While we are making significant strides in leveraging our economy—and our country— out of a very difficult time period for millions of people, we need to be cognizant of how we do so. As new stimulus-funded opportunities take shape, communities and groups who are traditionally marginalized, historically overlooked, and most affected by the recession deserve priority in seizing these opportunities. However, it is up to us to ensure that the recovery makes investments that are equitable, transparent, and fair.

Instead of remaining in a gray economy (http://www.arc.org/downloads/Green_Toolkit_R3.pdf, pg 6)—one where the environment is polluted with toxins and waste, and not all jobs offer advancement, stability, and personal development— the eco-friendly, green economy has great potential to improve not only the environment, but the state of the economy as well. As outlined in Applied Research Center’s November 2009 Green Equity Toolkit (arc.org/greenjobs), the benefits of a green economy are vast. Green jobs not only pay higher wages compared to conventional jobs, but they are also less likely to be exported abroad and would simultaneously move our country towards energy efficiency, sustainability and self-reliance. If we work towards green sector development, we could take a step closer to improving our current, rather dismal, state of affairs. With October’s unemployment rate higher than it has been in 25 years and the personal bankruptcy rate for the first nine months of 2009 40% higher than the 2008 rate, the time is now to make the necessary change towards an economy that would be best for everyone, including Mother Nature.

For more information, please see Applied Research Center’s Green Jobs webpage at: www.arc.org/greenjobs.