My guardian angel is telling me that those people who don’t believe in anthropogenic climate change

The 36 percent [of Americans] who believe in human-caused climate change is fewer than the number of Americans who apparently believe they’re protected by guardian angels, some 55 percent, according to a poll published in 2008.

… despite mountains of scientific evidence and data confirming that it is real, are listening too much to that little devil that sits on their other shoulder. It’s one thing, my angel says, to have faith in things unseen, but quite another to deliberately ignore the factual evidence that anyone can examine and educate themselves about to understand. Only the sin of sloth and greed can keep you from desiring to learn the truth.

My guardian angel also says God won’t help those who refuse to help themselves, and that if we don’t want to ruin this beautiful planet which is our only home and the home of all the other lifeforms that exist here, we’d better stop ignoring and denying the problem that pumping trillions of tons of carbon emissions into the atmosphere has created.

The world has spewed 715.3 trillion tons of industrial carbon dioxide since 1982, which is the same amount civilization produced in all the previous years, said study co-author Gregg Marland of the Oak Ridge National Lab.

[Ed. note: “The numbers are from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and published in the journal Nature Geoscience.”]

Ps. My little devil on my other shoulder says I should buy stock in Exxon Mobil because they are bound to win in the end. So far I’ve resisted the temptation to give into greed and avarice.