Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: Colors. Vibrant, subdued, solid, patterned, bright, dark, natural or human-created. Anyway you want to show them, we want to see them.
Website(s) of the Week: Essay: Chop and Crop. Discussion ensuing from a cropped photo that appeared in Newsweek of Dick Cheney holding a knife, for an article discussing torture techniques used on prisoners.
AndiF’s Colors
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Set in stone
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And somewhere in between
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olivia’s colours
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Burning bush
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Next Week’s Theme: Random!
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Taken by Annie Liebovitz …
link to flickr
Gorgeous family, beautiful photo!
oops — Leibovitz … 🙂
Taken with a Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III
Here’s a link to the metadata: link
Missed you all last week, nephew took up residence in my office. It was nice to see them as it’s only a couple of times a year.
Amphitheater Sails

Southern Lubber

Valdez Swamp Three Image Stitch

Large Image For Detail
Hi Bob, we missed you as well. Glad you had a nice visit w/ your nephew. 🙂
Love the amphitheatre sails! The triangles pop against that blue sky. Great detail on the grasshopper. Did you do any HDR on it?
The Valdez Swamp photo must be seen large — gorgeous. I love the hanging moss(?) on the trees and the sun flare.
Thanks Olivia, I love the jellyfish. That’s not easy to shoot through glass like that.
No HDR, that’s his natural color, only a little sharpening.
The moss is Spanish Moss, it’s just about everywhere, no escaping it.
That top picture is awesome! Love the geometry & color on display!
Thanks, it was the dedication and grand opening of the Lyonia Preserve. http://lyoniapreserve.com/lec.htm
Seconding and thirding in the top picture. Gorgeous colors, perfect framing.
But that grasshopper is rather awesome too.
Thanks Andi,
I like your leaves lit by the sun. It always amazes me, how when lit by sunlight at the right angle, they look like stained glass.
a very lateral riff off of SS’s railroad diary from last week:
nine hand reel
and a bonus one for olivia’s gnome series at PO
I like the way you lit the caps pictures so that cardboard edges are just barely visible.
thanks, andi and o…..they’re under exposed a stop and a half…..and still had to be tweaked.
second one maybe shoulda been titled “left hand reel”…..since that’s the brewery, and 9 of them will defintely make you reel…good stuff…:{)
Great idea d … as Andi said, great lighting to capture the colour and detail of the tops (like the patterns they form). And lol re: the gnome, and on skates too! 😀
My local cemetery, Woodlands Cemetery
Soon To Fall
Green Hill First Haitian Church of God
Crane Master
The last one was pretty neat. I was coming home with Elliott after picking him up from school and he noticed police blocking the street in front of us. As we rounded the corner, there was a huge crane in the middle of the street lifting supplies for a new rooftop cell tower. Elliott was in awe at the size but it was the offer to sit in the cab that really made him happy!
…but it was the offer to sit in the cab that really made him happy!
Birthday and Xmas all at once…
I’m working on a tip to maybe get him into a train yard.
Not only is that a lovely portrait of a happy child but the angle is just about perfect with the crane leading our eyes to the puffy clouds.
I’ve been working on that perspective for a bit, trying to get it just right. Here’s another take on it.
Very nice picture but it lacks … oh I don’t know … something … maybe a little happy face? 😉
That would be pretty funny, actually.
Nice … I like the turbulent sky.
The skies are tricky to work with, especially with the tonemapping. Here’s the original:
I whipped up the first version I posted pretty quickly so I didn’t pay as much attention as I should’ve, hence the loss of the white stripes on the weighted hook and the redness on the inner portion of the building.
The tonemapped version has more depth, doesn’t it. I don’t mind the loss of the colour and white.
Very cool shot.
Excellent composition & perspective with great DOF.
I think the smiley face is already apparent & discovered by Ms. AndiF.
Exposing that shot kind of sucked, though.
When I exposed for Elliott, the sky was blown out. When I exposed for the sky, Elliott was underexposed. What I ended up doing was exposing for the sky and then via brightening and exposure adjustments, was able to pull up some proper lighting on the underexposed section of cab and it came out as is.
Not too bad too, considering the amount I had to pull to get that to come out the way it appears.
It turned out really well — absolutely worth the work.
I do this same thing quite a bit. It’s amazing what you can pull out of underexposed areas. Great shot. Do you have the over under exposed images? You could try merging and blending them.
Great colour in your photos, ss. Love the pink vs blue in the Green Hill church photo.
I love how Elliott looks like he sits in cranes regularly … he’s all cool w/ it … 🙂 And agree w/ Andi on how you’ve framed the crane going up into the sky … Definitely worth the PP work. it’s a great shot.
The chrysanthemums in the Conservatory Garden are an explosion of colors these days:
In the spring:
Late summer morning:
The flowers are just spectacular. It must be nice to have somewhere to go to see gorgeous flowers when the world outside is making the move toward winter.
We try to make a trip at least once a week, usually Saturday morning w/breakfast – it’s only 8 short blocks away. The last week I’ve been there 4 times…
I can see why! Was just looking at the link … gorgeous, and how wonderful to be able to get there so easily.
How lucky for you!
Oh ask, those flowers are beautiful!
You’re still the expert and master…
Thanks ask … 🙂
I’m lucky we have such a great market open 365 days a year. Last weekend:
Wow SN! What a riot of colour … love, love, love the peppers!
Wow, what gorgeous colors. And gorgeous food, especially the bottom photo.
Images with an asterix, were not taken in the last two days.
All others are from the same garden, although only two with an asterix, the Purple Probes, were not from the same garden & pond.


































