We actually stayed in the 20s overnight and tomorrow it’s supposed to be 33 which is the first above freezing temp of 2010. I’m looking forward to the tropical temps. 🙂
I’m delighted by the thought of being able to go out without freezing and having the heater run a little less constantly. It’s been awful here since the first of the year.
I woke up this morning with a cold – which is exactly what I didn’t need in hot weather. At least when it’s cold outside you can burrow under the blankets. Instead I was sitting around in my underwear with the fan on wondering if I had a fever or not.
Imogen came home early with ginger ale and made me Gazpacho.
Yep, I’m a big fan of the stinking rose. No magic cure yet, I’m afraid. I slept in one- and two-minute increments – which was the time it took my nose to fill up with snot. Than I’d have to sit up a bit to clear it. Oh, and there was constant sweating. By 3am I felt like a long dessicated mummy and I had to get out of bed to drink a big glass of water.
Today’s weather is blessedly mild. My plan is to stay very quiet.
Yes. And what works really well is to cut a clove up in a plain glass of water and let it sit for half an hour. Drink. Vile, delicious, and really amazing.
Also – try cinnamon – it also has antibiotic properties. And if you ever can’t stop the bleeding on a cut, pour a little cinnamon on. It only stings a tad, but it’s a natural coagulent.
I might have tried that yesterday Lisa, while I was still feeling poorly and willing to try most anything to feel better. But as I am feeling better today, I’ve give it a pass – ’til next time.
Now I feel like someone cleaned out my nose with a bottle brush.
I hope you get a good sleep tonight. There’s nothing worse than to be stopped up and tossing and turning all night. Nothing worse than turning to the opposite side and the sinuses start draining to the other side. Kinda gross when you think about it, but….. 😉
One thing granny FM used to say is if you have a cold rub possum fat on your chest. I figure since a possum is a marsupial you’ve got a lot of creatures there that can fill that prescription. Do they have a cold/flu cure that has rubbing kangaroo fat on your chest? :o)
Just how do you think we used to get possum. Of course it’s not fresh, but after it has been in the sun for awhile. No that’s even too gross for me to say. 🙂
I’ve heard of Emu oil before, but I think sticking with Vicks is better. Do you think you just have a cold or do you have the flu?
I can’t really say. I don’t feel achy enough for it to be flu, but that could change. I’m just hoping that it stays out of my chest. Last time I had a cough I had it for a month.
I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better. BooMan has gotten a cold/cough, and we’re hoping it doesn’t spread to everyone else, especially the newest member of the household.
we’re being as careful as we can be, and our doctor did say that usually small babies have the benefit of mom’s antibodies to help ward things off. Hopefully I won’t get it and give it to him.
I foresee lots of pillowcase and sheet changing this week.
Yes, you’re supposed to get your mom’s antibodies, especially if breast feeding.
I’m currently at that itchy face, stuffy/scoured out nose stage. I’ve run out of handkerchiefs and am using an old t-shirt as a “snot rag” (as Imogen so cheerfully calls it).
I took him to the vet yesterday to get a shot for his cold and the vet told me he could either have a bad infection or cancer (which is common in old cats like him) so I have to keep an eye on him.
FB is fun to stay in touch with everyone you care to in one place. But last night FB and Twitter were all over the Haiti earthquake when only 1 of the 3 major cable news networks was covering it. Social media at its best, for once.
Varied — Bebo, not surprisingly, is quite daring on the ice. Sniff is cautious, and Giddy, wisely, stay off it unless she’s sure it’s solid (one creak and she backs right off).
I see I will have to step up the baby picture posting…and here I was afraid of becoming one of “those” people who babble on incessantly about the perfection that is their offspring… 🙂
The little guys did the 3.5 to 4 hours of sleep at a time thing again last night. Not too shabby.
Now I just need a little coffee to start the day with.
Same here! Our property tax bills arrived in the mail today and I’m the main complaint dept. guy for awhile:(
Good news, though, we’ve filled most of the local slots for the upcoming primary with good candidates, moi among them for a new job, thankfully, not full time.
So, my mother gave me a unique gift for X-Mas. My great, great grandfather (1816-1913) served the Union in the Civil War with his son and he kept a diary. So, I’m reading his entry for May 13th, 1862 and it says:
the 10th Regiment had an election for Col, and Lieu’t Col. James T. Kirk was elected Col. by a large majority.
putting up a new cafe at night, since my mornings are so lazy lately…
I think I’m ready for bed. debating popping a pan of cookies into the oven first, though.
I hope everyone had a great day, and didn’t suffer too much from one temperature extreme or the other today.
We actually stayed in the 20s overnight and tomorrow it’s supposed to be 33 which is the first above freezing temp of 2010. I’m looking forward to the tropical temps. 🙂
I’m delighted by the thought of being able to go out without freezing and having the heater run a little less constantly. It’s been awful here since the first of the year.
