Is it just me, or do the Republicans seem genuinely confused to learn that Rush Limbaugh is considered to be far too much of raving racist to be eligible to buy an NFL team?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
It’s not you. Actually tomorrow Carville’s group is releasing a study done with Stan Greenberg on the Rep. base.
They are described as out of touch with the rest of america, paranoid, racist, ect.
there is a blurb out on Huff po.
The repubs also think it was Sharpton who got the deal to tank with the Rams.
Actually it was the owners, the NFL commissioner and the players.
But, the republicans refuse to believe the truth as always.
Is it that the repubs. really don’t know or is it that they want to make it about something else and of course their target would be Sharpton, the man they love to hate.
I don’t know. It’s weird. Mainstream Republican rhetoric is actually not appropriate in polite society, yet it makes up 40% of Congress and about 90% of Fox News.
The Republicans had a serious break with reality during the Bush years — actually, some time before that, but it was during the Bush presidency that it blossomed into full-blown delusion. In any case, somewhere along the way, they decided that reality was whatever you could express in a more-or-less grammatically correct sentence with as much equivocation as they pleased. And they came to believe it.
As any good con artist can tell you, one of the most important parts of lying effectively is to believe the lie while you tell it. The problem is that you run the risk of believing the lie after you’ve told it. Eventually, it becomes impossible to distinguish between fact and fantasy. Add that to a little of the cognitive dissonance that we all have, and you can become hopelessly lost.
The Republicans don’t think of themselves as racist because being racist is a bad thing, and the Republicans are — in their minds — good people, so they can’t possibly be racist. The basic rule of cognitive dissonance is that when two beliefs conflict, the one that involves the least effort to change is the one that will most likely change. Coming to see yourself as flawed is quite difficult; concluding that your flaws are actually virtues is much, much easier. Of course, if you add a little paranoia to the mix — and conservatives are, practically by definition, paranoid — then you can bypass the whole matter by blaming your enemies, real or imaginary.
So in the end, it makes perfect sense that a radical black clergyman like Al Sharpton got all the rich, white, and largely right-wing NFL owners to reject Rush Limbaugh because he’s a Republican, despite the fact that he told some black caller to his show to call back after he took the bone out of his nose, just like Martin Luther King would have done.
Even if God doesn’t exist, the commandment against bearing false witness is still a good idea because it just might keep you from going stark raving mad.
He really said this crap? Lets not forget the pain pills and the viagra.
Why can’t you tell us if it was legal?
Talk about some serious hypocrisy kind of like saying your not a racist when you say racist shit all the time.
But his drugs were prescription pharmaceuticals prescribed by a doctor and dispensed by a pharmacist for his very real medical conditions, you see… None of that street-corner stuff sold by gang-bangers who cause all the trouble in the world. Never mind that he had his housekeeper doctor-shop to keep him supplied for his 30+ pill per day Oxycontin habit. It’s all perfectly legal stuff for his medical condition.
You can work at the country club, you can golf & talk sports with the members, you can accept gifts from them. But never, ever embarass them or jeopardize their income.
When dealing with the rich it’s important to remember your place. Sometimes we forget that ours is not a classless society.
B. Dylan – I Shall Be Free No. 10
Are we witnessing the end of the unholy marriage that is the modern republican party?
Yes, I think so. The crazy conservatives will rule the husk of the Republican Party. Toward that end, Good Morning America reports that Karl Rove is backing Sarah Palin for President. The bad news is that those Wall Street country club Republicans are taking over the Democratic Party, leaving the nation without a progressive party.
It’s just you, see, Republicans KNOW they’re not racist because they’re not, and besides, one of their best friends in middle school was black, well, not a best friend, but someone they said hi to in the hall and passed notes with in English class, and that means they can’t be racist. And they like Rush, so he can’t be racist either. And if he were racist they’d know it. And that “Barack the Magic Negro” song was just in good fun, and liberals can’t take a joke. Stupid liberals. Besides, Hillary acted racist during her campaign, so Democrats are racist too, except Republicans aren’t racist, and Republicans are the ones who passed the Equal Rights Act. And Republicans are more Christian, too, so that’s morally superior always.
just read the comments at redstate’s Grand Opus “we are all rush limbaugh, and you will find your answer.
the post itself is a hilarious ode to the conservative lack of self-awareness, but the comments add that je ne sais quoi, the icing on the cake, the corn kernels in the turd:
or this spirited response:
according to the remains of the republican party, rush never said those things:
this one is especially wonderful, as there is only one punctuation mark:
that one’s my favorite so far. or this one:
“his black friend is black”. awesome.
or this, which assumes that: if there is no google. I believe the answer is not “hundreds” so much as it is “one”.
this should answer your question, once you wipe the tears of laughter from your eyes.
i know that it is just too much to not respond to the rush bullshit but lets not get side tracked from the biggest issue in the last 35 years- HEALTH CARE!!!!!
every time the goopers find themselves being creamed, something distracting all of us from keeping up the pressure on the prize!
Harry needs to hear from us. Nancy needs to hear from us. Grayson needs our support. Dodd,schumer….. they ALL need to know that we are not all over the place!
AND- let us not forget the major media sources!!!!!
Write, fax, E-mail, call, – do everything possible to get our message clearly out there. We can’t blow this folks.
They are confused. But lately Republicans seem to be confused about a laundry list of things.
The question I have is what will happen to the guy who decided that Limbaugh should join their group to be considered for a bid?
I mean, who thinks Rush Limbaugh would be great as an owner of a NFL Football team considering a large majority of the team will consist of African-Americans.
the whole thing is borderline HILARIOUS.
the party of ‘ ACCOUNTABILITY’ now doesn’t want Rush to be accountable for what HE said.
Rev. Al nailed this to the wall when he said yesterday..
The GOP spent the better part of a YEAR trying to make BARACK OBAMA accountable for what REV. WRIGHT SAID..
and now, Rush Limbaugh doesn’t have to be accountable for what CAME OUT OF HIS MOUTH?