Sometime in the next few hours it is going to start snowing here. And it is going to snow for a long time. By tomorrow night there may be over a foot of snow on the ground. Since I live in a cabin in the woods, we have a tendency to lose power when there is ice or a lot of snow on the trees. So, it’s quite possible that I won’t have any internet access at home for a while (in a worst case scenario, it could be more than two days). And the roads will be pretty treacherous, so I’m not sure how willing I will be to go out in search of WiFi. Plus. CabinGirl is nine months pregnant, so we have to be ready for anything now. If the BooBoy is like me, he’d love to stir trouble by waiting for a blizzard to show up.
If you don’t hear from me for a while, I probably lost power.
In the meantime, remember to think of the homeless this holiday season. It’s going to a tough couple of days for people on the East Coast.
Good luck with all that. Havent seen snow myself for a long long time and kinda miss it but that may be romantic.
mazel tov!
Lots of hot water and clean clothes I hope. You live in a fucking cabin? That’s nuts. You’re like the fucking unabomber.
Jesus Christ, delete that. I didn’t mean to post that, and I’d don’t mean it. I just like to type outrageous stuff then erase it before I post. But I hit post instead of preview. GOD! I’m embarrassed!
Totally don’t mean that. Well I mean, I mean about the hot water and clean clothes for any potential kid. Good luck! Jesus, sorry.
Fr the record, I’m giggling over who gave you a 4 for that comment.
If you really want me to make it disappear, I can. 🙂
I gave him the 2nd .. cause I thought it was funny .. cause the only cabins around here are in Valley Forge National Park
Ours isn’t too far from there…
The hoodie and aviator glasses don’t help.
I knew there was something familiar-looking abut Boo when I met him. 😉
And the daily manifestos…
The furtive looks – the sleeping attire…
But did the Unabomber have a DNC-approved message?
Inquiring minds want to know.
You’re not the only one who does this. Sometimes I type in long, raving screeds — letting off steam — then delete them. Now, I’m gonna be afraid of accidentally posting something that will bring the FBI to my door.
Unfortunate error. You might have found 2010 interesting.
Let me know if you need anything…
Be careful, and good luck!
We were supposed to visit my aunt and uncle in Beckley, WV this weekend but we decided against it since they were forecasting 14 inches of snow Friday night and an additional 3-5 Saturday. My parents went down there early, so they are safely there, but may not be leaving as planned on Sunday.
We only got an inch of snow here in SW Ohio.
Sounds like a perfect storm to me. Remember, in a pinch, you can chew off the umbilical cord.
We’re gonna get that snow shortly. But first we’ve got to go out and do some panic shopping. Of course all bread/milk will already be gone for miles around.
Good luck with everything BooMan and CG! We need photos when the time comes.
As to the blogging, perhaps you can post via cellphone?
We can keep the iPhone charged up for that.
Be careful out there when you go.
Good luck, Jeremiah Johnson!
Please assure me that you are ready for a home birth and that BooMan can sub for the midwife…
Also, if BooBoy is born in a log cabin during a snowstorm, doesn’t that mean he’ll be president some day?
The thought has crossed my mind.
Much as I envy you that cabin in the woods, today I’m content to be in a big ol’ building.
Yikes! – has Booman been trained in home delivery? Sometimes an internet connection is not the most important thing in the world.
“Perfect storm” – “President” indeed.
Trouble is a name some of us start to earn at birth. Good luck with everything, I’ll be thinking of you guys.
Most of my firefighter/EMT coworkers would give a lot to be the privileged attendant at an emergency childbirth. I remember two of my friends who delivered a baby boy in their ambulance on the way to the hospital, because the kid wasn’t going to wait another minute. Everything went perfectly and when they returned from the run, one of the other guys had found a big blue ribbon and fastened it around the outside doorknob at their station in congratulations. They went around all puffed up like new parents for days;-)
No wifi even? Sounds like someone could use a snowy day project.
I read and article a while back by a guy who had made a passive wifi repeater out of two can antennas and a piece of cable, hiked up a mountain and installed it in a tree, and used it to bend a wifi signal from his house, around another mountain to an access point in a town 5 or 10 miles away.
The holiday weather sure is special this year. Inlaw in North Carolina has a foot of snow and more on the way, here in Chicago it’s raining. Mother driving with 5 year old from Philly last heard from in a snowstorm in the mountains somewhere before Pittsburgh. Anxiety rules around here til they walk in the door.
You’ll have the number one Christmas to remember, sounds like, Boo. Be safe and be glad you ain’t driving anywhere and might be cut off from the TV and the Net. That’s what I call an honest to gods vacation. I’d wish you an ample supply of imbibables, but that would be mean to Cabin Girl. Let us know how it goes as soon as you can.
You could watch reruns of Little House on the Prarie before the power goes off.
We are seeing a lot of snow, some wind in NJ.
MN-I knew that first post was yours before I read you rname. It wasn’t bad. Look at the HCR comments of recent days.