And Rev. Al, too!

Whoo HOO!!!


A picture is indeed worth a thousand words.

I just thought some ‘a you political junkies might like to get a feel of where our elite’s rubber REALLY meets the road.

And these are the good guys!!!???

Let us pray.

Whadda buncha maroons.

Yessir…they’re all thinking about the poor, thoroughly fucked Haitians.



P.S. My own guess? Ford is going to fail even worse than the sainted (and thoroughly…vague) Caroline Kennedy. New Yorkers will see him coming a mile away. If he was bigger and more athletic he might have a shot in the WWF, but other than that, the transparency of his fakery approaches a John Edwards level.


P.P.S. I can’t wait until our realpolitik guys start to loose news stories about CHAOS IN HAITI!!! and WE MUST INTERVENE NOW!!!

Bet on it.

Any day now.

Aaaaany day now.

What a perfect place for an anti-Chavez/anti-Cuba/anti-Colombia setup.


Why…it’s just across the street from Guantanamo, General!!!

When does that lease expire again?
