Sarah Palin’s stupid book isn’t even on store shelves yet and it is already getting torn apart by the Associated Press as a load of bullcrap. But, what did you expect? The woman doesn’t even have a passing acquaintance with the truth, which became obvious when the first thing out of her mouth after being nominated was that she’d said ‘no thanks to that Bridge to Nowhere.’ That was debunked within eight minutes.
Meet the new candidate…she’s a bald-faced liar. And it was just downhill from there. Next we learned she was a moran.
I am almost starting to feel sorry for that guy in the picture. Poor bastard.
He’s probably to stupid to have a computer, but his kids will see their day forever.
Internet infamy.
‘see their DAD forever’.
I sure am glad there is no picture!
lol (also it’s “too” stupid)
((((ducks and runs for cover)))
this is just dum.
I was hoping nobody would notice the missing o.
but someone could put this thread on a sign
courtesy of the infamous town of Tombstone, AZ:
Any reason to think Palin had anything to do with writing this so-called book? Writing a book takes at least a little thinking, some information, and the ability to work at something for more than a few days.
Well, from what I have seen over the past eight years (think Dubya), it is just possible that this dimwit will be the Republican candidate for president in 2012, and furthermore,
that she will be elected. Don’t overestimate the stupidity of the American electorate (think Reagan).
Well, that should have been “underestimate.”
Isn’t that ‘misunderestimate’ .. ?
Or it could have been “overestimate the intelligence” of …
It has FIVE chapters in it.
That’s all the ghostwriter had time for.
I wonder how many of them she even bothered to read.
When the AP fact checks you, you know you’re in deep doo-doo.
Almost makes me feel bad for Schmidt. Almost. You can’t vet for stupid on this level even if you actually vet.
Apparently it was beyond the McCain campaign too.
I just read that the AP review said that Levi’s name isn’t mentioned at all. Must be an interesting story, sort of a fairy tale.