Wednesday night Rachel Maddow announced:

“Two major powerbrokers on the left…are encouraging a Senate strategy in which the leadership would revoke chairmanships and other leadership positions from any Democrat who sides with a Republican filibuster to block a vote on health reform.”

“This is cracking heads time in the Democratic Party right now. This is arm-twisting, vote-counting, “are you a real Dem” time for the proponents of health reform.”

Since then, thousands of progressives have signed the Progressive Change Campaign Committee’s newpetition to Senate Leader Harry Reid saying:

“Any Democratic senators who support a Republican attempt to block a vote on health care reform should be stripped of their leadership titles. Americans deserve a clean up-or-down vote on health care.”

Sign here:  
Nearly 86,000 people signed the petition since Rachel’s show — can we beat 90,000 before we deliver the signatures to Harry Reid this week?

Click here:

Thousands of people have joined purely through word of mouth, so please send this post to your friends and recommend it on Kos, so others see. (HUNDREDS of folks have also shared it on Facebook and Twitter!)