I have been loving the fact that the cold weather has taken a temporary hiatus. I feel like I’m constantly worrying that the house is too cold for the baby.
He doesn’t seem very fretful, so I’d guess he’s ok with the cool weather. A bonus might be that he will be less sensitive to cold as he grows. He’ll be in excellent shape for future energy costs.
Back in the back-to-the-land hippie days here, we knew kids who played in the creeks all day when temperatures were in the 30s. I don’t think they ever were sick. That didn’t seem to work too well for my brother and I. Maybe its our Brooklyn, NYer blood.
Mine eat for three. Does that count? Maybe Hector can be the honorary third.
We got Boogie’s ducklings off to their new homes yesterday. It was starting to be a bit much when confronted with ducky hoards every time we went to feed the poultry. We’re back down to seven birds, which is a much more civilized number than thirteen. Of course, there are more ducklings on the way in a week of two. Minnie is sitting a clutch of about ten eggs. They too will eventually find new homes elsewhere.
I’ll see what I can do. Unfortunately the ducklings tend to have only two modes, a quick and often harried waddle, or sitting down. The latter usually right-smartly following the former.
The new rooster, Harold, is finally settling in. At least he no longer heads for the hills when you so much as look at him. Ginger seems happy to have another chicken about – even if he is a bit young and skittish. We’re hoping a “relationship” will develop and we can have some chicks from the paring. They are both excellent laying breeds (ISA Brown and Australorp) and we’d like to have a few more hens for eggs (since I’m the only one who really prefers duck eggs). Any boychicks can go to Imogen’s brother, who a bit of the back-to-the-land type slaughters his own birds for eating. They’ve just started raising rabbits to that end as well. It will be interesting to see how the nieces react to that one.
Not a great picture, but Harold is really pretty. He’s actually half Australorp and half ISA Brown, which is why he’s gotten the lovely ruddy feathers on his neck.
It will be interesting to see what a 3/4 ISA and 1/4 Australorp looks like, and which sex gets which color/markings.
Yes — that’s why Andi suggested it to me some years ago. I lived at the end of a dirt driveway a half-mile long, in a metal sieve that warmed up inside to about 50 degrees in winter. Andi figured the sled team could double as a heater.
The University of Charleston will present a public conversation between Waterkeeper Alliance President and environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Massey Energy Chairman and CEO Don Blankenship titled the Forum on the Future of Energy. The event will advance the national discussion about U.S. energy policy and its impact on jobs, the environment, the economy, and national security.
Watch it online here on Thursday, Jan. 21, 2010, at 6:15 pm.
What kind of lizard? I’ve had a Californian desert iguana (who used to snuggle down on the cat for warmth), a Green iguana, a Tegu, and lots of Mascarine Day geckos. All were fun in their own way.
She has a Blue-Tongue Skink of the sort that might be found wild in your neck of the woods (I believe from Norther Australia). I’ve had Tegus and Geckos in the past too. In general, I like lizards.
The first half we were in the ice box and then when it finally warmed up, we lost the sun and it hasn’t been back. I hope somebody somewhere has been having a gorgeous January so I can enjoy it vicariously.
Morning, Andi!
Gray, cold skies here as well, rain forecast for tonight. Doesn’t matter to me today anyway; my sisters sent me the complete Millennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson for Christmas (Norwegian translation). I started it a couple of days ago and can’t stop reading now…
Stieg Larsson’s first murder mystery has been a smash hit throughout Europe since its 2005 publication in the author’s native Sweden, and has now become a bestseller in the U.S. as well. But the bitter twist in Larsson’s success story is that he didn’t live to see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo published: he died of a heart attack just after he delivered the manuscripts for this book and the two that follow. When the most shocking corpse in the drawing room turns out to be the 50-year-old author’s, the thrills of crime fiction can take a melancholy turn. But let’s try, for the moment, to evaluate Larsson’s novel apart from its ill-fated provenance. What is it that’s generating so much enthusiasm from a gobsmacked international audience?
Stieg Larsson, who lived in Sweden, was the editor-in-chief of the magazine Expo and a leading expert on antidemocratic right-wing extremist and Nazi organizations. He died in 2004, shortly after delivering the manuscripts for his Millennium novels, a trilogy of thrillers that became international bestsellers.
Very fascinating reading. I’ve done some google searches and he was much more of a political activist and radical than I had realized.
