OBAMA NAIVE – Obama should have confronted Neocon policy head-on and subjugate former adminstration officials to judicial review for any criminal acts. By his inaction, Obama and the Democrats have left a grey zone which is being utilized by Cheney, Chertoff, Ridge, political commentators, op-ed journalists and Faux news channel to criticize his policy. 50% of Americans accept these critics as giving factual information. Contrary to the ‘knowledgable” panel members, none came forward with the fact the Obama admonistration was already bombing in Yemen with assistence of U.S. Special Forces. The Yemen government is forced to deny the facts on the ground. Both the Detroit bomber and the Jordanian suicide bomber at FOB Chapman were revenge killings for loss of lives of Al Qaeda military leaders.

Yemen U.N. Ambassador Abdullah M. Alsaidi said

“Yemen needs U.S. help in terms of weapons, intelligence information and training.”

The Yemeni government is under pressure to combat radical extremists in the country, ordering two missile strikes in December on what it said were al-Qaeda targets. In fact, recent combined air and ground assaults against al Qaeda in Yemen last month were American-led, a U.S. special operations expert who trains Yemeni forces told CBS News.

Profile: Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

See my earlier diaries:

  • Bomber Jihad Fantasy: ‘Muslims to Rule the Whole World’
  • Al-Awlaki Family Members Killed
  • Imam al Awlaki Killed in Yemen Raid After U.S. Intelligence
  • Hasan’s Spiritual Leader and Israeli Occupation
  • A Soldier of Allah … Nidal Hasan

    "But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."