The party that is just chock full of Hawks who got deferments from serving in the Vietnam War never ceases to set new records for cowardice:
Senate Republicans plan to push a provision aimed at blocking the Obama administration from trying in U.S. civilian courts any terrorists who plotted the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.
An amendment by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) would “prohibit the use of funds for the prosecution in Article III courts of the United States of individuals involved in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.” Graham and others want the 9/11 suspects tried instead in a military commission at the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, raising a variety of concerns that civilian courts are ill-equipped for such high-stakes trials involving potential national security secrets.
The GOP pretends to be a friend of the military, but they’re such pantywaists that a real soldier would be embarrassed to be associated with them.
They are planning to push this? It’s a threat? With 40 Senators? How cowardly are the Senate Dems? Is there no bottom to their gutlessness?
Is there no bottom to their gutlessness?
It’s a bottomless well.
So it appears.
“individuals involved in the September 11 terrorist attacks”
Weren’t those guys suicide pilots who died on 9/11.
Ahhh. Sen. RINO courts the base again.
And stands up for state secrets. Secrets like testimony obtained through torture. A damn sorry excuse for a former JAG.
every single action of the gop is designed to destroy the “N” in the WH. never forget that. dodt, doma, guantanamo, healthcare, reinvestment,- everything. if the dems fold at this moment, they will wander in the wasteland for a hell of alot longer than the goopers. there will be no base for the dems to call on.
Oh wonderfuly – playing the race card again eh and then wonder why the ‘Pukes do it as well
Facts are that Obomba hasn’t the guts to do the right thing – try them, release them or declare them POWs cos he’s too busy fawning over that lickspittle POS Jewberman and trying not to upset his Israel firster dual citizen Cof S Dumbo
I won’t tolerate anti-Semitic language. This is a warning.
Anti-semitic ???
Where the hell did that come from ?
My comment was directed at ONE person – OBOMBA’s BFF Lieberman. Hell even if it was directed at all Jews (which it wasn’t) it would NOT be anti-semitic. Semites refer to ALL people of the Mid East (the VAST majority of whom are NOT Jews). As such for YOU to refer to a comment targeted at 1 Jew as anti-semitic is far more bigoted than my comment as your inference is that only Jews are allowed to be in the Mid East
LIEberman is personal. JEWberman is ethnic. Got it now?
I assume OBOMBA is a typo. I make them myself. But in light of the Jewberman remark, I’m not so sure.
“Antisemitism” has a well-established meaning. Defending it with irrelevant semantic arguments is the mark of a troll.
Duhhhhh,…. how do you know if someone was involved in the September 11 attacks if they haven’t been tried yet? Let’s face it, the Dems and the Publicans are two branches of the same party, the CORPORATE party. They stand for the transfer of wealth from the commons and the population to the feudal manors and their overlords.
All any of them care about is CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS.
Getting campaign contributions and governing a Republican democracy are two different things, I’m sorry.
Exactly. If they are “terrorists who plotted the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks” there’s no need for another trial, is there? Boo, The Hill is obviously in need of a good editor — send a resume.
“In a letter to Obama on Aug. 6, Graham joined McCain, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) in calling for the 9/11 suspects to be tried at Guantanamo Bay.”
(KTAR) Aug. 6, 2009 – Joining McCain in signing the letter were fellow Republican Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Democrats Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and Jim Webb of Virginia.
Trying Mohammed and others in civil courts “would treat the war on terrorism as a law enforcement operation, rather than a war, and would treat its alleged perpetrators as common criminals, instead of violators of the law of war,” the senators wrote.
The letter said: “Military commissions have played a time-honored role in our country, from the time General George Washington relied on them during the Revolutionary War. The revised military commission procedures contained in S. 1390, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010, not only meet but surpass the fundamental standards of fairness and due process required by our Supreme Court, the Geneva Conventions, and the rules of the International Criminal Court.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The dims will probably trip over themselves running to vote on this.
Can’t appear to be weak on security ya know.
Just where are they to be tried if not here? Gitmo?
I see another big cluster—- coming on.
See Oui’s comment below. This one already has bipartisan cred (and Obama’s BFF Lieberman is on board–thanks for working against progressive Dems to get this loser reelected Obama!).
Remember the Spring/Summer when the Dems immediately went on the defensive when the right-wing again tried scaring the public about these “terrorists”? A few Dems mocked the fact the GOP was “scared” of locking “terrorists” up in U.S. prisons (the tact this post is taking).
But few Dems bothered to mention the fact most of these detainees were completely innocent and not terrorists (even according to the Bush admin itself!) nor did the Dems mention that our constitution and treaties require us to give people trials before calling them terrorists and locking them up.
But look over there! The GOP is being mean again. The Dems better run for cover! I guess they have no choice but to continue Bush’s illegal actions. The politics are just too hard dontcha know.
I think I now understand why Obama likes having Lieberman in the Senate–it’s a built in excuse every time.
yeah well it doesn’t help when the CinC – Obomba the war monger – claims many of them are too dangerous to release but he doesn’t have the evidence to put them on trial – you know too top secret – prosecuting them might endanger the troops and all that BS
“The GOP pretends to be a friend of the military, but they’re such pantywaists that a real soldier would be embarrassed to be associated with them.”
Especially the pantywaist Lindsey Graham.
or his BFF Pantywaist Ben Nelson and Shrillary “too busy dodging sniper fire” Pantsuit
And just how many of the war mongering Dems who voted for the war in Iraq and are now gung ho for war in Iran fought in vietnam ???
Yeah the Republicans are full of chickensh1t cowards gung ho for war and too yellow bellied to fight in them; the Democrats are no damned better
“The GOP pretends to be a friend of the military, but they’re such pantywaists that a real soldier would be embarrassed to be associated with them.”
The ol’ Chief sure won’t associate with them. Draft dodging cowards, that’s what they are.
“Senate Republicans plan to push a provision aimed at blocking the Obama administration from trying in U.S. civilian courts any terrorists who plotted the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. … Graham and others want the 9/11 suspects tried instead in a military commission at the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, raising a variety of concerns that civilian courts are ill-equipped for such high-stakes trials involving potential national security secrets.”
“Unbelievable“? How do you figure?
This is completely consistent in every way and in every sense with what these people have argued and done throughout the Bush/Cheney years.
If there is something surprising or even particularly interesting in a development which completely follows now-tired-forms, I fail to see it. If Senator Graham et al didn’t oppose the resort to civilian criminal courts in these cases, now that would be startling news indeed!
Taking a stand against trying 9/11 plotters in U.S. civilian courts doesn’t seem to make much sense to me. Not only can’t I see any valid reason for it but I don’t understand how the GOP plans to wring out any political advantage from this either. Not to mention it’s a very specific law that treads heavily in an area traditionally held to be the sole prerogative of the Judicial Branch. I can, however, see an ulterior reason for the bill – once passed it would make it considerably more difficult to prosecute Bush/Cheney & Co for any involvement in 9/11. Could that be the true motivation here?