We’re relatively muck-less, for the first time in months (not than I’m gloating, or anything). Although what little muck remains seems invariably to find its way onto Lily’s paws.
Everything went well, and it appears that the little CabinBoo finally decided it was time turn around and head the right direction (he’s been breech the last couple of times we went). Here’s hoping he stays that way. 🙂
Now, what would be good with roasted beets for dinner?
I just wound up eating the beets for dinner and falling asleep. Long day/week this week. Today I have to figure out where to get free internet access on my lunch hour so I can download stuff for a telecon after work. Hmm.
Raleigh just got free high speed internet access all over downtown. So homeless people can sit on benches and surf the net! Doesn’t help me out in the burbs though..still gotta pay.
Yeah, to make up for the not-so-spectacular fall. Colors have been kind of muted this year — as I’m sure the merchants in town have been none to happy to notice.
Last year was absolutely spectacular — really the best we’ve ever seen. So I’m not sure what’s the cause. The biggest difference between the two years was that last year was much drier and a bit warmer but I’m not sure if that really has anything to do with it.
Boy, am I glad the work day is over! Spent the entire day in appeals hearings listening to sniveling taxpayers whine about their taxes. Get rid of those socialist fire departments, I say! That’ll lower your taxes.
I did think my assessment was too high and had planned to come over to take advantage of your boundless good nature but then I woke up from my dream. 😉
Funny, I always thought it must be the shared experience of sitting stalled in traffic for 15 miles or so, surrounded by the beauty of nature and a couple of thousand other leaf-lookers.
Remember the really terrible traffic jams before they put in the light at 46 & Van Buren? I wouldn’t even go near Nashville or Bloomington any weekend between the first of October and the middle of November. The worst one we ever saw was one year when IU played Kentucky at home during the height of fall color.
It’s raining cats and dogs here this morning…figures that I’d have a midwife appointment today, necessitating extra venturing out in the muck.
How’s everybody else?
Weather sucks here. Good luck with your appointment!
We’re relatively muck-less, for the first time in months (not than I’m gloating, or anything). Although what little muck remains seems invariably to find its way onto Lily’s paws.
We’ve had steady rain here all day and the autumn leaves are coming down with it. I think we hit peak fall color about mid-week last week.
Yuck! Yesterday was so much nicer…
Good luck today, CG.
That’s purty. 🙂
Wednesday weather sux!
Today looks no better than yesterday…
What a nice spot! And you’ve still got flowers!
So near, yet so far ..
(or enjoying the sunshine)
Everything went well, and it appears that the little CabinBoo finally decided it was time turn around and head the right direction (he’s been breech the last couple of times we went). Here’s hoping he stays that way. 🙂
Now, what would be good with roasted beets for dinner?
Mmm, beets. I’ve found that I love the beet greens almost as much as the beets themselves.
Yay on the CabinBoo finding his sense of direction.
It’s always a good idea to eat the greens. They’re very, very, very good for you. Even better than the roots!
Do they taste less like dirt than than the root does?
They do — but ya gotta wash ’em.
Only slightly less so than potatoes.
But you really do need to wash them. 🙂
Glad to hear that everything is going okay.
Too late (early?) to help with dinner but where I grew up, you got beets, you got borscht.
I just wound up eating the beets for dinner and falling asleep. Long day/week this week. Today I have to figure out where to get free internet access on my lunch hour so I can download stuff for a telecon after work. Hmm.
Raleigh just got free high speed internet access all over downtown. So homeless people can sit on benches and surf the net! Doesn’t help me out in the burbs though..still gotta pay.
At least you’ve got a choice, lusciousness. Here in our little burg, the folks who supervise town development are just finding out there’s interwebs.
That’s what I need! I could just go hang out on the bench at lunchtime and get my blog time in. 🙂
I’m glad to hear all’s well, CG. Here’s hoping the CabinBoo remains a compliant child forever.
click for larger
That’s a beautiful shot, Andi.
