Some fuzzy baby ducks t start the week with:
Recent Posts
- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
I, for one, am happy to be leaving the oh-so-pleasant company of the CBs today. For the record, they’re probably happy to be leaving too.
I just have one question: if my house is such an awful unreasonable place to live, why don’t they ever spend weekends at their Dad’s any more?
These are the things I wonder when I wake up starving at 2:30 am…but at least you all get a new cafe out of the deal. 🙂
What’s everyone up to this week? I have to get moving on my holiday preparations, which would consist of purchasing coal if it had to be done today. 🙂
And just think — in a few short years CBtB will be just like them. 😉
Thank FSM the older CBs have years of being decent human beings behind them to make me tolerate their current garbage…
oy. enough complaining this morning.
Friday will be here before you know it.
click for larger
Squirrel? I mean the one climbing the tree.
Good evening.
It was pretty amazing and very, very funny to see. She made it up several inches before she let go.
Which reminds me, if you haven’t seen “Up”, do. Best talking dog ever.
Haven’t seen it yet but my mom bought for when the great-grandkiddies come over so maybe I’ll borrow it from her.
I imagine we’ll be checking that one before too long as well. 🙂
OMG, that’s hysterical.
It just shows what strong determination — and strong haunches — can accomplish. 🙂
What an amazing capture!
Thanks WW. Of course, I owe it all to Bebo’s ability to pose for the camera. 🙂
I love it!!!! What a great picture. Hope you and the pack are doing great!!!
We are doing fine. I’m glad to hear you are doing better and are being patted and fluffed but very sorry about the being stuck in place. Hope you get to roam some very soon.
Thanks. I will survive
That’s quite the catch! Did he/she take a run at it or just shimmy up that high like a lineman?
Both. She got part of the way up on by jumping and then shinnied up several more inches.
Two weeks until Christmas vacation and whatever comes after that! It will be my first paid vacation week in a decade, so I’m psyched.
I guess I’m just the opposite — I’ve really enjoyed the holidays more knowing there isn’t a pile of work building up while I’m off.
Well, I’m thinking that my vacation will be extended by someone’s arrival, so that takes care of the worry that work will be building up while I’m off. Also, the whole company is closed that week, so it’s hard for much to happen.
I hope you get in some nice I’m on vacation part before you get to the pain followed by sleep deprivation part. 🙂
Thanks. Me too. 🙂
I overslept this morning, so now I have to run out the door. I’ll check back in this afternoon, but everyone have a great day!
Cool! I hope that you can get some peaceful time.
Me too.
How great! I’m very pleased for you.
Congrats on the vacation with pay!!!
Morning folks!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful week.
Update on the ankle. They took the pins out. I have 6 screws and a metal plate that will stay in. I am not to put any weight on it for at least another month and to keep it elevated as much as possible. I am being a good patient even though I am going absolutely stir crazy.
Good morning, rf!
Good to see that the healing process moves forward.
Also, you need to take a page from FM’s book and think of the stationary life as slacking.
Thank You!!!! I think I have Familyman beat at slacking with this. I have a special friend who waits on me hand and foot and will not allow me to do anything. LOL But in reality, I am getting so stir crazy it ism driving me nuts. I have never been laid up like this before and am having a tough time with doing absolutely nothing. I know it is good for the healing but I wish it would hurry up. LOL
Silver lining: At least you are at home and not imprisoned in a hospital, following somebody else’s schedule for your life. No matter what, it can always be worse.
I know it’s hard to be patient, rf – but you can do it. If you’re like me, that will be the hardest lesson for you, requiring constant daily reminders. Try to be kind to those who mother you.
Hang in there, dear, and do behave yourself.
Thanks Alice. I am being very kind and thankful for those helping me through this. I know the healing process would not be half as good without them. They are truly being patient with me and I am trying to return the favor. LOL
Glad that things are getting better. Just remember, it’s way better to take it easy now than wish you had later.
I keep getting reminded of that efvery day by my friend who is helping out. LOL I plan to take it easy and heal completely.
Wow, that’s quite a collection of hardware! I hope that you’re out and about soon!
That’s four screws more than me (1 plate, 2 screws).
Allright, who else is getting all that bad weather in the next few days?
you’re welcome?
