
On the Dec. 29th Open Thread, Booman wrote:

It’s ass-cold here today and the temperature is dropping. The news is filled with the Palin custody battle, Rovian divorce, a lot of stuff about Iran and Yemen and terrorism, and generally nothing that is of much interest to me at the moment. So, what do you want to discuss? There must be something interesting? Besides Zinc Fingers, I mean.

I replied, saying in part:

Lots of “stuff” about Iran, Yemen+ terrorism, eh?

And you’re not interested?

And he responded:

It’s my unwillingness to participate in the hysteria that explains my apathy.  Why should I help push the cart off the cliff?

I started another reply, and it grew.

Read on if you are interested.

“Apathy”, eh?


Apathy is but one side of a three-sided Goldilocks pyramid in this case, Booman.

Ravening hatred is another, and the “just right” side seems to be a little off-kilter these days.

The fact is, we are at war. We asked for it, we got it, and unless we defend ourselves effectively we will never get the chance to change the economic imperialist mistake that drove most of the rest of the world to consider the U.S. an enemy in the first place.

“…a lot of stuff about Iran and Yemen and terrorism” sounds pretty off the cuff to me. Do you really think that Obama is simply continuing the same bait-and-switch routine of the Bush administration?

Just more “Ya-da ya-da ya-da?”

I don’t. I think that he knows a great deal more than we have been told about how serious the “terrorist” threat is…and will remain…to the U.S. over the next several years and is doing everything in his power to take us safely through that time while attempting to transition to a less predatory international position than the one in which we have lived and prospered for the past 60 years or so.

The thrust of Islamic opposition to the U.S. has never been about “beating” us militarily. How could it be? How do you “beat” a nuclear power with the delivery options that are available to the U.S.?


By undermining its foundations.

This was brilliantly done to the U.S.S.R…do not forget, Osama bin Laben was part of that effort, too…and the same tactic is working on the U.S. now. The (s)election of Obama…the de-(s)election of the Butch administration, actually…was a blow to fundamentalist Islamic efforts to destroy this system. It is in their best interests to keep the level of incompetence as high as possible here, and it is the right that offers that characteristic in spades, not the centrist-left. If they can get Obama outta there and put some ass like Romney in his place…or even better, Sarah Palin…the U.S. is as good as done. Another 8 years of the right and the whole economic system would go belly-up, complete with riots in the streets and an eventual shattering of the U.S. into several smaller entities.

Abracadabra!!! No more capitalist pig, atheist world cop!!!

That’s the plan.

Bet on it.

And you write:

The news is filled with…generally nothing that is of much interest to me at the moment!!!???


Forgive me for getting personal here, but…

(12/30/09)NYPD Evacuated Times Square Buildings As Precaution

A New York Police Department spokesman said it was too early in the investigation to comment on the nature of a suspicious van in Times Square on Wednesday, but police had evacuated some nearby buildings as a precaution.

The Nasdaq Stock Exchange’s MarketSite was among the sites evacuated, though Fox Business Network has now reported the evacuations are over and the area is being reopened. Nasdaq’s MarketSite is the exchange’s face in Times Square, where it hosts corporate meetings, product launches, press conferences and special events.

“The bomb squad is barring pedestrians and is approaching the vehicle with a robot,” Sgt. Carlos Nieves had told Dow Jones Newswires. “The camera will help technicians assess what it is in the van.”

Fox showed that the rear doors of the van were opened by police and officers have moved in to inspect it. The news channel has also reported the FBI has been brought onto the scene.

Although some reports said the van had been there for possibly as long as two days, Nieves couldn’t comment on how long the van had been parked there. He did confirm there was a “placard” on the van that wasn’t known to police in either New York or New Jersey.

Nieves said that ahead of the New Year’s Eve celebrations in Times Square the NYPD was already on the lookout for vehicle bombs and is sweeping garages and other locations.

But, Nieves added, at this time “there is no known threat.”


NEW YORK (AP) — New York City’s Times Square has been reopened to traffic after a bomb squad found no explosive devices in an abandoned van parked in the area.
The squad used a robot-based camera to approach the vehicle and open it Wednesday. Police say they found clothing inside.

The area around 42nd Street between Seventh Avenue and Broadway was briefly blocked off as a precaution, and two high-rise buildings home to Nasdaq and Conde Nast were partially evacuated.

The van has tinted windows, and a placard from a nonexistent law enforcement agency is on the dashboard. It has no license plates, but a temporary registration was found inside the van and officers are trying to locate the owner.

Police officers on patrol noticed the van around mid-morning Wednesday. Security is tight as the New Year approaches.


I am going to be exactly one block away from that area from tomorrow afternoon on through the night until after 1AM. Working. Or else I would be as far away from it as it is possible for me to get.

Like…in Maine or Iceland.

Several weeks ago I went into that area at 11AM on a weekday to take care of some business and missed a shootout between a cop and an automatic weapon-wielding nutjob illegal street vendor by almost exactly 3 minutes.

Remember it?

I do.

I was on that corner less than three minutes before the shooting went down.

In Holiday Crush, a Fatal Shootout in Times Sq.


Police officials said [the vendor] had been issued a summons earlier this year — for selling compact discs and DVDs without a tax stamp — at the same spot where the chase began. They also said he was wanted for questioning in connection with an assault in the Bronx, and on a warrant for failing to appear in court on a disorderly conduct charge, also in the Bronx.

The police said they found business cards for several Virginia gun dealers in Mr. Martinez’s pocket.


The police said a cryptic comment that referenced a 1985 martial-arts movie was written on the back of the card: “I just finished watching `The Last Dragon.’ I feel sorry for a cop if he think I’m getting into his paddy wagon.”


Mr. Martinez [the vendor]fired first, getting off two shots. Then his gun jammed.


This guy was part of the system that is being set up by our Islamic enemies. It’s easy enough to do…simply keep ramping up the level of hatred between the haves and the have-nots on every level until the weakest minds of the have-not population begin to crack.

Surrounded by the violent hype of the last 9 years, this fool tries to off a cop over a couple of misdemeanors and a possible assault charge that would most likely disappear in the so-called “justice” system that is currently in place here in NYC.

And…he doesn’t even know how to use his weapon. Other news stories mentioned that he held it sideways…rap star style…and that’s why it jammed.

The perfect al Queda fool/foil.

Like the two assholes in the Caprice back in 2002, sniping at people getting gas.

Like the sneaker bomber in 2001.

Like the Ft. Hood shooter and the Riverdale synagogue (infiltrator-driven) “bombers” and the guys who wanted to blow up JFK airport by lighting a fire in a natural gas main miles away but forgot to bring matches and the Ft. Wherever idiots who were going to stage a raid on an Army base so they practiced their amateur shit in a public park. Like the Somali “pirates” who stood up with their heads in plain sight of crack U.S. snipers and got themselves blown away for their efforts.

Perfect fools.

Keeping the terror level up, up, up, without ever going so far over the line that some official U.S. fool decides to glass-parking-lot Riyadh, Kabul or some other “terrorist stronghold”.


And…it’s working.

Here is a piece of prophecy from one of our true seers.

The Second Coming-William Butler Yeats

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Read it, goddamn it!!!

Understand it.

“The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.”

Sound familiar?

It should.

You are part of that “best”, Booman. Flopping around in the shit that passes for meta blog news while yawning at the real stuff.


FUCK Jane Hamsher, Mr. Moulitsos and the rest of the impotent blogfools.

You’re better than that.

Do not look away.

Not out of fatigue; not out of disgust; not for any reason.

Your child will one day thank you for it.

Bet on it.