You have some of the most awesome aquatic shots I’ve ever seen and I love when your stuff shows up in my photostream.
And that top shot of the fish would look awesome framed large.
Thank you stand strong.
They have a little focus adjustment that`s a concern. The auto focus usually focuses on the surface of the pond & not the fish below.
I focus then move closer by the amount the fish is below the surface.
I also noticed that the “bent stick” effect plays havoc also.
When I have a fish in full frame, I often end up with only half a fish.
The top image seems almost magnified, since that big monster was displacing the water ahead of it creating a dome of water just before it broke the surface.
These Koi & all the garden shots are at a yard I built for one of my clients.
I should do a post on that whole place sometime.
There are waterfalls over 12 feet high that fall into the pond that surrounds a saltwater spa with it`s own hot water fall.
An 18 foot square pavilion is accessed by two overhanging rocks with the pond below then a few 300 lb. stone slabs are stepping stones to get across the pond once more to the steps up to the spa.
Although I believe it was ultimately enhanced, I dug this pond by myself. It’s probably around 10x4x4 but man, what a pain in the arse.
stand strong,

I prefer to set them up, cycle them, stock them with plants & animals, then hand it to the owners.
I did this one about four years ago for another friend.
If it was for myself, I might have the same feelings you do (a real pain).
But I love getting paid for having fun & practice creativity.
Oh I just love PURPLE PROBES. The soft glow, the string of light, and the the translucent purple all combine into a mesmerizing effect.
The probes, (the tentacles on my big Purple Anemone), are quite hypnotizing.
I`m doing a big reef cleanup this weekend in hopes of shooting it in it`s new growth.
It`s now about 12″ from base to crown, up on a long foot.
I`ll have to disturb it slightly but it shouldn`t sting me.
Wowza … 😀
Love the variety of photos you post. The backlit veins shot is fantastic. And great lighting on the violin – what kind of lighting did you use for that?
Thanks Olivia.
Ahem, I waited by the mossy rock.
Are you OK?
The lighting was supplied by Acme Desk Lamp Inc.
I love the jellies you posted.
I might have fallen asleep … 😉
The lighting is fantastic. You know about my inherited violin, I’ve been wanting to take photos and this is great inspiration. 🙂
“Fallen Asleep”
Well that explains it all.
I did not know about your inherited instrument.
When can we expect to see it?
Here is another view of the Hudson River taken while waiting for the light to change, mostly in blue.
What a nifty picture. So many shades of blue and every last one of them showing why blue is “cool”.
Was this in the morning, b2? It’s serene, w/ all that blue. 🙂
No, it was in the late afternoon. I believe that this is a case of misadjusted white balance, once again.
Well, whatever you did it turned out lovely. 🙂
Sunset and surise in Manhattan.
Two beautiful skies but the top shot wins for me because I love the dance of the light and shadows across the buildings.
I really like he framing of the buildings in the sunset. The sliver of sun has me trying to look around the building to get a better look.
I love both the shots but especially the second one. Building silhouettes against orange sun-peeked skies are always something I’m fond of.
