From the “Who could have predicted this?” column comes totally unexpected news that Sarah Palin is joining (drum roll, please, Maestro) — FOX NEWS!

The conservative firebrand has signed a multi-year deal to serve as a Fox News contributor, the cable channel’s executive vice president for programing, Bill Shine, said in a statement.

The move will help give Palin a large audience for her views as she mulls whether to run for president in 2012.

“It gives her more exposure for as long as she wants it,” said University of Virginia political analyst Larry Sabato. “She can always resign the position to run for office.”

Personally, I think its a part of a vast secret conspiracy by Jon Stewart, Liberal Statists, Wall Street, the UN and the Illuminati to boost the ratings of The Daily Show so that they can better fund their internationalist schemes to control the world and oppress conservative white males who will be so mesmerized by Palin’s Steamy Sexual Winking Christian Values that they will be unable to do anything but drool in helpless mind numbing bliss and then write mindless drivel about stars bursting all over their underwear, thus draining them of their precious bodily fluids.

Oh and if I were Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck I’d be pissed. This automatically bumps them down the Fox News A-List a spot. Still I suppose it is a victory for Feminists. Sarah Palin, Glass Ceiling Buster Extraordinaire goes where no woman, not even Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter, has gone before — to become Top Dog at Roger Ailes’ Bastion of Fair and Balanced Truthiness. Whatta Country!