” routine. She’s one of those dogs who is always pushing the boundaries. It’s going to take a lot of work to keep her from become a brat.
I’m sure Luna will be happy to work with you on keeping her in line.
I actually intentionally gang up on Lily with Luna, just to reinforce the pack structure.
Poor little — metaphorically — thing. 😉
Howdy! Here’s a little morning wood to start off your day. Let’s hope for a fairly short winter season for all.
Hope everyone’s enjoying a good Hump!
hehe. 🙂
Poor boran2 probably spent all day thinking it was missing something very sexy. 🙂
Love the light on that shot.
Thank you, Andi!
Hope to be posting more pix soon — likely of a less provocative nature.
(Or: of less provocative Nature.)
We’re coming off of a 12+ hour power-out here. The wind’s been outrageous.
‘Til later ..
That’s certainly an exceptional wood you have there, ww!
Not mine, unfortunately, ID. It belongs to the woodland winkie god.
I thought for a moment you might have stumbled upon one of the residents of the Forest of Fangorn in the midst of a pleasant dream.
The weather forecast for the next two days means I’m about to join keres in cooped-up dog world, with the bonus that I’ll lose my satellite connection too. Oh boy, crazy dogs and dial-up, can’t hardly wait (and looking at the radar I won’t have to for long).
I’m sorry, at least your weather isn’t coming from Antarctica like ours is. We’ve got a frost predicted for tomorrow night. I was so enjoying those two days of Spring we had.
Is that chipmunks I hear rejoicing in the distance?
Definitely. Not only will no dogs be chasing them but lots of acorns and hickory nuts will get blown down.
Hope spring makes a swift return and brings you lots and lots of orchids.
Yuck. we had high winds here yesterday, but luckily no rain yet. I need my daily walk around the loop at work at lunchtime.
I hope the worst of the weather passes south of you or something…
If we get the max rain they’re predicting, we’ll be getting 5 inches between now and Friday night. The minimum is 2 1/2 inches. Neither amount is exactly cheery. But I sure won’t object to a huge forecast failure.
The rain hasn’t arrived at our house yet, but I’m not planning any leaf raking activities for later on either.
The nws radar shows it just at the B in Bloomington.
Sorry to hear that. Our trip to Cape May is likely to be 3 days of rain. Ugh.
Olivia will be along at a normal morning hour to put up the diary.
Until then, you can think over what you’d like to post on the theme Differences. Between photos, within photos. Differences of any kind, including content, equipment, setting, or even your mood.
It’s raining here now.
This is your big weekend with friends, isn’t it?
Yep, it is. And the rain is going to go on all day. 🙁
But Saturday and Sunday are supposed to “partly sunny” and no precip so that’s all good.
Off to Cape May. See y’all later!
Hope you have a great time and the weather treats you nice.
Our weather cleared up, maybe you’ll get lucky too!
Good Morning all!!! Hope everyone is doing well. Things are looking up in my life. Still taking it one day at a time but having a roof over my head is a definite start. I now have internet at home again thanks to wi-fi and will hopefully be more active here, with my own blogging and with my design work.
I hope everyone has been doing well.
Yay! I’m very happy to hear good news from you! Here’s to continued good things for you!
Thanks. It has been a strange few months but things seem to be coming together finally.
Hi, rf. Glad to hear it, and glad to have you back.
Thanks BooMan
Hi, rf!
Good to see that your circumstances are improving.
Took your suggestion to become a fan of the Stonewall Dems, just signed up.
Double thanks!!!
That’s so great to hear! Glad you’re getting back on your feet.
Wow! What a nice surprise. 🙂
Great to see you coming up for a bite of air here in the pond.
Got any new t-shirt designs? Although I suppose my I Survived the Bush Regime, So Far T is not exactly out of date, yet, as the “so far” part has not come to a conclusion, imo.
Thanks!!! I am working on some holiday designs but none are ready for posting yet. LOL
This is the best comedy.
A most deserving recipient…
Good morning all! Looks like there are a few showers hanging around Cape May this morning. Hope it clears off for you, b2.
Brrr. Had to put on socks this morning for the first time as temperatures plunged into the 50s overnight.
I actually turned the heat on for a little bit this morning, just to take the chill off. And I’m usually thinking it’s hot when other folks are reaching for the sweaters.
Fall is here. Cider roasted chicken for dinner tonight – it’s soaking in the brine as we speak.
We had our first patches of light frost last night. Its a good thing we decided to spend a good part of the day yesterday moving the winter house jungle indoors.
We’re still having to occasionally cover plants against frosts – it’s not fair. I want Spring and I want it now, gosh darnit!
