Rudy Guiliani is not alone among the right in lamenting that Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize-winning change of tone is a setback for all those who believe our country is in a war with Islam. But, isn’t that impression exactly what led this nutjob in Texas to resist his deployment to Afghanistan? He seems to have agreed with Guiliani, and that led him to conclude that, as a Muslim, his first duty was to fight on the side of Muslims.

I know the guy is crazy. I know he is a murderer. But if you keep yapping about how this country is at war with Muslims, should you really be surprised if some Muslims actually believe you?

Insofar as Guiliani is correct (that we have been at war with Muslims), changing that can only lessen the threat that Muslims will act accordingly. Right?

Do you see how goddamn nuts this country has become? The rhetoric we hear from the right would, if true, justify the massacre at Ft. Hood. We only reserve the right to be outraged by this act of betrayal because Guiliani’s rhetoric is bullshit. If he were telling the truth, Muslims would be fools to serve in our armed services, or to fail to take up arms against them.

And, ironically, the right continues to tell us that we are the ones imperiling our national security.