Yesterday was the day with both the young ones, swimmer returns to Maine today. She had a great time in Sweden and wanted it to be longer…
I’ve read all three books, and my only critique is that because he died soon after writing the series the third novel obviously didn’t get the re-writes/revisions that the first two got. It’s not nearly as clean as the other two, and a bit disappointing as a result.
I was wondering if he had completely finished all three before he died.
Maybe I’ll spend my holiday giftcard on the second book. Although I’ve started pondering whether a Kindle might be a nice investment here to reduce the reading-related clutter…my mother, the enabler brought it up this week. 🙂
The family confirms that there exists a draft for a fourth book. Approximately 200 pages have been written. However, Stieg Larsson’s family strongly feels that it would be inappropriate to have somebody else finish Stieg Larsson’s final work.
We’re due for torrential rains today, which means gutter cleaning this morning to make sure it all has somewhere to go (other than, say, the basement).
Tomorrow is supposed to be 60 degrees, but rainy. Blech.
Colder and with chances of snow nearly every day — we’re not catching any breaks. The only day that the forecast shows a chance of sun right now is Wednesday. One day ain’t much but I’ll take it.
I walked around the arboretum for a few hours today and it’s insanely, almost obscenely, beautiful out there. If I could bottle this day I would. Some of the early trees are flowering, just like last year. I think it’s a trend.
Apparently we might get a frozen precipitation event later in the week. That’s what they call it down here when they just have no idea what’s gonna happen.
Although humpday really has no meaning currently, since I’m on Family Man time. 🙂
Speaking of time, it’s time to upload new baby pics. I can’t believe how fast he’s growing – I think he’s already up to 10 pounds. Oy.
Adorable! And beautiful lighting.
A beautiful picture, CG.
I hope this bodes well for Finn’s future relationship with animals. It will enrich his life enormously.
Sorry I missed you the other day. We’re doing well up here in the Cats — no more single digits! Thanks for asking.
I have been loving the fact that the cold weather has taken a temporary hiatus. I feel like I’m constantly worrying that the house is too cold for the baby.
He doesn’t seem very fretful, so I’d guess he’s ok with the cool weather. A bonus might be that he will be less sensitive to cold as he grows. He’ll be in excellent shape for future energy costs.
Back in the back-to-the-land hippie days here, we knew kids who played in the creeks all day when temperatures were in the 30s. I don’t think they ever were sick. That didn’t seem to work too well for my brother and I. Maybe its our Brooklyn, NYer blood.
It was pretty cute. I’m just hoping it wasn’t just the warm sun that lured her under there..
Sad to say, I’m sure it was. But she’ll associate being near him with good things!
Soon it will be dropping Cheerios and other goodies. 🙂
Like political candidates? One free in every box!
“A free bank with every toaster purchased!”
Now damn it that’s not funny; I’m trying to figure out how to retire. Buying toasters does not seem like a good investment. 😛
Double awwwww.
Every boy should have a dog & every dog should have a boy.
Great picture.
Hey now, we girls need our doggies, too. 🙂
In threes, of course. 🙂
Oh most definitely (three woofs of approval from Giddy, Sniff, and Bebo).
Mine eat for three. Does that count? Maybe Hector can be the honorary third.
We got Boogie’s ducklings off to their new homes yesterday. It was starting to be a bit much when confronted with ducky hoards every time we went to feed the poultry. We’re back down to seven birds, which is a much more civilized number than thirteen. Of course, there are more ducklings on the way in a week of two. Minnie is sitting a clutch of about ten eggs. They too will eventually find new homes elsewhere.
I think Hector’s floppy ears mean that he can be a honorary hound dog so that does give you three.
You really need to stage a picture some day so you can have a Thursday Dog Blog Make Way for Ducklings edition
I’ll see what I can do. Unfortunately the ducklings tend to have only two modes, a quick and often harried waddle, or sitting down. The latter usually right-smartly following the former.
The new rooster, Harold, is finally settling in. At least he no longer heads for the hills when you so much as look at him. Ginger seems happy to have another chicken about – even if he is a bit young and skittish. We’re hoping a “relationship” will develop and we can have some chicks from the paring. They are both excellent laying breeds (ISA Brown and Australorp) and we’d like to have a few more hens for eggs (since I’m the only one who really prefers duck eggs). Any boychicks can go to Imogen’s brother, who a bit of the back-to-the-land type slaughters his own birds for eating. They’ve just started raising rabbits to that end as well. It will be interesting to see how the nieces react to that one.