How’s the new place?
still loving it, though since it’s an older home has some insulation issues that need to be resolved. at least the furnace works 🙂
The joy of old homes. We just put on a new roof. With the weather we’ve been having lately, it was finished just in time.
definitely good timing. hope all is well with you and the family!
Hi Manny and Boran, I thought I come over here for a chat because all of my other online exchanges of the past few days are making me very misanthropic.
To whit, that Australia should get nuclear power and that preserving Tasmanian Aboriginal cultural heritage is a big joke. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
yup. still smitten.
If only we could find the game “Wii Carrot”, we’re sure Hector would learn to play it in no time.
Anyone else have Wii fit board? Or as in our case, a Wii unfit board.
We have a wii fit. I like the hula hooping and skiing on it, and the wii resort spoerts looks fun too.
I have absolutely no rhythm and I’ve never been able to hula-hoop, virtual or otherwise. I also suck at the soccer ball heading, but I’m pretty good at the balance/balls through the holes puzzle.
My necks been out, so I haven’t done anything for at least three days. I will no doubt get told off by my “trainer” when I go back.
Soooooo cute.
Does he beat you at Wii bowling?
For bowling you have to use the hand-controller, which is an insurmountable problem for Mr.Toes.
I like skiing best on Wii Fit (using the board) and Frisbee golf best in Wii Resort.
I think someone around here should get the resort sports for christmas…hmm.
I figured he could use his ears. 🙂
I haven’t ever used a Wii or any other game controller. If I ever do, I lose my geezer in good standing rating.
Unfortunately for Hector, the thing that causes his ears to lop (and look so darn cute) is that his ear muscles really don’t work. Besides, he’s sold on Bunny Break-dancing as the highest form of exercise and entertainment.
I don’t know about that, I think geezerhood is a much a state of mind as opposed to any rejection of modernisms. Although in my case, it was my much younger girlfriend that bought the Wii, and all of the computer games, and is in general promoting a household wide extended adolescence. Even Lily refuses to lose her puppy fluff.
I don’t know about that, I think geezerhood is a much a state of mind as opposed to any rejection of modernisms.
Hey, none of that talk! Being a geezer is my excuse for everything.
Including that I have to go eat dinner because I’m a geezer and must have my dinner at an early hour.
See ya.
So you gonna take some pictures of the new place to show it off to us?
after I put the tree up sometime this week, I’ll take some pix. i’ve delayed long enough 😉
I’d love to see them!
That sound like a fine plan — and that satisfies my pushy nosiness. 🙂
That sound like a fine plan — and that satisfies my pushy nosiness. 🙂
I hope that both you and the new pooch are well!
yo manny…you got a new/old crib?
guess l need to start paying more attention.
hi dada, gracias! I bought a house in August and have been adjusting little by little. I also acquired a female basset last Monday via Craigslist to try and fill the void that was left with Bud’s passing. Will have pics at the next dog blog.
getting it now…and have been for most of the past week. current conditions:
Light Drifting Snow
5 °F
(-15 °C)
Humidity: 66 %
Wind Speed: N 14 MPH
Barometer: 29.61″
Dewpoint: -4 °F (-20 °C)
Wind Chill: -12 °F (-24 °C)
Rest of Tonight (Tuesday)
Cloudy with a 20 percent chance of light snow. Lows 10 to 15 below, (F). North winds 10 to 20 mph. Wind chill readings 30 below to 35 below zero (F).
Did you know that when it gets to 40 below F, it’s also 40 below C? 😀
My Aunt who lives in Alaska says that below -40 you can’t really tell the difference. Apparently your skin’s nerve sensors can’t tell if it has gotten any colder. So next time you reach -60, just keep in mind that your skin only thinks it’s -40.
Believe it or not, I did know that -40F = -40C.
It’s very rare here if the temp goes below -30F. I think I may have experienced -36F, but that’s decadences ago, but I think if I’d experienced -40F I would have remembered it for sure.
Out here on the prairie it’s the wind that determines whether you feel cold or not so cold. If it’s sunny and no wind, the minus temps are tolerable. However, 20-30 mph winds and even the above zero temps are a severe challenge.
The rule is if one is stranded on the road you do not get out and walk to that farmhouse, that looks so very enticing, no matter how close you think it is.
