I don’t even disagree with the Justice Department’s decision to ask a judge to throw out Jose Padilla’s case against John Yoo. We can’t have government attorneys getting hauled into court to account for their legal advice to members of the executive, no matter how immoral and ludicrous that advice might be. There are other mechanisms for disciplining legal malfeasance in such cases. But I am getting really tired of seeing the Obama administration go into court to protect Bush administration officials from accountability for their crimes. What’s needed is some balance. Where is the report and recommendations of the Office of Professional Responsibility? Aren’t they going to call for Yoo’s disbarment? Let’s get on with it. This guy still has a job as a professor. He and David Addington ought to be testifying against Dick Cheney and George Bush in a court of law. Or, is it okay to torture people now? Is that who we are? We’re just going to let it go?

Here in America, we can paper over anything.