Ezra Klein has a good breakdown of the three types of Democratic hold-outs in the House on health care reform. But it’s a bit more than three types. There are anti-choicers who want to cordon off federal funds from reimbursing abortion providers. There are members of the Hispanic caucus who want undocumented workers to have access to the health exchanges. There are single-payer advocates who either want their promised vote on that issue, or think this reform will enshrine a flawed system in perpetuity. There are members who object to a surtax on millionaires. There are members who don’t want more government involvement in the health care industry. And, then, there are scaredy-cats. Some members are in multiple camps.
David Dayen is keeping an updated whip count, and he has 25 definite Democratic ‘no’ votes.
Adler (NJ), Baird (WA), Boren (OK), Bright (AL), Childers (MS), A. Davis (AL), L. Davis (TN), Gordon (TN), P.Griffith (AL), Herseth Sandlin (SD), Kissell (NC), Kosmas (FL), Kratovil (MD), Marshall (GA), Massa (NY), Matheson (UT), McMahon (NY), Melancon (LA), Minnick (ID), Peterson (MN), Skelton (MO), Stupak (MI), Tanner (TN), Taylor (MS), Teague (NM)
Stupak is the leader of the abortion faction, so his ‘no’ depends on the final compromise. I hear Baird’s vote might actually be in play, too, but I don’t know what he wants. Massa wants single-payer or nothing. Melancon is running for senate in Louisiana and Artur Davis is running for governor in Alabama. Pelosi can only afford to lose 40 votes, and she is currently losing closer to fifty.
This is already a piece of crap bill. It’s pathetic that we’re struggling to reach the finish line. There are a lot of people who think we should be able to pass a much stronger bill. They’re right. But we can’t.
like everyone else, we have had the overton window pulled on the country over the last decades.
What was once seen as far fringe right is now common mainstream republican. The middle is where the liberal left use to be and progressives are seen as far, far left.
One of my favorite lines to throw at a wingnut is if they really think Obama is a socialist then what do they see Nixon as? His policies would have him definitely in the communist camp, I believe.
Along with the 90s, DLC New democrats that ruled the party until the last few years (and who were so pro business they even out did republicans as the business friendly in the pocket politicians), we have the social conservative democrats who will be in serious threat of their lives in some of the districts they represent.
In my district, unfortunately, I have a wooden headed, bot wingnut that just follows orders (Il. 16th. the next one, the 17th has a nice progressive…)
But, I do have a senator that I always know how he will vote and it is straight progressive. Durbin rocks.
We are still getting killed in political media. Especially radio, but also cable news.
What do you mean? That the “This is good news for John McCain” mentality is still prevalent in the TradMed? It will be for a long while .. sadly
I don’t know if Massa’s voting no on principle or not but I can live with his position. I fear he’s right and that we’re doing incredible damage to ourselves.
I just wish we had more politicians who feel that their job is to improve their constituent’s quality of life.
hey boo- your reply in which you make the point of te “political media” sums it all up. this is the flaw in the system and i don’t think that the founders included it in their construct.
the system is broken and it has been broken intentionally. sounds like a conspiracy? could be. but when it becomes obvious that the peoples elected representatives choose to vote against the wishes of those that selected them as their representatives, then something is wrong. seriously wrong.
And, when things get seriously wrong in this country, like they are now, and like they were in the middle of the nineteenth century, then, it is time for serious regrouping or the birth of a new political party. One which better represents the feelings and convictions of the electorate. Hopefully, America can pull it off without a civil war which, with atomic weapons around, would probably mean the end of this nation, and, perhaps, our neighbors to the north and south as well.
we already had our civil war – 8 yrs of Bush-Cheney; now we’re into Reconstruction, where much can go wrong
told ya.