Sarah Palin appears almost stunned that the Associated Press got a pre-release copy of her book and fact-checked it.
“We’ve heard 11 writers are engaged in this opposition research, er, ‘fact checking’ research!” Palin continued. “Imagine that – 11 AP reporters dedicating time and resources to tearing up the book, instead of using the time and resources to “fact check” what’s going on with Sheik Mohammed’s trial, Pelosi’s health care takeover costs, Hassan’s associations, etc.”
To which, The Hill’s Michael O’Brien responds dryly, “The Associated Press employs roughly 4,100 journalists around the globe.”
This is entirely reminiscent of the campaign, when Sarah Palin introduced herself to America with the line about her saying, “Thanks, but no thanks, on that Bridge to Nowhere.” Then, as now, she and the McCain team seemed completely unprepared for the fact that that claim was going to be debunked roughly eight minutes after it was uttered. Palin had actively pursued the money for the Bridge to Nowhere until it became clear that she wasn’t going to get the money because it had turned into a national symbol of wasteful pork-barrel spending. She wanted to tie herself to McCain’s image as a crusader against government profligacy. But Alaska is more dependent on profligate federal appropriations than any other state in the union. It’s main representatives in DC, Sen. Ted Stevens and Rep. Don Young, had both compromised themselves through their corrupt efforts to bring home the bacon. Palin had been elected, in part, as a reaction to this kind of ossified corruption, but she still behaved as any representative of Alaska would behave. She had her hand out. If she wanted to point out how she had made some baby steps at reform, that would have been acceptable. But she decided to introduce herself to the nation by telling an enormous whopper that was debunked as fast as it could be googled. And, worse, she insisted on repeating the lie at appearance after appearance, even after it had been thoroughly debunked.
A story from August 10th, 2008, before most people had ever heard of Governor Sarah Palin, shows just how full of shit her image as a crusader against taxes and socialism is.
Republicans in Congress this June united to defeat a proposed windfall tax on oil companies, deriding it as a bad idea that would discourage investment in U.S. oil exploration.
Things worked out far differently in the GOP stronghold of Alaska, a state whose economic fate is closely tied to the oil industry.
Over the opposition of oil companies, Republican Gov. Sarah Palin and Alaska’s Legislature last year approved a major increase in taxes on the oil industry — a step that has generated stunning new wealth for the state as oil prices soared.
Now, that was a progressive reform. Not only did Palin buck the national party’s position on taxing Big Oil, she turned around and handed that money out to the citizens of her state.
Democrat Barack Obama supports a national windfall-profits tax, while Republican John McCain opposes it.
Alaska collected an estimated $6 billion from the new tax during the fiscal year that ended June 30, according to the Alaska Oil and Gas Association. That helped push the state’s total oil revenue — from new and existing taxes, as well as royalties — to more than $10 billion, double the amount received last year.
While many other states are confronting big budget deficits because of the troubled economy, Alaska officials are in the enviable position of exploring new ways to spend the state’s multibillion-dollar budget surplus.
Some of that new cash will end up in the wallets of Alaska’s residents.
Palin’s administration last week gained legislative approval for a special $1,200 payment to every Alaskan to help cope with gas prices, which are among the highest in the country.
That check will come on top of the annual dividend of about $2,000 that each resident could receive this year from an oil-wealth savings account.
Imagine this as federal policy. Imagine every citizen of this country getting an annual check for $3,200 from the federal government. Imagine all of that money coming from royalties and taxes on Big Oil. That’s what Governor Palin did in Alaska. She was the biggest and certainly the most effective socialist leader in the country. She could have introduced herself to America honestly by saying that she stood for massive socialist subsides paid for through windfall taxes on Big Oil. But that didn’t fit in with McCain’s platform, so we were told that she was a huge opponent of pork barrel spending and an anti-socialist crusader.
Her entire story is a gigantic lie. Why should we expect her book to be any different?
Also available in orange.
Max Blumenthal examines Palinism.
I have some problems with Andrew Sullivan, but on Caribou Barbie, he had her number from almost Day One, and never let anyone bully him away from exposing her for what she is.
Between him and MUDFLATS, they have told you everything you should know about this fraud. AP is late to the game.
Sully got a bit loopy and personal with the conspiracies about her grandchild.
