One of the side effects of being scared to death of black people is that you don’t use public transportation. And if you don’t use public transportation, then you don’t have the first clue about subways. So, if you’re scared of black people, you probably shouldn’t talk about subways.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Hannity may well know better, but the overwhelming majority of Hannity’s audience lives in places where there are no subways, so they have no idea of what is and isn’t in the New York subway. Hannity could say that there are pink polka-dot elephants on the NY subway and his audience wouldn’t have any personal experience to give them pause about Hannity’s claim, outside of a lack of pink polka-dot elephants, but given their general disdain for urban areas in general and New York in particular they’d probably be prone to think that a circus elephant got hooked on drugs in New York and sprouted polka dots…
In younger days, I think I ‘saw’ stranger things than that in NY subways.
A commenter at BooMan’s thinkprogress link left this amusing verse.
h/t to m3vega
Love John Cleese.
Unfortunately, he’s really nasty at the moment because of his umpteenth divorce with the latest love of his life, an American shrink.
The surviving members were on Fallon’s show last week, pushing their IFC documentary.
According to IFC, Episode 1 of the documentary airs in a few minutes. Thanks for the tip.
l don’t know exactly why, but every time l hear hannity’s name, or watch an internet clip of one of his rants, it reminds me of this classic piece from faulty towers
ymmv…but it works for me.
Fawlty is one of our all-time favorite characters. Mrs ID still yells, “Basil! Basil!” to me when upset.
Ok, this dates me. But I remember being a young kid in 1960 taking the 14th street trolly in Washington DC and seeing nothing but black faces. For a kid from an almost all white town, it was an experience. Maybe Sean never got the chance
A Concert Violinist on the Metro?
I see religious billboards all the time. I don’t get offended, but I do usually ponder how many hungry families could have been fed for the cost of that ad.