Lily has perfected the “aw, please” face. She’s rarely sure what she’s asking for, but just in case anything might potentially be on offer, she’s already there.
We have a native plant called, simply enough, a “Buzzy”. It has a very large sticky seed head that gets stuck all over all of our animals, feathered or furred. Fortunately it’s doesn’t break skin.
Pacha’s a great one for sticking her face right into the camera lens. It usually makes for amusing shots. She due in March, I think. It will be her first cria. We we’re convinced she was pregnant (she didn’t get pregnant last year), but she “popped” about a month ago. I’m really looking forward to the baby of our first baby.
It’s more likely that she’ll get the Harold part in the remake of Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay.
What she definitely didn’t escape today was a bath, since she was also into the buzzies this week and needed some deep cleaning to get the last seeds out.
As you’ve said before, Emma has the sweetest face. I call Lily my little “Sticky” (an Australian term) because she always has to have me (or her mum) in sight or be in the same room, etc.
Emma follows every step I take when her boy is at work. When I sit down she sits upright on the floor next to my chair and lays her paw on my lap and she’ll fall asleep like that, swaying back and forth, ready to drop. It’s gotten to the point that I’ll deliberately sit on the couch for much longer than I normally would, just so she’ll settle in next to me and sleep for a few minutes.
I think Lily would do the same if I would let her. Unfortunately the size, and inexpert use, of the paws makes that hazardous. We’ve worked hard to teach her to keep them to herself, although she still needs reminding – like when you walk by and she tries to grab one of your legs with one of hers.
Giddy was like that when she was younger — she always wanted to be where she could put on a paw on some part of Jim or me. I think it’s a form of separation anxiety and hope that, like Giddy, as she gets more secure the behavior will go away.
Lovely pictures of both dogs. Hopey is the Queen of Just Relaxin’.
We just acquired a young rooster yesterday (our neighbor bought two young “hens” and didn’t want the mis-identified one). We only took him because we were down to one hen, Ginger (our two other hens got killed by a feral cat), and we thought she’d like a friend (and a potential protector from predators).
We’ve named him Harold. He’s half ISA Brown (what Ginger is) and half Australorp, and Australian breed – and is very handsome with his glossy black body and red tinged neck feathers.
How can I tell? I just can.
We have a native plant called, simply enough, a “Buzzy”. It has a very large sticky seed head that gets stuck all over all of our animals, feathered or furred. Fortunately it’s doesn’t break skin.
Boogie (left) and Dudley (right) with the ducklings.
Pacha accessorizes.
Both alpacas steal the Thursday Dog Blog this week. I can’t decide which picture I like better but I think the rakishly worn greenery wins. 🙂
Pacha’s a great one for sticking her face right into the camera lens. It usually makes for amusing shots. She due in March, I think. It will be her first cria. We we’re convinced she was pregnant (she didn’t get pregnant last year), but she “popped” about a month ago. I’m really looking forward to the baby of our first baby.
That should read “we were not convinced”.
Oh boy, more babies.
Yep. In fact we just found another hidden duck nest, so it’s going to be a big year for ducklings.
I guess I know who’s getting the Steve McQueen part in the remake of The Great Escape.
It’s more likely that she’ll get the Harold part in the remake of Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay.
What she definitely didn’t escape today was a bath, since she was also into the buzzies this week and needed some deep cleaning to get the last seeds out.
Some lazier than others:
Emma has to be near, always
You could make a whole new dog outta that ear.
As you’ve said before, Emma has the sweetest face. I call Lily my little “Sticky” (an Australian term) because she always has to have me (or her mum) in sight or be in the same room, etc.
Emma follows every step I take when her boy is at work. When I sit down she sits upright on the floor next to my chair and lays her paw on my lap and she’ll fall asleep like that, swaying back and forth, ready to drop. It’s gotten to the point that I’ll deliberately sit on the couch for much longer than I normally would, just so she’ll settle in next to me and sleep for a few minutes.
I think Lily would do the same if I would let her. Unfortunately the size, and inexpert use, of the paws makes that hazardous. We’ve worked hard to teach her to keep them to herself, although she still needs reminding – like when you walk by and she tries to grab one of your legs with one of hers.
Giddy was like that when she was younger — she always wanted to be where she could put on a paw on some part of Jim or me. I think it’s a form of separation anxiety and hope that, like Giddy, as she gets more secure the behavior will go away.
Lovely pictures of both dogs. Hopey is the Queen of Just Relaxin’.
We just acquired a young rooster yesterday (our neighbor bought two young “hens” and didn’t want the mis-identified one). We only took him because we were down to one hen, Ginger (our two other hens got killed by a feral cat), and we thought she’d like a friend (and a potential protector from predators).
We’ve named him Harold. He’s half ISA Brown (what Ginger is) and half Australorp, and Australian breed – and is very handsome with his glossy black body and red tinged neck feathers.