Does this Tiger Woods controversy matter to you? Does it mean anything?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
What Tiger Woods controversy?
It’s vicariously satisfying for me. I wish I had the money and the golf club when it happened to me.
You go girl. I wonder how many men have learned the hard way the dangers of having golf clubs in the house and girlfriends on the side.
I’m sure we can find you a yard-sale golf club for a little delayed gratification.
I think Woods is a substitute for someone the media really wishes they could ensnare in a sex scandal. They are both ultra-famous, cool, hard-working, over-achieving, multi-racial guys…
sjct for the win.
Pinned it.
No and no.
The intent of media obsession with celebrity sex scandal is to obscure and avoid talking about who is getting screwed in the US today – the middle class.
Does this Tiger Woods controversy matter to you?
Does it mean anything?
Other than another rich/famous guy who can’t keep his pants zipped? No!
in the overall scheme of things. I didn’t, however, much like Tiger’s initial huffy assertion that it was nobody’s business but his. Presenting yourself as a role-model-for-hire takes away your right to fuck up and then hide behind a curtain.
Woods per se doesn’t matter to me. But two aspects of this brouhaha do.
As for Woods’ recent assertion that “it’s nobody’s business but his own”, I’d beg to differ, there are at least five women and two children who are currently caught up in his “personal” drama.
It’s surprising that Tiger’s fantasy:
“I had a dream we were married and I was leading the tournament,” Woods reportedly wrote. “I came home, excited to see you, and there you were in the bedroom getting f–ked by Derek and David [Boreanaz]. Some part of me thinks you would like that.”
isn’t raising more eyebrows.
Heh, he wouldn’t be the first guy around these parts to have a wet dream over Derek Jeter.
I am clearly missing out by ignoring this story. I had no idea people were discussing his fantasies.
He was idiot enough to text this one. It included David Boreanaz as well (both men double timing it with the recipient – whatever floats your boat).
“some part of me thinks you would like that”
I wonder which part of him thought that.
lol – my guess is that would be his driver, which I’ve been told is an extension of him…
I was thinking putter…
Damn, how could I have missed all this stuff? </snark>
Which one did he text that to?
I think it was the one who was also “into a lot of other famous guys”. She sounds like a pro.
so, is every women in his life just opening the archives on his ass now?
Probably. And why shouldn’t they “cash in”, since their silence at the time paid off handsomely to him.
He clearly used his money and fame to attract these women, how can he be hurt if they follow his lead and go where the money (and attention) is now?
It matters to me a lot because there have been some brilliant puns and great lines created from this story; all of which I’ve thoroughly enjoyed.
I’m all for having something like this in our daily mix of news so I don’t have to rely solely on The Onion and the Comedy Channel for a break from the news about the healthcare “debate”, the wars and our recession.
I liked the one that said he is still have trouble with his putts(z).
one other comment: I’m a sports nut and pretty much watch every tournament he’s in (at least the final on Sunday) so I’m really looking forward to his next golf tourney to see if he can concentrate at all. I can’t imagine how it’s going to throw off his game as he tries to hit a perfect shot down the fairway knowing that the ENTIRE crowd has seen his embarrassing sex related emails and voicemails. Aggghh! That’s gotta be so much worse than hitting that fire hydrant and the pissed off wife chasing him down the driveway with a 5 iron in hand.
No, I don’t care, except for the illustration of the Power of Image. I stopped worshipping athletes for anything but their athleticism about the time I read Ball Four. Like, 35 years ago.
Charles Pierce wrote a great piece last week that pretty much said it was well known Tiger had been a bit of hound since way before he was married.
He’s not the first person in the world to want to have his cake and eat it too. Got the beautiful wife, got the beautiful children, it will cost him $X, and I imagine he’ll move on, with no shortage of women willing to live with his behavior, and no shortage of women who think they can change him. And I’m one of those people who don’t know how ANY of you can do “happy marriage forever.”
Kudos to those who do.
Sure was a good set-up for the Max Baucus controversy. Now, maybe we can get John Ensign out of the Senate.
No and no.
Are we done now?
My social life is none of his business, and his social life is none of mine.
I like watching golf than TMZ. I just wondering if Tiger Woods got his Swine Flu shot.
Wish I could say that.
I find it all hilarious. He’s become a punchline to a joke.
“Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.” Luke 12:15
In fact, the pre-baby fling may be more common than we suppose. While newly pregnant women are grappling with swirling hormones and a rapidly changing body shape, men have their own issues to fret over: responsibility, commitment and, realistically speaking, a lot less sex. An affair offers a refuge and, if need be, an exit.
Psychologist Robert Rodriguez, author of What’s Your Pregnant Man Thinking?, has worked with expectant couples for more than 20 years. His own surveys suggest that ten per cent of men – the majority of them previously faithful – cheat on their partners during pregnancy.
A trawl through the internet would seem to back this up. On, the popular UK forum for mothers, a distraught user seeks advice after finding her husband strayed during her pregnancy. Elsewhere in cyberspace, a woman wonders why her husband stayed glued to her side through 16 years of fertility treatment, only to begin an affair when she became pregnant with twins.
In Sydney, there’s a woman whose husband of five years attributed his odd, erratic behaviour to his fears of impending fatherhood. In fact, he had also started a relationship with a colleague. `He was pretending to be unsure about being a dad, but really he was taking that time to romance and feather his nest before departing,’ the now single mother tells her online community.
Erratic behavior of men during partner’s pregnancy can lead to murder. From recent experience with a close friend and a possessive husband to my daughter has been food for much thought on this issue. There is more to it than the eye meets.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Means zip to me. I wish they would leave the guy alone.
It’s just Bread & Circuses.
Ambulance ‘called from Tiger Woods’ home in Florida’
The disadvantages of being a celebrity with a public presence earning you big bucks.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."