If Frank Gaffney had been born into some Native American tribe, its women would have shamed him and its men probably would have killed him for questioning their courage and instigating needless wars with their neighbors that he was unwilling to fight himself. The Keyboard Commando is a modern social innovation that would be impossible in the kind of Hobbesian societies that Gaffney imagines we all still live in today. Gaffney is the kind of buffoon who roots for the Army football team and thinks its victories are his victories. He complains about religious extremism while getting his paycheck from the Unification Church. That he gets paid at all is proof that the most extreme form of affirmative action in this country is reserved for conservative people who are willing to make dishonest arguments in newspapers and on the teevee.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Proposed partial translation: So many missed oportunities to increase the fear factor.
It was merely an attempt at snark.
The only way I can listen to Gaffney is to picture him married to Ann Coulter and the two of them living in domestic bliss something along the lines of a Gladiator arena complete with sharp objects.
I have a soft spot for that sick pervert Gaffney. He once claimed that the missile the Koreans tested in the spring could have been tipped with an EMP device which could have knocked out power on the west coast. Presumably America was humiliated/emasculated by the fact that Obama didn’t pre-emptively nuke Pyongyang. The lesson, as always: deranged, paranoid, outright psychotic statements are treated as valid foreign policy positions by the corporate media, and disgraced neo-cons will always get plenty of airtime to push their violent castration-addled fantasies, probably until the end of America as we know it.