I don’t know whether to be more impressed by their audacity or their stupidity, but I got give credit to this couple that managed to get past the Secret Service and crash the White House state dinner last night. I guess they must have slipped out after a few cocktails because they didn’t have assigned seats for the meal.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Style over substance: They looked like they belonged and that’s all it took. As a publicity stunt, it’s very impressive. As a breech of security, it’s damned horrific. It’s hard to believe no one was checking id’s and comparing them to a guest list. That’s a minimum requirement for getting into a backstage party at a rock concert, for goodness sake.
Makes you wonder.
I mean, what the hell? Wow. We almost have to strip down to get on an airplane or into a federal building and these folks just stroll into the WH aand rub shoulders with Obama and Biden? And no one noticed or checked ID or a guest list?
So you have a nice dress on and a tux and that let’s you stroll into a state dinner?
What’s wrong with this scenerio???
The next time someone is planning a terrorist act, purchasing evening gowns & tuxedoes will be on the list of things to do.
Have we closed down GitMo yet?
Earlier the same year Aaron Barschak had evaded security at Windsor Castle west of London wearing a pink dress and an Osama bin Laden-styled beard to gatecrash the 21st birthday party of Prince William, second-in-line for the throne.
In 1982 unemployed labourer Michael Fagan scaled a Buckingham Palace drainpipe to enter the queen’s bedroom. He sat chatting with her for 10 minutes before she was able to summon help.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Days after the anniversary of JFKs assassination
Days before Obama has the choice of defying the security establishment
A couple with a middle eastern last name waltz through Secret Service lines into a WH state dinner.
Once again, it just reinforces the fact that NOBODY is minding the store.
BTW, Brooksley Born = Genius, Alan Greenspan = class dunce.
On dKos, someone who has done security for a presidential event said that the admittance could have been approved by someone who made a mistake (the names were familiar, or something like that) but that security by the SS would follow, regardless of who approved their entrance. So, it may not be as serious a breach of security as it sounds. But certainly rattles one to hear about it.
Someone’s going to get fired. Or, if SS, get sent to investigate penny forgeries in Billings, Montana.
The more benign conspiracy theory is that someone wants to make the Obama White House look incompetent. And, that someone inside the White House, who wants the same, helped them.
It’s obvious that someone INSIDE HELPED THEM.
Now, you have the more sinister conspiracy theory of that this is a `dry run’ for something altogether more heinous, and there is a leak in the Secret Service.
You can choose either one, but both are disturbing.
Who was at the State Dinner, and why was this breach a threat to national security?
Here is the Presidential Line of Succession
1 Vice President — Joe Biden
2 Speaker of the House of Representatives- Nancy Pelosi
3 President pro tempore of the Senate – Robert Byrd
4 Secretary of State – Hillary Clinton
5 Secretary of the Treasury- Timothy Geithner
6 Secretary of Defense – Robert Gates
7 Attorney General – Eric Holder
Outside of Senator Byrd, everyone else was at the State Dinner.
There were two of them, and if they had more sinister motives, they could have divvied up the list, and set about causing instability in the United States Executive Branch.