Hey, if Chris Matthews of that “liberal Marxist” news organization MsNBC says it may be so, then it must be so. His powers of understanding America and Patriotism and Politics (and identifying hot babes!) go far beyond yours and mine, my friends.
President Obama may be the Commander-in Chief according to the US Constitution, but who really knows, especially since ACORN stole the election for him with its gazillions of illegally registered clone army of voters? I’m sure the Cadets at West Point were booing and hissing him at his speech last night since those fascist Obamabot Secret Service thugs (i.e., the SS if you get my drift) didn’t allow them to bear their arms and take down an enemy combatant like any “Real American exercising his or her 2nd Amendment rights would have done, given the opportunity.
Here, look at them yourselves:
Clearly they loathe the man. And just look at the hatred on all the faces of those cadets. They know a traitorous Muslim usurper when they see one.
Too bad this guy isn’t our President because he’d have already bombed Afghanistan back to the Stone Age, and Iran too (except for the oil fields, of course). And North Korea. And Pakistan. And , and , and …
Alas, tis not to be. Maybe he can teach Sarah Palin the ways of the force before 2012 so she can become a Jedi Master like her Republican forefathers before her.
What the f**ck do you expect from West Point Cadets? They obediently follow orders to risk their lives anywhere, anytime. They are not the raspberry-blowing type. That’s why Obama spoke to them; not a roomful of Sarah Lawrence students.
this isn’t one of those other blogs
civil tone of exchange of ideas is for all our sakes
Either you missed the snark directed at Mr. Matthews, or you didn’t. If the former, well that happens. If the latter …
My point is quite simply that your “snark” was misdirected. Chris Matthews is a minor entertainment figure. Barack Obama is the commander-in-chief of the United States military. And he just made what I believe is a historically bad decision–escalating another ill-defined, un-winnable, un-ending war. To paraphrase Walt Kelly: We have met the enemy and he is…not Chris Matthews.
Stephen D. is one of my favorite bloggers. I might not always agree with him, but I will always l**ve him.
I happen to agree with you about the decision to keep fighting in Afghanistan. I posted front page stories to that effect. Unfortunately Obama wasn’t listening to me.
However, I am disgusted by the continuing media narrative that the Democratic party is an enemy of our armed forces. It’s the equivalent of a blood libel in my book.
Listened to Rachel’s astute commentary, but as soon as Matthews got the floor, I couldn’t take it after 12 seconds.
If you watched the cadet reaction at different points in the speech, at the beginning there were about a dozen diehards who wouldn’t applaud.
At the end, everybody rose in their obligatory standing ovation.
It was a tougher audience than it appeared.
Which is why he pushed all the American exceptionalism buttons.
They reacted as I would hope future leaders would. They were solemn, attentive, I liked the ones who didn’t clap, they may end up being the ones who question authority’s decision making. I liked the ones who leaned forward, there was no chatting, no giddy cheerleading, the audience was there to listen to strength of purpose and lend their shoulders to the job.
Matthews is a dick.