Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: What moves you? Be it literal or abstract.
Website(s) of the Week: Nikon’s Small World
AndiF’s Things That Move Me
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A boy and his dog
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Rushing water
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Muddy hiking boots
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what moves olivia
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My feet … along a crunchy leaf-covered path
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Fall colour
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Two loves … 😉
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Next Week’s Theme: Colors. Vibrant, subdued, solid, patterned, bright, dark, natural or human-created. Anyway you want to show them, we want to see them.
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Well, this week, it’s a Mini Cooper! 😉
Other times, it’s hot foot-on-foot bipedal action!
The best times though are spent not with myself moving, but the scene moving around me.
That middle shot definitely moves me — it just pulls right in.
A bit of a slow week this week, eh … 🙂
I love the perspective and grittiness of the second shot. I think Bob said this last week, the others look like something you painted/created from a blank screen, digital art.
The first one was just messing around. Merging the three together didn’t come out as planned so I just worked on one.
Merging the three frames for the bottom one, however, worked better than expected and I actually like a lot how that one came out. Looks great in biggie size.
how ’bout them Knicks?
What are they up to? Did the season start?
I made that comment as after I initially posted my photos a little before 7:30AM, by 3:40 nobody else had posted any pictures.
It was like tumbleweed country in here so I was trying to liven the joint up a little.
OK. I get you.
Well, I feel pretty lively after a stop at the local happy hour (after a busy day, as just described in the cafe/lounge).
Don’t know that I have much to contribute with in this week’s fff, though.
Good day,

I missed the last couple of FFF`s, having been under the weather, but am much ‘betta’ now.
Here are things that are in motion & some that move me.
Hopefully you`ll get a nudge out of them yourself.























I always love your photos but the Low Ceiling & Moving Blue are my personal favorites in this batch! Incredible!
stand strong
Go here to download demos good for thirty days.
They have a great selection of filters you would surely enjoy.
I believe I used the flood filter on the two images you mentioned.
Well I have to pick some favorites other than New Teeth Growing In because I don’t want to be completely predictable. So I’m going to declare my love for Freedom and Low Ceiling. And the hummingbirds.
Oh and that Beastie Boy and his charming Beauty too. 🙂
Thank you, & such pleasant choices also.
Love that desert shot, KNUCKLEHEAD.
It`s unusual because the sun has set, yet the high altitude contrail is still in the sunset mode.
Thank you.
As usual, some great photos ya got there, KH.
Beast and Beauty brings back some fond memories. Kindly give my regards to the Beauty.
That reminds me of the guy who showed up at the George & The Dragon Inn, looking for a room.
The lady who answered the door was abusive & rude to him, then slammed the door in his face.
Undeterred, he knocked on the door again & asked to speak to George this time.
And yes, I will.
That’s a lot of movement. Glad you’re feeling better.
Thank you very much Keres. I`m feeling like my old self again.
Hi Head, very moving. Glad to see you back. 🙂
Beast and The Beauty and New Teeth are wonderful … Suspension: the background is sublime, soft and delicate and sets off the hummingbird perfectly. And the last one, Anguilading: wow, beautifully captured (lighting and movement etc).
I guess getting healthy again was a good move also.
I like your choices.
theme: What moves you?
perhaps it’s erato, or more likely thalia…who knows, but as jimf observed in his post primary colors…quoting from his poetry selection:
here are a couple of found objects, which l find interesting because of the unintended irony implicit in them:
urban cairns…in the parking apron of a small downtown center
and this really needs no explanation
clik images to enlarge
Those cairns moved me to a big smile. I love the thought of them leading people to wonderful sights all through town.
a bit more about the cairns.
they’re at a very busy intersection at the edge of downtown and began to appear about 6 mos ago. they’re apparently the work of the homeless people who frequent the intersection looking for help.
there’s been as many as 4 at a time in that apron, but they always get knocked down…however, they continue rise again and again…much like the phoenix.
probably a parable or allegory in that, vis-a-vis the way the homeless are treated, but l’ll leave that analysis and interpretation to others.
Thanks for the added info. That makes them even more fascinating.
doesn’t say whether the AIR is hot or cold;)
it’s free…who cares.