I’m pretty level headed, but I think it’s probably true. Look at the pics, look at someone you know who’s pregnant and tell me what you think. No way that woman was 7 months pregnant in those dated pics. Especially with her 5th. Everything else out of her mouth is a lie, why not this?
I didn’t think the grandkid thing was loopy, but I’m still waiting for someone to actually PRODUCE her COLLEGE DEGREE. Does her story about how she got one ring false to anyone else? Don’t you know how hard it is to transfer credits from one school to another, let alone the 4 or 5 she supposedly went to? I’ll say it, no, I don’t think she has a degree.
…and yet she still gets press. I don’t get it. She’s not viable as a candidate by a mile and yet the media and the GOP still flay her on the body politic, either as a candidate or a kingmaker. SMH.
I can’t wait for SNL to get Tina Fey back for a reunion. Because if Palin didn’t get it last time, she’d better get the clue this time.
“…and yet she still gets press.”
Palin is all about getting, and using the media. She’s far more about image than she is about substance.
“Her entire story is a gigantic lie.”
I seriously doubt that she’ll ever face tough, point blank questions about her story, because she’ll only submit to puff interviews and she’ll stick close to Fox, where, like Cheney and Rove, she’ll never appear with another guest who might actually challenge her or make her go off-script.
hadn’t thought of it, very interesting question
Her pregnancy is problematic for me also – the part about flying back to Anchorage, then taking the extra trip to Wasila after her water broke in TX so the baby could be born in Wasila I find questionable – and if true, why endanger the baby that way? and would the airline let her fly? this is one of those life mysteries I think we will answer fairly soon, however.
Why would the airline have stopped her from flying? Pregnant women are allowed to fly, and they would have no way of knowing that her water had broken unless she told them, which of course she would not. I have flown half way around the world three weeks before giving birth, and no one at the airline said a word about it.
Why endanger the baby by flying back to Alaska and insisting upon going to Wasilla to give birth? The woman is a textbook narcissist, and to a narcissist other people are nothing but props to use in getting what they want.
They weren’t aware that she was pregnant, even. The part I find unbelievable as a 4-time mother, is that she would endanger a high-risk pregnancy by flying back thousands of miles after her water had broken and then bypassing several maternity hospitals in Alaska so that her baby could be born in Wasilla.
I’m not a big conspiracy theorist…I’m really just watching with bemusement for the fact to come out. I think she just started lying and then couldn’t find her way back out. Seems like she routinely creates her own reality and this is one example.
“routinely creates her own reality” and is surprised and angry when people fact check. just watched some of the Oprah clips. I read Oprah’s expression as bewilderment, how to negotiate around this wacko?
“‘routinely creates her own reality’ and is surprised and angry when people fact check.“
This is SOP for narcissists/sociopaths.
“The part I find unbelievable as a 4-time mother, is that she would endanger a high-risk pregnancy by flying back thousands of miles after her water had broken and then bypassing several maternity hospitals in Alaska so that her baby could be born in Wasilla.“
Please google Narcissistic Personality Disorder. You will see Sarah Palin there.
I agree with you on this one. Other people, including her own children, are merely props in the Sarah Palin show.
Oprah is going to be juicy.
I just set the DVR to record it. I rarely watch the show, but this could be interesting.
…trust me. It’s going to delve into girl-talk.
And who is Booman? An unknown; a fraud; a nobody with an ax to grind. Sarah Palin? Oh, she’s out there in real time, having her say, having an effect, a real person with a real identity.
Ah, but Booman? Just another long-winded loner, hiding out in the ether of the Internet, throwing stones and running away, suffering from a terminal case of Palin Derangement Syndrome.
I pity you, bro, and hope that you get your meds adjusted soon.
You are really funny…do you see starbursts when Palin comes on your teevee? 🙂
Who the f@ck is Jack Davis??
Anyone having a hard on for the fraud that is Ms Wasila is the one needing medication adjustment.
Booman has run this site for almost 5 years and his identity is no secret. He hides nowhere.
you’re kidding, right.
though in a very rude fashion.
Apparently, you don’t know, Jack…
How to speak teabag-
I you want to get the whole story go to palingates
“If” you want the whole story.
The country said “Thanks, but no thanks” to Palin’s Bridge to Nowhere Good that was represented by the McCain campaign.
There’s nothing that people who don’t care about truth hate more than people who do.