And Rev. Al, too!
Whoo HOO!!!
A picture is indeed worth a thousand words.
I just thought some ‘a you political junkies might like to get a feel of where our elite’s rubber REALLY meets the road.
And these are the good guys!!!???
Let us pray.
Whadda buncha maroons.
Yessir…they’re all thinking about the poor, thoroughly fucked Haitians.
P.S. My own guess? Ford is going to fail even worse than the sainted (and thoroughly…vague) Caroline Kennedy. New Yorkers will see him coming a mile away. If he was bigger and more athletic he might have a shot in the WWF, but other than that, the transparency of his fakery approaches a John Edwards level.
P.P.S. I can’t wait until our realpolitik guys start to loose news stories about CHAOS IN HAITI!!! and WE MUST INTERVENE NOW!!!
Bet on it.
Any day now.
Aaaaany day now.
What a perfect place for an anti-Chavez/anti-Cuba/anti-Colombia setup.
Why…it’s just across the street from Guantanamo, General!!!
When does that lease expire again?
Send some money to Haiti.
I’ve been there.
They were fucked before the earthquake.
Bet on it.
end the MEDIASTRIKE and watch some CNN. For once, it’s REAL television, even if the stuff they’re too polite to show is even REALER.
You mean…the looks on the faces of Ford and Sharpton aren’t the real reality of the situation?
What is “real” about Haiti’s plight? The earthquake is real, but the total inability of the system in place to care for its people before the earthquake…let alone after it… is the real real story. And pray tell…why and how do you think that ongoing situation came about?
Did the US have any hand in it?
Naaaaahhhhh…the U.S. has always been “for” people.
If it made us more powerful.
Do you think that Sharpton and Ford…I dunno about Gillibrand, she’s a cipher to me so far…but do you think that those two hard chargers are out there because there are “people in trouble”? Where were they when the tsunami hit SE Asia? Counting their money and planning their moves. Bet on it. Which is exactly and precisely what they are doing now. Just LOOK AT THEM!!! Why now and not then? Because now it affects “their” constituencies. Or to put it more bluntly, their power bases.
CNN? If CNN closed down its payrolls for a couple of weeks and donated all of its broadcast profits to the Haitian people…then maybe I’d watch it. But now? They’re just making money out of misery.
The media is King Midas. Contemporary alchemists. The only difference is that the media make gold out of pain instead of lead. The mainstream media “informs” no one. It just uses pain to produce profits.
You watch CNN, Booman. Watching crocodiles feasting on corpses while shedding crocodile tears turns my stomach.
And…mark my words…one day the worm will turn and bite the culture that allows this state of affairs to continue on its Midas-like fat ass.