Seeing your forest fotos gives me the same warm feeling as seeing pictures of someone beloved.
Thanks WW. I’ll bet your mountains had a lovely fall, too.
Here’s an image, taken Monday. This is up the mountain a ways; down in the valley it’s basically grey now.
Let’s see if my image hosts have their act together today.
Wench ~ is it perpetually misty and ethereal where you are?
Not always misty, but that’s when I like to go out.
However, it’s always ethereal where I am.
It’s your wenchy, ethereal aura.
I rather think it’s a metabolic imbalance.
I call mine perimenopause. 🙂
That’s a really evocative picture and it feels like a lovely complement to mine — mist with sun/mist without sun.
I’m honored that you’d pair the two, really.
The lighting tech did an especially good job with that one;-)
Andi must have deep pockets if she’s getting lighting techs to do set-ups so remotely.
Anything for the Goddess of the Enchanted Forest;-)
Yeah, to make up for the not-so-spectacular fall. Colors have been kind of muted this year — as I’m sure the merchants in town have been none to happy to notice.
Seems like our fall seasons were similar this year. Definitely an overabundance of yellow & amber tones; not so much typical psychedelia.
The times they are a-changin’.
Last year was absolutely spectacular — really the best we’ve ever seen. So I’m not sure what’s the cause. The biggest difference between the two years was that last year was much drier and a bit warmer but I’m not sure if that really has anything to do with it.
I reckon that everything matters.
Boy, am I glad the work day is over! Spent the entire day in appeals hearings listening to sniveling taxpayers whine about their taxes. Get rid of those socialist fire departments, I say! That’ll lower your taxes.
Heh…wait till they find out what happens to their homeowners insurance premium after they get rid of that stinkin’ socialist fire department…
I did think my assessment was too high and had planned to come over to take advantage of your boundless good nature but then I woke up from my dream. 😉
And those socialist police departments!
I found myself a wee bit lost on the foggy mountain the other day, but when I saw Tree Man I knew I was on the right path.
The sky’s clearing here & I can go out to work. Hope y’all have a good day!
He looks like those scary apple trees on the Wizard of Oz! Well, more goofy than scary.
He sort of reminds me of someone from Dr. Seuss.
In any case, I recognized him & was able to find my way down the mountain. So seeing him was nice.
Before I go out, I want to ask: how is your nephew?
Touch and go with Brady. They’ve inserted the PICC line and giving antibiotics, but so far the chest x-rays are not improving.
Thanks for reply, SN. I send good thoughts his way. His youth is a great plus, I think.
We hope for the best.
He’s in the very late stages of muscular dystrophy, so every time he gets sick it’s a crisis.
I hope you’ll keep us posted.
I’ve got to head outside now, unfortunately. I’m working ‘between the raindrops’, as they say. Ugh.
‘Til later ..
Wishing him the best.
I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope there’s improvement soon — fingers and paws crossed here.
Just adding our positive wishes for Brady. I hope he improves soon.
I love that tree. And what a great landmark.
Love the tree! And it does seem to always be misty where you are, wench. 😉
Part of that is the fact that my camera takes the best pictures when there’s not a lot of detail — only 2.1 megapixels!
That’s a spooky tree!
But friendly!
Today’s theme is Random so throw some digital darts at your digital photos and post whatever they hit.
Click here for the FFF.
Something I thought you’d appreciate.
The tourist industry around here wouldn’t like that idea much.
Funny, I always thought it must be the shared experience of sitting stalled in traffic for 15 miles or so, surrounded by the beauty of nature and a couple of thousand other leaf-lookers.
Remember the really terrible traffic jams before they put in the light at 46 & Van Buren? I wouldn’t even go near Nashville or Bloomington any weekend between the first of October and the middle of November. The worst one we ever saw was one year when IU played Kentucky at home during the height of fall color.