With that in mind, I’m noticing the subtle halos around the buildings. Is that a result of Clarity or is this a merged image of sorts, a byproduct of what I’ve been doing lately sometimes?
This is the photo as it was taken. No post production.
I may have to take that back. It’s possible that I used the D lighting function in my Nikon D-80 which added saturation. Here’s the original shot in raw.
They both look great. I was just curious.
Wow — beautiful. Love the sun peeking round the silhouetted building in the bottom shot. Great to see you LEP!
One of my favorite fall back road trips leads to friends Amy & Andy’s orchard, a colorful display near Morgan-Monroe State Forest.
Apples ready for the press

The 75 year old press Andy rebuilt. I have no clue how the thing works.

Pumpkins on the porch

The store

On the way home, a Lake Lemon stop at dusk

Water over the dam- peaceful music with a backdrop of fall color

The spillway photo is wonderful — the glow of the light on the water as it crests, the different textures of the water, the patterns within each texture, the hints of all color. Wow!
It’s a great series of photos, ID. Makes me want to hop into the car and head over there right now.
Thanks Andi! Its a really beautiful drive and normally there’s very little traffic. Tomorrow would probably not be a good day to go, however, since the Hilly Hundred bike ride is going to be on the road with about 5,000 riders on the little gravel path I take through the state forest (Farr Rd.).
Oh gosh ID – great set! I can almost smell the apples all the way over here. 😉 Did you get some cider or apples to take home?
I’m w/ Andi on the spillway — that is a beautiful shot. And I love the lemon sky .
Thanks Ms o – and no, I never return home from there empty handed;-)
Simply a wonderful country set of images.
Thank you, KNUCKLEHEAD. It means a lot coming from a photographer I consider extraordinarily talented, as are so many who post here.
Clever and fascinating.
estHer’s creativity at work again! She’s great … 🙂
This fits the theme, a blanket I started working on. A modified granny-square. These are the first 13 of 50 Round-2 squares. I haven’t used all of the colours yet, so it will be more colourful.
I love it. I can’t wait to see the completed blanket.
Me too … 😉
Andi, my favorite is the Chinle butte (No shock there.), but the reflection is challenging it. I like the contrast of the harsh lines of the structure of the dock with its rippled reflection. That great butte with its rainbow of layers topped off by a Utah blue sky is wonderful.
Olivia, I have always loved your flower photos. When I looked at the thumbnails I thought I was looking at delicate flowers in your first photo. It was great how you made the leaves look like flowers. Of course it is no surprise to me that the aquarium and the jellies look like a garden and flowers.
Thanks Jim! I accidentally deleted my Vancouver folder one day, so only have a few photos (in very small sizes) … eek, a hard lesson learned early on.
Southern Lubber
What an amazing piture, the quality of this picture
of the grass hopper is as good as looking at HD tv.
The showing of the history on the flank of the butte is fantastic.
Oh, AndiF,
I forgot to mention the truss reflection contrasted against the green water is beautiful.
Thanks Head for the comment on both pics.