Newt Gingrich was trying to praise RNC Chairman Michael Steele, but he unintentionally admitted something quite damning about the typical Republican.
“Michael Steele makes a number of old-time Republicans very nervous,” Gingrich said. “He comes out of a different background. He went to seminary … he’s African-American … But I think he’s pretty close to what we need. He’s different, he’s gutsy and he’s going to make a number of Republicans mad.”
Now, I don’t think someone going to seminary is cause to make your average Republican nervous unless the Rev. Jeremiah Wright is teaching there. What makes old-time Republicans nervous is that Steele has dark skin, which means (in their minds) that there’s a decent chance he’s going to steal your car at gunpoint.
Nice to see Gingrich admit the obvious, but it was probably just diarrhea of the mouth.
Oops, he committed truth.
Actually, the seminary thing could make Money Republicans (the preponderance of office holders and donors) nervous, since their souls are in their wallets. Newt knows all about not having a soul where most people do.
sometimes, the truth just comes on out, even for an experienced liar like Newt.
The new and improved Newt Gingrich, now with admitted racism.
He is the smartest RatPub of them all.
He sees the inevitable future tar-pitting of the RatPub dinosaur class, and he sees the demographic future very well.
He is trying to steer his party back into power.
Bet on it.
Remember…he already did it once.
Newt’s no dummy.
Newts are poisonous as well.
Especially the rough-skinned orange ones.
Intelligence and poison.
A lethal combination.