Another warmest decade on record has been reported by those mad scientist nutballs at NASA. Those people sure know how to lie and get everyone alarumed about nothing, don’t they? Damn con artists.

The decade ending in 2009 was the warmest on record, new surface temperature figures released Thursday by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration show.

I think Senator Inhofe should sponsor a bill de-funding all federal research on global warming, don’t you? And require everyone to join a Real American Christian church while he’s at it. Like Sarah Palin’s!

Maybe if we just had one big national Christian revival meeting and prayed really loudly for God to get rid of all the adultery, gay sex, Muslims, liberals and socialists (especially so-called liberal Christians), alarmist environmentalist whackos, feminists feminazis, atheists, Jewish Bankers, Al Gore, Michael Moore, Hollywood liberals, Democrats (except for teh good ones like Bart Stupak) and that stealth Islamofascist President Barack Obama, God would stop punishing us with freakish weather, fire storms, droughts, melting glaciers, floods, increased infectious disease, etc. then we could get back to doing what we do best: burning coal and natural gas and oil to our heart’s content, driving Hummers again with pride (and lots of red white and blue ribbons supporting our troops stuck on on their bumpers) and deporting illegal aliens like this guy: