We’ve decided that when he’s being serious,
Finn looks a bit like Sam the Eagle from the Muppet Show:
What do you think?
We’ve decided that when he’s being serious,
Finn looks a bit like Sam the Eagle from the Muppet Show:
What do you think?
with family coming over to watch football and see the baby. What are you all up to?
(Link to old cafe here.)
I’m trying to make a dog damn apple pie from scratch, without using a store bought crust. Why I torture myself every decade or so trying to roll out my own pie crust is beyond me. Such a simple thing to do and everyone can do it except for me.
It’s a birthday pie, so the pressure is on.
Use Crisco, the betty crocker recipe, and chill the dough for 15 minutes before you roll it out. It’ll be perfection.
Too late. Butter, chill for 4 hours. We’ll see.
The old timers around here always said lard was the best, but I figure I should probably stay away from that stuff. Sounds addicting to me;-)
Ok, the butter was awesome and the crust was delicious. It looked like a kindergartener made it, but what the hay.
So now Jim and I are the only ones that can’t make a pie crust. Oh well, we like being in an exclusive club. 😉
@CG: OGFG! Ovaries….squeeeee!
As for pie crust, I’m sorry, but no way. I use Pillsbury’s roll out crust for a great pie every time. Homemade, well, no…but tasty and easy.
But can you make him sing Tit Willow?
We’re “suffering” from a heat wave here. Yesterday 40°F and currently today 34 °F Overcast.
And I’m hungry for pie, no matter how the crust turns out.
Australians don’t really eat fruit pies (they eat sngle serving meat pies). I’m doing my best to change that. The local orchardist calls me the “peach pie lady” and Through Imogen’s work trips I’ve actually become known for my pies in several states (she gets an “order” to bring a pie with her). It’s still strawberry rhubarb time, and the wild blackberries are about a month from being ripe and I’ll be making lots of pies then. After that comes apple pie season.
You’ll be famous as “The Pie Lady of Tasmania”. Come to think of it, that sounds like a good idea for a novel. It could be as big as “The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society”.
Sounds delicious anyway, whether fruit or meat;-)
Last week’s creation, boysenberry pie, made with our own boysenberries.
Why yes, I do over fill my pies. What gave you that impression?
Yet one more inducement to stay at Casa de Tasmania when traveling antipodially.
Between you and SN, I’m feeling a need to bake pie tomorrow. Maybe that will be my MLK service project…
Pies for all occasions.
When fresh fruit is scarce, I usually opt for lemon meringue.
Looks & sounds quite delicious!
Sounds so tropical when you say it that way… 🙂
I’m trying to decide what kind of fruit to get for my pie. Probably apple is the best bet considering the season.
When the boys got all serious like that, they were usually contemplating a diaper change in a few minutes. The other sign that went along with that particular activity was the rapidly reddening face.
With Finn, it usually happens when he’s been awake and looking around for awhile, and there’s too much going on for his liking.
but very quietly since some people are still sleeping, having a dream about not needing to go to work.
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I wish I were having a dream about not needing to go to work…instead I have to drive CBtE to school (service day, no class) because there’s no bus today. Last year was nice because he and I did the Outward Bound/Fairmount Park service project together, but that’s not happening this year…
Do you and Jim have a nice relaxing day planned?
We have nothing planned … the ultimate in relaxation.
Well at least CBtE is doing something to get you out of the house. 🙂
He’s really helpful with packing Finn up in the car seat and stuff too. makes it way easier to leave. 🙂
Us civil servants are off today as well. The b2 boy and I justed packed madame boran off to work. Now it’s a guy’s day.
Video games and junk food?
Sounds good to me!
Aren’t those pretty universal? I’d have to go with leaving your dirty clothes on the floor and empty containers in the fridge.
Nah, not around here. I do most of the laundry and would end up being the one cleaning the fridge.
Well there ya go — no gender stereotypes! 🙂
There are dog stereotypes though — one of which is that they always want to go for walks. And the human stereotype is that we always give in.
IOW, see ya later.
The true masters. We are only here to serve them.
Don’t forget creating a swamp on the bathroom floor when you take a shower.
The wall streeters are off too — think of how much richer you’d be if you had gone for that mechanism for getting MLK day off. 😉
Those Wall street folks have much more energy than I do.
And much less time for family.
Same here – off today, that is. I’ll be nursing Mrs. ID who came down with a lousy head cold yesterday, after we were out partying late with the kids band Fri. night.
I hope that she is better soon!
She says thanks! Having entered geezerhood, we’ve found that late-night partying generally has physical repercussions of one kind or another. I often think of Lowell George and Paul Barrere at times such as these.
I’m not technically a geezer yet, but I feel the same way…
Thanks for the link and the so very accurate sentiment.
Being a geezer, I’ve found that just breathing has repercussions of one kind or another. 😉
Sounds like big fun. What games are the current favorite at your place?
Yesterday was Rabid Rabbits day here.
We’re now into Digimon games (for DS), having exhausted the Pokemon games.
I don’t think my kids ever played DIgimon, although there was a discussion of how cool the Pokemon Game for the Wii is between the 16 and 17 year olds here yesterday. I wasn’t sure if they were just being silly…
I really like the winter bell shot! My mind imagines the camp resting up from the frenzied kid activity of last summer, gathering strength for the new season soon to come.
He’s just precious, CG. And clealy intelligent. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks! I know I’m prejudiced, but he is a cutie. 🙂
That’s a beautiful shot of Finn, CG. He’s incredibly handsome.
Thanks, WW!
How are things up your way today?
Time for a new cafe, methinks…
I thought maybe it was time — based on your comment on my place — for a nap. 🙂
There is that…I’m snuggling with the little guy and trying to convince him of the same, but it isn’t working. He’s a morning guy, and he stays awake until around 11 am.
But it’s so much warmer here in the bed…
There’s only 50 comments — doesn’t sound like a pressing need to give up warm and comfy snuggling.
cool, because I think someone just got snuggled back to sleep. Here’s hoping he stays that way for a bit.
I have a friend coming over to meet him today, so I can’t stay in bed forever…
I think you should follow his excellent example.
Meanwhile, I’m being told I can’t stay at the computer forever and need to go out into the (really dreary) woods.
See ya later.
Have a nice hike!
You need to obey your masters.
flip flops and deck blogging.
Maybe I should pack up the babe and join you there. I could use some flip-floppage and warmer weather.
Although it is about 50 degrees here today, and I got to take Finn out for his first 2.5 mile walk today. Woo-hoo. Now I seriously need a nap…
What did he think of the neighborhood?
Neighborhood? What neighborhood? (He slept through the whole thing.) And now I’m worn out too.
Well not really after last night’s results but I’m not dealing with that mess. Instead I’m just going to be pissy because we haven’t seen the sun in days and there’s no sun in the 7-day forecast either. Grump, grump, grump. But at least Second Nature is warm. Grump, grump, grump.
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We’re getting another storm on Friday, right before the weekend. 🙁
I had heard that we’re not supposed to go below 30 degrees before February. Guess I better get out for another walk today while I can…although I was so worn out yesterday I fell asleep at 8 pm. How did I ever do this baby thing with a 2 year old to chase too?
You were a couple of years younger. 😉
Shhh…..I don’t want anyone to know that. 🙂
Hay CG, can you e-mail your snail mail address so that I can send something for the little one?
Will do. Should I use the email address listed here, or the one I have on file from awhile back?
This one is fine. Thanks.