Senate Smackdown
Franken To Lieberman: It’s Time For You To Stop Talking Now
Franken To Lieberman: It’s Time For You To Stop Talking Now
(TPM) – In a fun bit of drama on the Senate floor today, Sen. Al Franken cut off Sen. Joe Lieberman during a speech, angering Lieberman’s good friend Sen. John McCain.
Here’s what happened; Lieberman was giving a ten-minute speech on health care reform. Franken, who was presiding over the Senate, cut him off when his ten minutes were up. When Lieberman requested unanimous consent for an extra few minutes to finish his speech, Franken, in his capacity as a senator from Minnesota, objected. And, in his capacity as presiding officer, Franken honored the objection.
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"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Thanks Oui. I didn’t think my day could get any better, but these two stories have made it happen.
Lieberman needs cutting off from the senate period. Hopefully by the voters next time. He surely rates as one of the wankers of the decade.
Franken is funny.