The air sign is great. And, thank you, I will.
NIce catches d … and interesting backstory on the cairn shot.
who’s this guy?
no…it’s not Dr. John…if you said “it’s ansel adams“, universally acknowledged as one of the giants of nature photography, give yourself a 4.
apparently, 60 previously unknown glass negatives of his early work from the 20’s and early 30’s have surfaced:
if true, this is an amazing discovery.
I can`t wait to see them, dada.
amen to that.
great to see you back head….glad you’re feeling better.
Cool. I’m very fond of Ansel.
Did you know that he only weighed 130lbs and because of that he he’d drink a 1/2 cup of olive oil, in an effort to slow down alcohol consumption, before going out for a night with the boys.
When I think of him carrying all those glass plates, the 8″ x 10″ camera and tripod up all those mountain sides like a billy goat, I can only wonder that anyone would question his physical prowess.
Wow! Thanks for posting that d.
The fall goodbye gala Mother Nature throws here every fall moves our spirits and warms our hearts to withstand the big chill soon to follow.
Moving through time.
We only have one deciduous tree (my photo at the link) in Tasmania, and you really have to want to see it change color since it only grows in remote altitude areas.
Lovely variations of color on your local beech! Ours are not so diverse in hue, IIRC.
Really nice shots, ID. As always, you do a great job of capturing the town. I think the Democrat should hire you.
I hear there are openings there of late, photo department included. Rodney and Linda are both leaving the paper and Kim in advertising has resigned as well. The general manager announced his resignation several weeks ago. Makes me wonder what’s up. Gossip says they may be planning to run the entire operation from The Republic over in Columbus. Linda has a replacement, Susan from Seymour, who Linda introduced to me Thursday afternoon. It’ll be interesting to see what develops.
Oh, oh, oh … those are gorgeous ID. Love third shot showing the lovely trees lining the street, the road disappearing off in the future.
That crossroads has the unlikely (for Indiana) name of Hindustan. It rained all day yesterday, so the trees seemed even more brilliant. Down that road just out of sight is an old orchard that was purchased by an young couple a few years back. They’ve gone organic with the orchard and press their own cider right on the place. I go every Friday evening in the fall to pick up 15 or 20 gallons for our local fire dept. fish fry fundraiser. The trip is quite scenic, since I prefer the “less traveled roads” to get there.
This is what has been moving me lately, MM. (Mormon Mazda) We imported it from Utah to NY. (I’ll have some actual moving photos later on.)
mazdamobile…or perhaps it’s a harry hauler?Well I was hoping for a snowy view of your on-the-way to work overlook but it is nice to finally see the MM. 🙂
Here’s a Cape May sunset from just 6 days ago. What a difference a few days makes. Sigh.
Beautiful light.
Another Cape May shot.
Both these Cape May shots are really nice but I love the bird and shadow in this shot.
LOL. Have you outfitted it yet w/ winter tires?
Gotta do that soon, especially now that winter comes right after summer ends.
All that is:
Leopard orchid
Nodding greenhood orchid
Mountain dragon
All that was:
And all that ever shall be . . .
Wonderful things to see does move me and I’m grateful for all the wondrous fauna and flora you’ve brought to us over the years.
My pleasure. I should have my Nikon back on Monday – just in time for our trip to Bruny Island. I’d promise Fairy penguin photos, but they only come ashore in the evening and flash photography is not allowed. I’ll try to make up for that failing with other photos equally as engaging.
Yay for the Nikon coming home and double yay for the great-sounding trip (too bad about the no-penguins pics, though).
Seconding Andi’s comment. Always a pleasure seeing what treasures you’ve discovered/photographed. (Including the furry loves … 😉
Beautiful – love the nodding greenhood orchid … the colour and the form. And the panos are just amazing.
The structure of the noddys (as we call them locally) is intended to draw a tiny wasp inside, and then confuse it as to the way out with the false “window” on its topside. That way the wasp will crawl around for a long time before leaving well-covered with pollen. Nature is so sneaky.
The “skylight” on the green orchid is genius.
I was going to add an additional picture here this morning but I started writing and before I knew it, it was big enough for it’s own diary and I didn’t want to just drop it as a really large comment in here so if you’re interested, there’s a couple more images and some background on them and technique over here.