What books would you want for Christmas? What books are you thinking of buying for someone else for Christmas? You can buy them from Powell’s in the sidebar. Unlike Amazon, Powell’s doesn’t give money to Republicans.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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The Children’s Book
~A S Byatt
The Women: A Novel
~ T.C. Boyle
The Age of Wonder by Richard Holmes looks interesting. But, you know, I’m a big nerd so the intersection of science and culture is one of my main interests.
Along that line I’ll probably get a new copy of Reflections on Gender and Science by Evelyn Fox Keller, since the one I loaned out got lost.
This one looks interesting for those soon expecting the arrival of a new family member (kof, kof).
Or perhaps, this one.
That looks like Sarah Palin on the cover. Ick.
(Title anyone?)
I’m still hoping that someone will propose a revised title to cap off my ‘piece’.
The single book on the Kennedy assassination that explains the case in the most straightforward, unassailable terms:
JFK and the Unspeakable, by Jim Douglass.
I already bought 4 copies of David Plouffe’s Book, “Audacity to Win” for friends for Christmas. It’s absolutely one of the most engaging books I’ve read in some time. Unfortunately it is getting completely overshadowed by a very poorly writen political book that’s out.
Surprisingly, given that it’s his first book, Plouffe is a very good writer and it reads like a novel. It’s a page turner for sure and I couldn’t put it down and ended up reading the whole 390 pages straight through. I gave it to a friend and she started it yesterday morning and finished it at 1a.m. last night – and she isn’t even that into politics!
Plouffe doesn’t sanitize events or language and the whole Clinton for VP saga was a fascinating inside baseball story.
And speaking of baseball, congratulations to Joe Mauer of my Minnesota Twins for getting an almost unanimous (27 of 28 votes) to wib the AL MVP today!!
crap. I need to run spellcheck. I wish I could fix my mistake. AL MVP -Joe Mauer — WIN.
A View From Your Window by Andrew Sullivan…and i dont care if he is a republican…that book intrigues me.
Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships
by Tristan Taormino
One Big Happy Family: 18 Writers Talk About Polyamory, Open Adoption, Mixed Marriage, Househusbandry, Single Motherhood, and Other Realities of Truly Modern Love (2009) (Rebecca Walker, Editor)
Baked; New Frontiers in Baking by Lewis, Poliofito and Rupp
When Everything Changed; The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present. by Gail Collins
oh i could go on and on
I wish I’d known about Powell’s before I ordered “The Heaven Tree Trilogy” by Edith Pargeter for my sister. It’s out of print, but I was able to find a new one from Amazon. I’ll check out Powell’s next time. I’d prefer that my money did not go to Republicans.
Love Powells, which I got to know through this site, and told me about how great it is to go there in person.
spell-check: meant to say a friend told me about how great it is to go there in person.
It is a great place to visit in person. But the shear enormity of the store and the seemingly endless opportunity to “browse” meant that I rarely got past the section I started in the course of a single visit.
i’ve been going online to Powell’s for awhile
I buy almost all my books through Powell’s and use this site’s link to do it. It’s just a fabulous store and I’ve always had amazing results, whether new or used. Yeah, it costs a couple of bucks more than Amazon, but a) they deliver what they say they will in perfect condition and b) they are a “small” establishment and blue. I cannot recommend them enough. Do use Booman’s link because he gets a percentage of each sale!!
That’s good to hear. Not buying many books lately, but I do always link to them through boomantribune. Been selling some online to Powell’s, building up space in the bookshelf and some Powell’s credit I can use for holiday shopping.
I buy almost all my books through Powell’s and use this site’s link to do it. It’s just a fabulous store and I’ve always had amazing results, whether new or used. Yeah, it costs a couple of bucks more than Amazon, but a) they deliver what they say they will in perfect condition and b) they are a “small” establishment and blue. I cannot recommend them enough. Do use Booman’s link because he gets a percentage of each sale!!
I want Sarah’s new book! lol.
Seriously, I have a ton of them on my list.
Plouffe’s book
This book on the 30s called When FDR was in the whitehouse
nothing to fear: FDR’s inner circle
to keep the British Isle’s afloat
Jam tomorrow: life in post war Britian
americans in paris
gilded youth: life in belle epoch paris
venus fixers: the allied soliders who saved italy’s art.
I also want a bunch of art supplies.
this is just some of the books I want