I don’t think Armando really addressed my point. If it makes him feel any better, I do acknowledge a newfound appreciation for the challenges Clinton faced once the Republicans took over Congress. Yet, my problems with Clinton have always been less about policy triangulation in the 1995-2001 period than about his incompetence in the 1993-1994 era, the DLC’s fundraising strategy for the DNC et. al., and his personal shortcomings that damaged the party and the country leading to the Gore/Bush fiasco. But I don’t think Armando ever realized that my objections to the Clintons were less about policy ideology than political ideology. I was more offended by Lanny Davis and Dick Morris than I was by welfare reform and school uniforms. Most of all, I was offended by Al From. But all of this was a long time ago and it doesn’t matter much. The party of today is much better and much healthier than it was at the end of Clinton’s presidency. And it still sucks.

As for the rest, I was going to reply to Cenk’s Uygur Doctrine, and I’ll just wrap Armando’s thoughts on what blogs ought to do into that piece (when I get to it).