You should watch C-SPAN. Rep. Tom Price of Georgia is yelling “I object” over and over again to prevent to the House from being able to proceed, or even talk.
Update [2009-11-7 13:22:34 by BooMan]: The House is now conducting three votes. They are voting to Order the Previous Question, then on the Republican substitute Agreeing on the Resolution, and then some suspension vote (not sure what it is). Obama is making remarks right now, so I guess he’s been assured that the House has the votes. Too bad the cost came on the backs of women.
Now David Dreier is objecting.
So, this is a general revolt on the part of the GOP House. They will object to everything, even though they have been ruled out of order.
So they’ve become outright teabaggers. I hope Dems point that out repeatedly. Since they won’t, we need to do our part: Ask your Dem “representative” whether s/he stands with the Congressional teabaggers or their constituents.
This is a damn zoo! I feel for Dingell. He is presiding over a group of anarchists who are to the point of foaming at the mouth.
It is incredible to watch.
They’re gonna give the old man a heart attack.
I believe Michele Bachmann is yelling now.
Is she the one objecting every time a Democrat at the mic takes a deep breath to start talking?
No, they’re switching it up.
This is going to be a contentious marathon with an attempt to throw up roadblocks at every turn. When parliamentary inquiries don’t delay it or procedural events don’t slow it down do we finally have an actual insurrection in the House by the minority? Do they storm the podium or walk out in unison? At this point I don’t think anything is off the table.
Fascinating and incredible to watch.
They appear to have given up for now.
It will be very interesting to see the reactions on the minority side when their turn comes to speak and Dingell holds them to the rule restricting length of comments and no embellishment.
I predict tremendous outrage. Veins popping and heads exploding.
My heart would surely seize up if I watched this circus. Just knowing about it second-hand makes me want to die. O my friends, my outrage meter is broken and I have fallen into the depths of despair. Witnessing the decline and fall of the American Empire is not entertaining.
Somewhere, Thomas Jefferson is rolling over in his grave. Or else muttering to himself from on high.
Gravity must have a liberal bias. It seems to keep grabbing those copies of the bill on the minority’s lectern and throwing them on the floor.
Do you suppose, if we paid him enough money, we could hire Tom Delay as Majority Whip for about six weeks and actually, you know, pass some legislation?
Boo, can we expect a vote later today?
Supposedly. At this rate, it could be after midnight. It’s supposed to be around 6pm.
Just heard they’re running about a half-hour behind. Not as bad as I would’ve respected.
Bah, “respected”? That’s expected, obviously.
I’m reading that we’ve got 26 Dems who are Nays putting our Yays and Maybes count at, I think, 232. Anybody got an estimate on the headcount for the Yays?
When Bush did that we called it cowardice.
Huh? I hate Bush as much as anyone, but I never felt he had to take questions at every single appearance.
It was the press who was cowardly under Bush, refusing to ask tough questions when he did put himself out there for press conferences or interviews.
And they haven’t changed a bit.
My point was that Obama knew he’d be questioned about whether he could accept a health care bill which practically outlawed abortion.
He chose to turn his back and walk into the White House.
Now is not the time for him to publicly answer that question. I’m much more interested in seeing him remove it during conference.
If they don’t remove it, burn the whole bill down.
Evidently, there never is a time to answer that question.
They got 247 votes on ordering the previous question.
Now they are voting on Agreeing to the Resolution, which will begin the debate.
A guy from CQ Politics says they 220 votes if the Stupak-Pitts amendment passes.
Hmm…so the anti-abortion folks provide a whopping 3-4 votes for their Hate Amendment. Interesting.
Assholes who won’t be voting for the final bill should have no say in what’s in it. That’s my take on it.
All of the Arizona Dems are voting yes today, including a couple of Blue Dogs who were sitting on the fence: Mitchell, Giffords, Kirkpatrick, Grijalva & Pastor
If the anti-abortion thing is in the final bill, I would vote no.
If there is no public option in the final bill, I’d vote no.
I’m guessing there are definitely enough progressive Dems in the House who feel this way, that the conference committee won’t keep such poison pills in the House.
And I really doubt Nancy Pelosi wants to be the person who kills abortion rights in this country.
I do have to wonder — why did the GOP not outlaw insurance-provided abortion during their time in power? Is this even Constitutional?
Not if there’s Federal money involved.
The subsidies paid to people making less than 300% or 400% of the FPI to purchase insurance are federal outlays, and therefore — so the theory goes — subject to legislative restriction as to what may be purchased with the help of the subsidy.
But the reason for the subsidies is that the govt is REQUIRING these people to buy insurance. So you are making someone buy insurance that doesn’t cover abortions just because it makes some other people feel icky.
Since when should the govt tell people what safe and legal medical procedures they are not allowed to have covered? It’s like including an amendment forcing every preteen girl to get the HPV/Gardasil vaccine even if parents object. Sure, those in the reality-based community might think it’s a good idea, but I don’t think right wing nuts would like it.
This Stupak idiot, and everyone who votes for his amendment, will never get any money or support from me again. In fact I think Emily’s List should primary all of them.
Since when should the govt tell people what safe and legal medical procedures they are not allowed to have covered?
They’re the national legislature, spending from the public fisc. Absent some Constitutional challenge, they have very great power indeed. They’re supposed to.
That’s not the same thing as liking how they use it.
I do have to wonder — why did the GOP not outlaw insurance-provided abortion during their time in power?
Why do you think? Are you really that naive? And I have to ask Boo. Are you still okay with this bill if the Stupak Amendment is in the Conference report?
I’m not naive. I’m just curious. It seems like they’ve had more victories in this last year than during their time in power. Overturning gun bans in national parks, outlawing abortion via private insurance, handing over hundreds of billions to big banks.
It just seems odd to me, that’s all.
“All we need is just a couple more seats <give us more money> and we’ll be able to pass a veritable cornucopia of progressive initiatives!”
Ron Paul is a fruit cup.
I know this is a treacherous area, but can someone offer any opinion about Paul’s rationale for voting no on that?
Not a clue.
The only thing I can think of is something akin to “F— Europe” Isolationism on steroids.
I can come up with two possibilities:
He thinks the resolution is a waste of time.
He’s against anything European.
Paul is against interventionism. This vote doesn’t surprise me at all.
Can never get cspan to play (using a mac). any suggestions? or another site that’s streaming coverage?