Same here. Nice how arctic air can make you really excited about temps in the mid-thirties (except the muddy dogs part).
Even here. Yesterday was the first day above freezing in two weeks.
Wow, that is shocking. Do you feel like you’re in Cleveland?
Wow, that almost makes me sorry I didn’t have any kids — what fun!
Oh wait, Jim says that’s not really how it works. 🙁
Morning Andi and Jim.
I woke up this morning with a cold – which is exactly what I didn’t need in hot weather. At least when it’s cold outside you can burrow under the blankets. Instead I was sitting around in my underwear with the fan on wondering if I had a fever or not.
Imogen came home early with ginger ale and made me Gazpacho.
I hope your Tuesday goes better than mine did.
Bummer on the cold. Hope it gets better soon.
So is Gazpacho the miracle cure?
I’ll let you know tomorrow.
It was soup. It was cool. That’s all that really mattered.
Plus, the only thing I could really taste was the garlic.
Well I’m convinced that garlic is the perfect food so it might as well be the perfect cure as well.
Yep, I’m a big fan of the stinking rose. No magic cure yet, I’m afraid. I slept in one- and two-minute increments – which was the time it took my nose to fill up with snot. Than I’d have to sit up a bit to clear it. Oh, and there was constant sweating. By 3am I felt like a long dessicated mummy and I had to get out of bed to drink a big glass of water.
Today’s weather is blessedly mild. My plan is to stay very quiet.
What a miserable night. I hope tonight goes better or at least that you get some napping in.
At least ABC (our ABC) started carrying The Colbert Report online a few days ago, so I have something to watch.
That and The Daily Show keep me sane.
Feel better. :/
I think garlic has anti-infective properties, doesn’t it?
Hope you feel better soon. Miserably hot AND sick is no fun,
Yes. And what works really well is to cut a clove up in a plain glass of water and let it sit for half an hour. Drink. Vile, delicious, and really amazing.
Also – try cinnamon – it also has antibiotic properties. And if you ever can’t stop the bleeding on a cut, pour a little cinnamon on. It only stings a tad, but it’s a natural coagulent.
I might have tried that yesterday Lisa, while I was still feeling poorly and willing to try most anything to feel better. But as I am feeling better today, I’ve give it a pass – ’til next time.
Now I feel like someone cleaned out my nose with a bottle brush.
Hope you get to feeling better Keres.
Thanks FM. I do feel a bit better, but having had no real sleep last night I’m just waiting to crash.
Looks like puppies have beat me to it.
I hope you get a good sleep tonight. There’s nothing worse than to be stopped up and tossing and turning all night. Nothing worse than turning to the opposite side and the sinuses start draining to the other side. Kinda gross when you think about it, but….. 😉
One thing granny FM used to say is if you have a cold rub possum fat on your chest. I figure since a possum is a marsupial you’ve got a lot of creatures there that can fill that prescription. Do they have a cold/flu cure that has rubbing kangaroo fat on your chest? :o)
Uh, I suppose I could go look for some fresh roadkill . . . or, I could just stick with the Vicks.
‘Round these parts the thing to slather on is Emu oil.
Just how do you think we used to get possum. Of course it’s not fresh, but after it has been in the sun for awhile. No that’s even too gross for me to say. 🙂
I’ve heard of Emu oil before, but I think sticking with Vicks is better. Do you think you just have a cold or do you have the flu?
I can’t really say. I don’t feel achy enough for it to be flu, but that could change. I’m just hoping that it stays out of my chest. Last time I had a cough I had it for a month.
Keres I really hope you’re not that sick. I’m thinking of you now and I hoping that you just have a cough. You’re someone that I know and care about.
Please be well.
Are you all computered up?
Thanks FM. Not to worry, I’m taking it really easy today and I am starting to feel better.
It’s good to see you still online.
I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better. BooMan has gotten a cold/cough, and we’re hoping it doesn’t spread to everyone else, especially the newest member of the household.
There is nothing sadder than a teeny baby with a cold. Hope he escapes.
we’re being as careful as we can be, and our doctor did say that usually small babies have the benefit of mom’s antibodies to help ward things off. Hopefully I won’t get it and give it to him.
I foresee lots of pillowcase and sheet changing this week.
Yes, you’re supposed to get your mom’s antibodies, especially if breast feeding.
I’m currently at that itchy face, stuffy/scoured out nose stage. I’ve run out of handkerchiefs and am using an old t-shirt as a “snot rag” (as Imogen so cheerfully calls it).
That looks so much easier than the way we did it…
Damn! I can’t see the photo!
It’s a video and you’re definitely going to want to play it when you get home.
Madame and I were definitely not doing it the right way. But it worked out for us anyway.
Obviously I am grossly misinformed on this matter. Good thing I’ve only ever aspired to keeping pets.
Several sites I go to have switched to Echo (click here) which I’m pretty sure is free and lets you import your comments.
I’ll second that; I know one person who’s using that.
