Sometime in the next few hours it is going to start snowing here. And it is going to snow for a long time. By tomorrow night there may be over a foot of snow on the ground. Since I live in a cabin in the woods, we have a tendency to lose power when there is ice or a lot of snow on the trees. So, it’s quite possible that I won’t have any internet access at home for a while (in a worst case scenario, it could be more than two days). And the roads will be pretty treacherous, so I’m not sure how willing I will be to go out in search of WiFi. Plus. CabinGirl is nine months pregnant, so we have to be ready for anything now. If the BooBoy is like me, he’d love to stir trouble by waiting for a blizzard to show up.

If you don’t hear from me for a while, I probably lost power.

In the meantime, remember to think of the homeless this holiday season. It’s going to a tough couple of days for people on the East Coast.