Well let’s hope that Harold isn’t too chicken to get involved. (sorry, irresistible bad pun)
Ooh, Australorps are pretty.
Not a great picture, but Harold is really pretty. He’s actually half Australorp and half ISA Brown, which is why he’s gotten the lovely ruddy feathers on his neck.
It will be interesting to see what a 3/4 ISA and 1/4 Australorp looks like, and which sex gets which color/markings.
Some of us even need sled teams.
I’ve seen certain peoples’ driveway and they have a very good reason for keeping a sled team around;-)
I’m having a failure of imagination, looking at those three lazy beasts and trying to see them hitched to the front bumper of the Subaru.
Andi’s stepfather always asked us why we didn’t build a bridge across the big gully. He never offered to pony up the $ to do it though.
Yes — that’s why Andi suggested it to me some years ago. I lived at the end of a dirt driveway a half-mile long, in a metal sieve that warmed up inside to about 50 degrees in winter. Andi figured the sled team could double as a heater.
I’ve personally made use of the proverbial “three dog night” – and with Pyrs, that’s a lot of dog.
Will they pull you all the way over here so you can visit? 🙂
Never bought the team, unfortunately. I’d have to hoof it!
See, another good reason to get dogs — warmth, snow emergencies, and now … transportation. 🙂
First, my own home. Then the dogs.
I’m waiting for a 20 lb. bag of money to fall out of the sky at my feet. That should do it.
Just watch your head when it does. 😉
🙁 Can’t see it! I’ll have to check the photo later on!
I’m glad I’m not the only one around here who’s technologically challenged. I feel less lonely.
It must be just us Hudson Valley/Catskill folks!
Yes — it’s a mystical, make-believe land, left far behind the hustle & bustle of the 21st Century.
We know little Boo’s name, how about your puppy?
That one is Phoebe. We also have 2 Australian shepherds, Dumbledore and Gracie.
The University of Charleston will present a public conversation between Waterkeeper Alliance President and environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Massey Energy Chairman and CEO Don Blankenship titled the Forum on the Future of Energy. The event will advance the national discussion about U.S. energy policy and its impact on jobs, the environment, the economy, and national security.
Watch it online here on Thursday, Jan. 21, 2010, at 6:15 pm.
Oops – better link
Thank you for the link.
That is so sweet! KamaKid wants a dog badly, but she will have to live with our 3 cats and her new lizard.
What kind of lizard? I’ve had a Californian desert iguana (who used to snuggle down on the cat for warmth), a Green iguana, a Tegu, and lots of Mascarine Day geckos. All were fun in their own way.
She has a Blue-Tongue Skink of the sort that might be found wild in your neck of the woods (I believe from Norther Australia). I’ve had Tegus and Geckos in the past too. In general, I like lizards.
We’re playing the What is It? game this week. Just click here to join the fun.
How could it be Friday already? Another week has flown by…and Finn is 3 weeks old today.
He’ll be walking and talking in no time.
Shh, I’m so not ready for that yet. I’m stlil enjoying the cuddly lump time.
Erm, sleep deprivation typo… “Good morning!”
I’m heading out to the bakery to meet friends and show off Mr. Finn, so this is just a quick drive by until this afternoon.
Hope everyone is having a happy Saturday morning!
Have fun out there! It’s a gray, gloomy day outside around here.
I guess it’s headed this way 🙁
We have bright, blue skies this morning and just below freezing at the moment.
Good morning!
swimmer returned from Sweden last night, so I’m on my way out to be with her and asklet. She heads back for college tomorrow.
The first half we were in the ice box and then when it finally warmed up, we lost the sun and it hasn’t been back. I hope somebody somewhere has been having a gorgeous January so I can enjoy it vicariously.
Morning, Andi!
Gray, cold skies here as well, rain forecast for tonight. Doesn’t matter to me today anyway; my sisters sent me the complete Millennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson for Christmas (Norwegian translation). I started it a couple of days ago and can’t stop reading now…
Review of book 1:
Ooh, I read Dragon Tattoo last month and couldn’t put it down. I’m looking forward to reading the next book soon.
I don’t think I realised when I read it that he had died right after writing all 3 books. Sad, because I would’ve enjoyed reading more from him.
Is today a day with the asklets? How was swimmer’s Sweden trip?
Very fascinating reading. I’ve done some google searches and he was much more of a political activist and radical than I had realized.