Hi Andi and CG,
I tried the site, but it’s free for only 30 days. Thanks for looking for me though.
Hope everyone is well.
I took him to the vet yesterday to get a shot for his cold and the vet told me he could either have a bad infection or cancer (which is common in old cats like him) so I have to keep an eye on him.
Aw, hope he gets better soon.
It seems like cats don’t really need us, until they do. When they do, that’s the hard part.
I hope your Lucky stays true to his name, and can recover quickly.
Good luck. I hope it all turns out as well as possible.
I hope Lucky gets to feeling better. Good luck.
I hope Lucky is doing better soon.
Adding my wishes for good news as well. Such pain we experience for our little guys. Been there.
Damn, I came in for some new baby pics…:>( I’m so stoked for baby. :>)
I guess I’ll have to track you all down on facebook.
You’re right — Boo and CG have really shirked their responsibility to inundate us in cute baby pictures.
I gotta register for facebook to see the baby pics! Oh nooo…
FB is fun to stay in touch with everyone you care to in one place. But last night FB and Twitter were all over the Haiti earthquake when only 1 of the 3 major cable news networks was covering it. Social media at its best, for once.
I checked out your FB link – way more info on Haiti than I’ve seen on the news today. What a disaster.
CNN and MSNBC are covering it this morning, and FOX, after Haiti updates, stays true to its 24 hour Obama bashathon.
How predictable. I read that the UN building there is gone, and the people who work there are unaccounted for.
I ran into the head of the UN Staff Council earlier today. At the time, he said 38 UN staff unaccounted for.
Winter-made specially for the cafe.
click for larger
So, how’s the pack’s ice skating skills?
Varied — Bebo, not surprisingly, is quite daring on the ice. Sniff is cautious, and Giddy, wisely, stay off it unless she’s sure it’s solid (one creak and she backs right off).
I see I will have to step up the baby picture posting…and here I was afraid of becoming one of “those” people who babble on incessantly about the perfection that is their offspring… 🙂
The little guys did the 3.5 to 4 hours of sleep at a time thing again last night. Not too shabby.
Now I just need a little coffee to start the day with.
Uh, guy, singular, not plural…need that coffee.
Posting a picture or two does not equal bragging about perfection. I should know.
All right, my job for today is to find photo ops. 🙂
Gee, think you can handle the challenge? 😉
It’s good you know that but it would be even better if you proved you know that … and posted a picture or two of Andrew. 🙂
Speaking of photos, the one above is gorgeous!
Courtesy of AndiF, of course. 🙂
Here’s a little comic relief for those currently ODing on suffering. (But first, text HAITI to 90999 to donate $10 to the Red Cross.)
I don’t do the cafe often, but I keep coming in for Baby pics…and I just have to say I am disappointed! ;>)
And here we thought you just came for the witty and charming company. 😉
Did you find the ones on Facebook?
I come here for the comfy chairs and snacks.
Mmmm, coffee. I got in so many online arguments yesterday I feel like smoking a cigarette. Maybe today will be calmer. 🙂
Calm sounds good to me. This has been a stressful week.
Same here! Our property tax bills arrived in the mail today and I’m the main complaint dept. guy for awhile:(
Good news, though, we’ve filled most of the local slots for the upcoming primary with good candidates, moi among them for a new job, thankfully, not full time.
Congratulations ID! Can you say what position?
Oh, cool!
Well, the company is charming and witty!
I can’t seem to locate anything on Facebook. I put in a fried request to BooMan, but he hasn’t accepted. Is there a group page?
I’ll tell him to go look at his requests.
I have some, I just have to grab BooMan’s computer to post them. Which I will do after I feed Finn…
That, right there, is probably my very favorite thing about having a small baby. My ovaaaaaaaaarrrrries……
Shall I remind you of the reduced sleep and pain of delivery? 🙂
He is really cute, isn’t he?
He is adorable and it is clear YOU are soooo in love – mazel tov!
That is sooo cute.
BTW; curly has something she wants to send to you.
Can you e-mail to her your address?
Thanks. I’ll email curly. Of course, we’d love to see you both in person – it’s been quite a while.
Awwww!!! Snorgles! Adorable. And you are looking beautiful yourself. :>)
Thank you. I can get through my day now.
I’ve been slacking, but I’ll post more, I promise.
Now that’s a keeper! Beautiful!
Yep, that’s a vicarious baby. You two look good together.
Not fair — how can I be a grumpy ole geezer in the face of all the cute sweetness?
Ha. Somehow, I doubt anyone could be grumpy around this guy. He’s like a secret weapon. 🙂
So, my mother gave me a unique gift for X-Mas. My great, great grandfather (1816-1913) served the Union in the Civil War with his son and he kept a diary. So, I’m reading his entry for May 13th, 1862 and it says:
How cool is that?
On the cool scale, that’s way up there.
for some baby show-off time. I’ll post a new thread when I get back.