Although, on the definite plus side, our fairy-wrens have already hatched out their first brood. They flit all around the house in their frantic feeding schedule. The fledglings are too cute with their stubby tails.
Here’s to summer breezes for you! Unfortunately, our wait for them will be considerably longer:(
Good morning from Cape May. Cool but sunny here. Off to do some beachwalking.
Enjoy! It looks like a nice day here too.
Raining and 55 degrees here in Austin. Woke up really early and then laid down again and overslept so I am missing church this am. LOL
Hi refinish – great to have you back! A thousand miles to the north, I am longing to see 55 degrees again soon, with freeze warnings every night for a week.
Hang in there, it’s only weather and we are survivors.
Thank you!!! We are supposed to be back in the 80’s later this week and I am looking forward to that. LOL I have ;earned very quickly that my body hates cool and cold weather. LOL
Wish I had all the ingredients to make this on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Streusel Coffee Cake
* Topping:
* 1/2 cup brown sugar
* 1/4 cup sifted all-purpose flour (sift before measuring)
* 1/4 cup butter, room temperature
* 1 teaspoon cinnamon
* .
* Cake:
* 1 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour (sift before measuring)
* 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1 egg, beaten
* 3/4 cup sugar
* 1/3 cup melted butter
* 1/2 cup milk
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Topping. In small mixing bowl, combine topping ingredients. Blend with fork until crumbly. Set aside.
Sift 1 1/2 cups sifted flour with baking powder and salt into a bowl. In a medium bowl, beat together beaten egg and 3/4 cup sugar and 1/3 cup melted butter. Add milk and vanilla. Stir in flour mixture and mix well.
Pour batter into a greased and floured 8-inch square or 9-inch layer-cake pan. Sprinkle topping crumb mixture evenly over batter. Bake at 375° for 25 to 30 minutes, or until cake tests done. Partially cool in pan on wire rack. Cut coffee cake into squares while still warm.
I had a great time at the old broads get-together. Hope everybody else had just as good a weekend.
Glad there was sun at Cape May, b2.
Sorry I missed you, refinish!
click for larger
Glad you had a good time with your friends! We had a rare lunch out and stroll about town with Mrs. ID’s sis and her husband yesterday. The calzones at Calzone Jones were absolutely yummy!
Love the mini pond/spring photo!
Thanks! We’re getting ready to leave. 🙁
Good morning, everyone!
Hope all are enjoying a day off (?).
Nice, but cool day here in NYC. I’m off to spend some time with young asklet (not so young anymore, 15 in a month).
It’s snowing on Columbus Day!
All y’all easterners better get ready now.
Where are you?
The Farmer’s Almanac has predicted a warm, snowless winter for us.
I’m in Minnesota – latitude 44N. It’s been freezing here for a week. You’re a bit to the south, where winter is always nice and easy.
Oh well, soon it’ll be summer in Tasmania.
Yep. 42 South here. When those Antarctic breezes start blowing the other way we’ll warm up (relatively speaking) in no time. The weekend after next is the Hobart Show (county fair), which usually signals the official end of frosts and the start of the planting season.
I lived a lot of years along Lake Erie, and I do not miss the snow and cold even a little bit. I certainly think the winters here are easy, but the locals don’t. 🙂
Bachelor Chili
Something simple and easy to please a hungry people.
1 pound lean ground beef
1 cup diced onion
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 (16-ounce) cans kidney, pinto or black beans, drained and rinsed
2 1/2 cups Salsa – Thick & Chunky
1 (4-ounce) can Diced Green Chiles
2 teaspoons chili powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1. Cook and drain the ground beef, onion and garlic in large skillet until beef is browned.
2. Add the beans, salsa, chilies, chili powder and cumin. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low; cover. Cook, stirring frequently, for 20 to 25 minutes.
3. Garnish as desired before serving.
I would suggest grated cheese as a topping for this and maybe some sour cream and guacamole. Serve with tortilla chips or Frito’s and you have a hit on your hands.
I guess I am in a nesting mood as I keep finding recipes to share. LOL Hope everyone is doing well.
Hi RF! I ended up making that streusel coffee cake yesterday and it got eaten before it cooled. It’s just like my grandma used to make.
Glad it went over well. I am starting to have fun finding recipes again. Not doing much involved cooking as I am still trying to get my kitchen set up but I love cooking and recipes. LOL Who know maybe I will start a weekend diary about cooking. I have been watching a lo9t of the cooking shows on PBS lately. They beat watching soap operas by a long shot.
I just finished making the dough for these apple oatmeal cookies…I guess I’m nesting too. 🙂
Nesting is a good thing. LOL