Sound advice. Although I’m sure if someone had to go, you could send me – I’m a human radiator. I used to do my mid-winter mornings’ critters care (which included breaking a two-inch layer of ice on the water troughs) in jeans and a t-shirt. It was usually -10 to -14F and my just showered hair would flash freeze on my head the minute I walked outside.
I knew a guy like that. My friends’ father ran a meat locker so he was in and out of the locker plant all day, so he’d run around all winter without the usual winter outerwear.
I was just about to turn on the weather and look when I read your comment…how bad is it?
A storm tonight into tomorrow. Sigh.
We are but not snow. Instead, we have a high wind watch from Wednesday morning through Thursday morning which means that odds are very good that we’ll be without power for a day or more. And when the wind leaves it’s going to get really cold.
Wow, what a chatty bunch. I was just busy putting together a brief diary entry and out of nowhere there were 25+ new comments in the cafe. Hope everyone is well.
I’m about to stop contributing and start eating dinner so you can take over for me.
Well, curly just got home and we have ordered in today – too lazy to cook.
Bon Appétit.
Well, curly just got home and we have ordered in today – too lazy to cook.
Bon Appétit.
anything else that will lower my blood pressure.
Boogie Shoes’ clutch of five Muscovy ducklings. That’s her talking to them from just out of frame. At this point in their young lives their main activity is trying to push their way to the warmest spot in the pile.
Awww. Cute.
Somebody came running down the stairs, woof, woof, to see what all the clucking was about.
Happi – scoping out the ducklings
That’s too hilarious.
Lily did the same thing when I was playing that video here, but without the woofs. She’s the only dog I’ve ever had that watches and listens to video.
Here she is watching herself on the computer.
That’s pretty darn cute! You’ve just got to wonder what they’re thinking.
My Springer Spaniel is so scent oriented that once she’d sniffed the edge of the laptop, where the sounds were coming out of one of the speakers, she pretty much lost interest in viewing.
Just wait until we have the digital odors…
I try not to get inside dogs’ heads (just trying to conceive of the ridiculous olfactory bias in their sensory perceptions makes my head spin round), and rather just appreciate them from the outside.
That’s really funny. Bebo is like that — she pays attentions to sounds from radio and television. And even pictures — once we were watching a show on raptors and they were following the flight of a falcon and she sat in front of the tv and watched the whole thing.
That is hysterical! My dogs don’t even notice.. :/
They are too adorable. I hear they’re up for parts in Make Way for Ducklings, which I’m glad to say has a much better plot and more interesting visuals. 😉
Hope today doesn’t stretch out too long for anyone.
click for larger
After the winds we had today, I’ll bet there’s some new firewood available in the enchanted forest. We were on the road around midday amidst the flurries. Mrs. ID had some fairly serious oral surgery yesterday and we had to return for further checking of her new appliance today. hope your power stayed on out there in the woods;-)
Yeah we heard stuff falling several times during our walk and saw one good sized tree limb come down with a gret big crash. Amazingly though the power only went off once and it came back in a few seconds.
Hope Mrs. ID is feeling better.
Yay for the power staying on!
We had torrential rains yesterday, but no snow.
Hope Mrs. ID is on the mend.
I think we need a new cafe…
Snowed in for now. There’s just far too much white out there.
We have what you’re having….only about 40 degrees warmer. A whole lot of rain and some thunder, with wind expected to pick up later in the day.
Is the B2boy off today?
Hi SN. Yep, his school is closed. We got the call at 5 am!
Now we’re getting freezing rain. I’ve got to call into to work to see what’s going on.
Sounds like a good day to stay off the roads.
Time for packing here.
Got a 10.50pm flight to Oslo (via London) to catch. When I scheduled my trip I forgot that the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony is on the 10th. Obama in Oslo = madhouse and crazy security measures at the airport and everywhere else. It will probably be ‘interesting’.
Hope your trip is smooth and enjoyable. Bon voyage!
I don’t think Obama is attending, so it might not be a big pain in the neck after all.
He has skipped attendance at the traditional Nobel concert on Friday, and also the traditional CNN-interview with Jonathan Mann. Too busy for all these honors…
But he will most certainly be in Oslo tomorrow.
Nobel Days 2009 in Oslo
Nobel peace prize: Norwegians incensed over Barack Obama’s snubs
Well – off to the airport…
Hope you had a safe and uneventful trip.
It inspired me to make my first movie and post. Warning: not nearly as cute as baby ducks.