They should have shot Khalid Sheik Mohammed execution style in the back of his head and dumped his body in a canal and spared us all the national security risks posed by Article III and the 5th and 6th Amendments to the Constitution.
They should have shot Khalid Sheik Mohammed execution style in the back of his head and dumped his body in a canal and spared us all the national security risks posed by Article III and the 5th and 6th Amendments to the Constitution.
James Madison weeps. Democracy is not something that a coward like Burr can handle. Who are the girly-men now?
This guy:
More video of Burr:
Perhaps my favorite:
Kids are “pigs at the trough”:
Hatley’s civilian lawyer, David Court, told the jury that, even if they believed that Hatley, Mayo and Leahy fired at the back of the detainees’ heads at the canal, there is no proof that any of them died, since the government has not found bodies or forensic evidence despite an extensive search in Iraq.
Iraqi river carries grotesque cargo
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
True, they could be Al Qaeda Zombies ready to attack NYC as soon as the trial starts.
Unless the Democrats in Congress screw up healthcare reform so much that it is a negative campaign issue, Burr is going to be defeated in 2010.
He apparently is not a teabagger favorite–thus this crazy pandering to crazies.
His Hobson’s choice is between the crazies (who are enthusiastic) staying home or a good part of the country club Republicans staying home. Watch his bobbing and weaving to try to keep these together.
What will do him in is the substantial increase in the (legal) Hispanic vote, a difference from six years ago when he used immigration as a wedge issue and won. His success was what caused the GOP and Lou Dobbs to pick up this issue and start pimping it. It rescued them from voters’ boredom at another go at guns, abortions, God, and gays.
It’s getting almost funny watching the GOP go more and more extreme in trying to hold their base together–touting “conservative principles” on one hand and suspension of the Constitution on the other. If Fox News wasn’t there to provide them with a fig leaf of legitimacy, they’d be crawling back under the rocks the came from.
Like I have time to care that Khalid Sheik Mohammed will be securely locked in a cage in the US when Joe fucking Lieberman is running free.
Really, the priorities of some people are so misguided.
To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t have had any problem at all if KSM had been killed by U.S. armed forces, except that he was the most valuable source of information on the structure of al-Qaeda and any ongoing follow-on plots to attack U.S. citizens. He was obviously more valuable alive than dead. There was no reason to torture him however. A decision to keep him alive for questioning should have made it more imperative to keep in mind that he would need to be tried in court later on, and not to spoil the evidence against him.