Yesterday was the day with both the young ones, swimmer returns to Maine today. She had a great time in Sweden and wanted it to be longer…
I’ve read the first two books and I’m very eagerly awaiting The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest (which won’t be published in the U.S. until May).
It’s really a shame that he didn’t get to enjoy the accolades and success.
It’s really a shame that he didn’t get to enjoy the accolades and success.
And then there is the controversy regarding his estate.
That is interesting and sad for the woman he lived with for 30 years. And he was so young when he died!
I’ve read all three books, and my only critique is that because he died soon after writing the series the third novel obviously didn’t get the re-writes/revisions that the first two got. It’s not nearly as clean as the other two, and a bit disappointing as a result.
I was wondering if he had completely finished all three before he died.
Maybe I’ll spend my holiday giftcard on the second book. Although I’ve started pondering whether a Kindle might be a nice investment here to reduce the reading-related clutter…my mother, the enabler brought it up this week. 🙂
There was actually a fourth book in the works:
We’re due for torrential rains today, which means gutter cleaning this morning to make sure it all has somewhere to go (other than, say, the basement).
Tomorrow is supposed to be 60 degrees, but rainy. Blech.
Fairly warm but cloudy here, with rain to come later on. Not very inviting right now, but at least it’s not cold.
It appears we may be back in the icebox in a few days. I can stand the cold if only the sun would peek out from hiding once in a while.
Colder and with chances of snow nearly every day — we’re not catching any breaks. The only day that the forecast shows a chance of sun right now is Wednesday. One day ain’t much but I’ll take it.
Down the path into the week? With all the rain and mud we’ve got now, snow is looking pretty good to me.
click for larger
We’ve got rain and high winds, a lovely combination. My car, and it is not a small one, was getting blown a bit.
We are through with the rain and it’s just windy and delightfully warm. Yay!
We had that too…blowing so hard it was raining in the house, and the power went out too.
Ugh. I’m ready for the rain to stop so things can dry out and I can take Finn out for our walk.
I hope that your leaks aren’t too bad, CG.
I think the driving wind was the biggest part of the problem. We’re down to an intermittent light rain now.
I walked around the arboretum for a few hours today and it’s insanely, almost obscenely, beautiful out there. If I could bottle this day I would. Some of the early trees are flowering, just like last year. I think it’s a trend.
The sun just came out here. I think I may be going for a little stroll after the babe wakes up.
Very nice shot AndiF, the vertical perspective reminds me of a view I had standing in a redwood forest in N CA.
These trees might be just a smidge smaller than those redwoods.
But they’re right proud to be reminding you of their big and gorgeous relatives.
Fargo, North Dakota (Airport)
Blowing Snow 10 °F
Windchill: -13 °F
Wind: 34 mph from the NNW
Wind Gust: 45 mph
And a friend 50 miles west of Fargo has readings of gusts to 53 mph.
I think I’ll stat indoors today.
Sounds like indoors is the best plan. I don’t even like going out in 20 degree weather, much less -13 wind chills.
It’s Australia Day so Imogen has the day off.:D
Looks like we’re getting cool and cloudy weather. We’ll be spending the day getting stuff done around the house, like:
hanging and spackling drywall
finishing the edges of the ornamental pond
making apricot jam (we’re down to the last 30lbs of the 110lbs [50kg] we bought for bottling and freezing)
And maybe a dog bath or two.
Three-days-old in this photo I took yesterday.
So cute — that just about as good as a make way ducklings shot.
Very cute. And the jam sounds yummy. 🙂
It was coming down pretty furiously for a bit but apparently it was a Democratic snow and it just couldn’t get well enough organized to really stick.
click for larger
Easy for you to say … with your flip flops and your temps in the 60s. ;P
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and all.
Apparently we might get a frozen precipitation event later in the week. That’s what they call it down here when they just have no idea what’s gonna happen.
If you get ice or freezing rain, I guess I’ll get over my jealous of your flip flops and 60s temps very, very fast.
Ooh, this looks like a lovely photo for a new cafe. 🙂
But I’m sorry to see the freezing temps are heading back our way.
They’re already here. We ended up with about 2″ of snow.
Nice photo! Everything looks clean and fresh out there this morning. NOT looking forward to the lower temps soon to come.
I was really shocked they closed the schools for so little snow — I take it there’s not much money for clearing roads.
Drive by hi. Off to take the b2 boy to the dentist. Later!