Maybe it is just a fantasy but at some point I hope that the Democrats in the Senate might be motivated by shit like this to drop the hand-wringing and vote as a caucus to pass a health care bill.
RNC Chairman Mike Steele, who has been calling for a delay in the health care bill process, told members in a strategy memo today that he wants them to stall using every possible tactic.
Steele writes:
But people with a broad range of health reform ideas should be able to come together and realize we need to delay the trillion dollar Obama-Pelosi-Reid health care experiment until next year when we see what the shape of the economy will be.
He tells members to “spend every bit of capital and energy you have to stop this health care reform.”“The Democrats have accused us of trying to delay, stall, slow down, and stop this bill,” Steele wrote. “They are right. We do want to delay, stall, slow down, and ultimately stop them from experimenting on our nation’s health care. And guess what, so do a majority of Americans.”
When people are out to cut your throat, you do yourself no favors by showing indecision in your choice of a defensive weapon. In this case, the bill needs to pass so that Congress can move on to what is really concerning Americans right now, which is the lack of jobs. It’s far past time for the Senate Democrats to reach a compromise.
…you should feel free to use the nuclear option.
So are you saying it is time for Obama to crack some heads? And are you advocating for the House to eat a shit sandwich yet again? I know Obama wanted Congress to take onwership of the process, but at some point he’s got to tell them to knock the shit off. That means sitting on(figuratively) Ben Nelson, Blanche Lincoln and that ilk. And I just don’t see that happening.
Well, Pelosi just pulled the plug on the po so I suspect we can all just move along now.
I just can’t believe that the progressives in the House will vote for this Senate gobbly gook of a bill.
Why did Pelosi just pull the plug? Was she on C-Span or something .. or was it some kind of CNN newsflash?
It’s on HuffPost and MSNBC. Said Obama signed off on a bill with no po. She said she didn’t have the votes to get it through the House without a po.
Or something to that effect. She caved obviously.
Why on earth would anyone think that because Obama was willing to settle for any sort of healthcare reform bill regardless of its merits, as long as it . . . . . passed . . . .that the House or Senate would be willing to engage in any meaningful jobs stimulus program as a result of Obama’s “victory”?
If anything, with the defeat of meaningful healthcare reform, the bluedogs/repubs have been handed the victory and smell blood in the water.